12-04-33 v REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COHNCIL OF . ATLANTIC BEACH, HELD DECEMBER 4th, 1933 AT 8 O' CLOCK, P. M. AT THE TOWN HALL. PRESENT:- Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr. , J. M. Bradfield, E. H. Thompson, AND Atty. Harvey Mabry. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr., Chairman. The Clerk read the minutes of the meeting of Nov. 6th, which were approved as read. Upon motion put and carried, the reading of the minutes of Nov. 25th, was .waived. Upon motion of Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Brad- field, rut and carried, the following bills were ordered paid; Cohen Bros. Office supplies 3.15 2 Shades, Clk! s Office. . .$8.20 y11.35 P. Jensen, (Shell) . . . . .Balance due 20.00 Livingston, Yonge Co. . " " 10.00 Stoddard' s Neptune Garage, Wheels, tires, etc fire ,trk 20.00 Jacksonville Journal, Adv. Preliminary Tax Roll 10.64 Perdue Office Furniture Co. Bal. due on safe 20.20 J. M. Bradfield, Money paid out for Town, Map $5.0( 2 strop .60 11 men cutting weeds, 8.50 14.10 Jack Spottswood,. 2 panoramic views ocean front 33.00 Clifford A. Payne, Clerk' s bond premium 20.00 Towers Hardware Co. , One Nesco Heater for Town Hall 6.83 H. & B. Drew Co. , Police Badge 2.58 National Seal Co. , 100 sets summons in duplicate3.33 Robt. E. Sugg, Gas and oil 20.28 • .Total $192.31 The Clerk reada letter from Mr. W. H. Adams, Sr. addressed to the Council, with which he enclosed a letter to the Board of County Commissioners at Jacksonville, in whuch he set forth the fact that there are a great many people in Jacksonville who wish to live at the beaches during the summer ,months, and it therefore would seem to be a very good idea to provide a half year tag which could be bought April 1st, instead of July 1st and whole year tags on Oct. 1st in- - stead of Jany. 1st . He suggested that if the Council also thought this a good idea, that they too should take the matter up with the County Commissioners and try to get it put into effect. Upon conclusion of the reading of these letters, a notion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Thompson, put and carried, that the following resolution be adopted:- RESOLUTIO N WHEiEAS, the Town of Atlantic Beacbdeeming it for the best interest of, all the Beaches to develop the said Beaches and encourage residents to dwell and live at said Beaches for as long a period as ;ossible, and WHEREAS, the Town of Atlantic Beach feels that the said Beaches are the greatest asset to the City of Jacksonville, as well as the County of Duval, and , WHEREAS, to enable the residents to secure special ben- efit from Bridge tags issued by the County Commission of Duval County to enable the Beaches to expand as has been set forth, NOW, THERKUiORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of Atlantic Beach that the County Commission be, andthe same is hereby requested to forthwith issue Bridge tags to those resi- t dents residing at the Beaches, within the limits of Duval County, Florida, special Bridge tags for the six (6) months periodbe- ginning on the 1st day of April and ending on the last day of September at the rate of $3.00, issuing such tags to those per- sons who present to the County Commission an affidavit certi- fying their intention to reside at the Beaches for the major period of the aforesaid dates. On June 5th, Jesse Zorn was charged with disturbing the peace a nd was put under a ten dollar peace bond, for 90 days. More than that period of time having elapsed and he having kept the peace, he appeased in .person to claim the ten dollars. The Clerk called the attention of the Council to the fact that a notation had -been made by the judge, that in case of refund, the money was to be returned to R. M. Coleman -of Mayport. Thereupon a motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Lir. Thompson, put and carried that upon requisition from Mr. Coleman or upon his aearance in person, the ten dollars should be refunded. A motion was made by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Brad- field, put and carried that the appointment of Myron F. Cron- wait, as police officer by Mayor Robert E. Sugg, be approved. That Mr. Cronwalt ,be .hired -from month to month at a salary of $60.00 .Naar -mmonth plus .five ..gallons