08-07-33 v REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH, HELD AUGUST 7TH AT THE TOWN HALL,' AT 7 O' CLOCK, P.N. ilb3 PRESET'?11:- Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr., J. P.I. Bradfield, Geo. B. Stallings, E. H. Thompson. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr. , Chairman. Upon motion of Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stal- lings, put and carried, the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of July 10th, and special meeting of July 31st, was waived. Upon motion of Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put and carried, the following bills were ordered paid:- Bisbee-Baldwin Corp. Insurance (Pub. Liability • and. Prop. Dam. ) on Truck $39:00 Ocean Beach. Hotel Co. Lights for one quarter7.62 H. L. Walters, Taking prisoner to Jax. and bring- ing him back 2.00 F. W. Truex, Judge, 8 cases at $1. per case 8.00 Total. ..$56.62 The Clerk read a letter from H. L. Stephens, Atty. of St. Augustine, Re claim of his client, C. L. Arbuthnot, in the amount of $112.40 for balance due on lumber furnished by him and used in the construction of the Town Hall. The Chairman referred this matter to the Laws Pc Rules Committeefor report. Mr. Bradfield reported as follows on the project of obtaining federal funds for the improvement of Continental Boulevard, which was introduced by him at the meeting of June 26th. He advised he had ascertained that federal funds were only available for feders of Federal Highways and that as Continental Boulevard is feder of a State Highway, it is not eligible to receive money from the Federal Government. An Ordinance having been passed at the Special Meet- ing of July 31st, calling for a Bond Election on Aug. 31st, the following were appointed to serve as Clerk and Inspectors, at said election. Mr. Pope Duval, Clerk; Mr. M. W. Barwald, and Mrs. Helen Cronwalt, inspectors. Judge F. VT Truex, submitted his report to the Coun- cil, which is as follows:- REPORT OF JUDGE FOR MONTh OF JULY, 1933 21 Cases were handled during the month of July. Fines totaled - - -- $60:00 Forfeited bonds, 1 watch and 24.00 Monies a -)l7ing to suspended sentences 20.00 Fines still to be paid on sentences served - - - 24.00 Total monies turned over to City 40.00 Sentences - none. Cases dismissed - - 2. Fines n.bt paid or sentences not served due to not having a jail' . . . . 21.00 Cases turnedover to Judge Gavagatts court due to not having a jail 3. ;approximate fines from these 3 cases 170.00 Signed - F. Truex, T_unicipal Judge. The first Monday in September, being Labor Day, a motion vias made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put and carried, that the Regular Meeting be held on the second Monday, being Sept. lith. There being no further business for consideration, upon motion put and carried, the meeting adjourned. Correct :- Chairman. • Attest :- Lrit--n_cf •E7 C • • • 11110