of gas per week to be used b; him..on •Saturday .and ,Sunday nights. . . . . • Judge F. W. Truex, thru Atty. Mabry, sent his regrets at not being -able to be present and reported no arrests, no cases and no -fines -for the month. -of November. The Clerk having called to the attention of the Council, the fact that the first Monday in January was New Years Day, upon motion -put and unanimously carried, it was votedto de- fer the -Ja .uary ,meeting A til the following day, .Tuesday, Jan- uary 2nd. • Carrol being present in person called to the at- tention -of •the -Counai1 •tbe -fact .that the abandoned right of way of the •R, E. C. Ry. on account of the deep ditches on eit',.er side, filled such of the time with stagnant water, was a great breeder of mosquitoes and a menace to health and comfort in the cormun- ity and suggestedthat the municipalities of Atlantic Beach, Neptune and Jacksonville,Beach, get together on a project for having these ditches filled in and the right of way made level with the adjacent country. Thereupon Mr. Bradfield made a motion, seconded by Mr. Thompson, put and carried, that Mayor Sugg be authorized to file application on the Civil ',corks Administration for labor and materials to be used in leveling the said right of way and fill- ing in ditches to prevent accumulation of stagnant water, this work to be carried on by mosquito control workers jointly for the Beach Municipalities in Duval County. Carol also called attention to the lack of adequate transportation to and f 'tory the beaches and suggested that the Council appoint two from :Atlantic Bea6 . to ' confer .with appoint- ees from Neptune and Jacksob}ville Beaph in regard to ascertain- ing what can be done to remedy this matter which constitutes one of the drawbacks to the development of the beaches. Thereupon a notion :as made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Yr. Tholroson, put and unanimously carried, that Mr. Jas. D. Pal- mer, chairman of the Laws & Rules Committee be appointed to act With one other, whom he is to select, either from the Council 110 or from the citizens, to the end that they meat and confer with representativesof Neptune and Jacksonville Beach in regard to this matter of obtaining transportation. Dec. 4 - 33 Mr. Fatten being present in person, called the attention of the Conncil to the fact that the Town has no law re luiring a certain standard of plumbing and he having s_;ecified his willingness to aid in any way possible in this matter, a motion was made by Mr. Brad- field., seconded. by Mr. Thompson, put and carried, that Mr. Patten submit a modifiedr)luribing code suitable to the Town' s use. Mr. W. H. Adams, Jr. and I,Ir. Burk, town Clerk of Neptune, being °resent, each volunteered to submit plumbing codes, the one offered by Mr. Burke , to be the one in use at Neptune. A motion was made by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Thomp- son_, put and carried that a note for $250.00 be made payable at the Barnett Nat' l. Bank in favor of John E. Mathews, Atty. , on account of his trip to Washington, D. C. in connection with the pro_ osed seawall, the said $250.00 to cover expenses and fee. Upon notion of Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. T -).ompson, _gut and carried, lir. W. H. Adams, jr. , was authorized to pur- chase a fire siren for the Town at a cost not to exceed $15.00 . Iain. M. V. Osborne, Treasurer, submitted his usual monthly, financial re;;ort a nd in addition ;resented a certification as to the bank balance signed by G. J. Avent, President. The Clerk was instructed to spread same on the minutes andis in .rords and figures as follows; FLORIDA h:l,TIONAL BANK, December 1, 1933 Mr. J. IdI. Bradfield, Chairman, Finance Committee, Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida. Dear Mr. Bradfield:- We hereby certify that the balance standing to the credit of the account of; M. V. Osborne, Treasurer, as shown by our books at the close of business November, 30, 1933, was Five hundred fifty-five and. 76/100 dollars, (;$555.76) Very truly yours, (Signed) G. J. Avent, President. There being no further business for consideration, upon motion put, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned. Correct : - ch /C Chairman. Attest : -- SI,) , o1_.& 1110 111111