03-31-30I l I~ REGl1LAR MEETING OF THE T09PPT COUNCIL I , ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA V ~' ON MARCH 31, 1930 ` ~; at . j 8:00 P.M. i 'i PRESENT E. H. Thompson ' C. E. Pelot i M. YP. Barwald ``Peter Jensen ' The meeting was galled to order by Mr. Pelot. iUpon motion .made by dir. Jensen and seconded by Mr. Thompson it was ordered that the firm of Joe-Eds be given the contract to put anew roof vn the Town Ha11 Building at a cost not to '. exoeed X7.25.00 for two goats of tar and one layer of 15~ roll roofing paper. '.Upon motion made by %ir. Barwald and seconded by dir. Thompson it wsa ordered that a new motor and other emall repairs be made on the Town truck, b~ Burwell Motor Company upon their estimate of X125«OO far the new motor. YSatter of the old judgment against the Town was again discussed ' at length sad upon motion made by Y~dr. Thompson and seconded by Mr. Jensen, Mr. Pelot was instxvz~ted to submit an offer of X400.00 gash to the holder o3 same. Upon motion made by Mr. Barwald and seconded by ~:3r. Thompson,. Mayor Sugg was authorised to spend not more than X150.00 for tabor in completing the neoes~ary work of cleaning np all ~vscant :lots in order that a mowing machine may be used during the middy of the summer to cut all weeds, etc. i ,Upon motion madeby Mr. Barwald and seconded by Mr. Jensen, Bar. ' .Thompson wars instrne~ied to order one light load of oyster shell i of approximately 2flG yards and get bide for unloading and - f scattering said shell. ;Upon motion made by Mr. Thompson and seconded by Mr. Barwald, it wad 'ordered that the time for the payment of all delinquent :!.taxes, without interest, be extended to biay 1st, 1930. i ;The following bills were ordered pa ids ' , • 1. '.R. E. Sugg for gas and oil to 3~29~30 - - - - - - - - - - X21.73 Towers $ardware Company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - « - - .11.85 ,!H. &@~. B. Drew Company=---------- ---- « 4.50 'JaxBea~hlightbill --------- ------- .26.16 ~ .Letter from .Stockton, Ulmer 8clqurehison, copy of which follows was read and referred to ~Ir. P. H. Odom, Attor~tey: ! ' "March 28th, 1930. John %. Bell, Esq., 'iAtlantie Beach, ' Florida, ATZANTiC BEACH - G. B. STOCRTONt. ' ;Dear Sir• ~9e are informed that vn September 28, 1929, G B. Stockton,-Esq., sent you his cheek for Forty-five Dollars 045.00) in'fu11 settlement of sll taxes upon Lot three ii 4 i ~i i ~i i j i t ~) , &sloc~ ~ii'teea t l~) ~ ~sre also i~s`a~x~zed. tint ~~ bete neither ssaahed the check xsor x~etsed ~.~. i' 'hie ie to xaoti you ghat shall beadle the matter, grad ~otxld tike to lso~ ~o~r daci~ioza. ,- .~ .~- '~#&:r~4 trt~~~m (d)vt4iCSktort, CS'~er ?~ i'~urchiaou'" ~~ ~~~ olio~eirsg letter ~~~ far. ~'~nes G. I:~errill reed eax~d tkee clerk tae n$tx~ixot®ii to adoee 8~r. ~erriil that sll tta~cee ~eX'e e~,ualiaed snd adjtxeted uaader date flt ~e~+t+~caber'3th> 199, axed that the ~ouricil ~eZt tksat the tease n4a~ aeaee~sed a~afnet hie prapertg ere Yair zed ~ttst, but a emotion ~aased a,t this zaeetin extex-din~ the time for 'pt~yrnent o~ delinquent taxes, n~i.t2sout ~~atoreet, t4 include ~^ let+ 1~33t3s "a3~rt3h ~.~ ~ 1~3~3 City Coun~gil, C~t*~ O~ .~tlaraties ~38ao11s ~tl~:~tio ~i6t~~9&1~ ~la• ~ertt~knt~n # R~arch let T became the o~ner o~ the i'ollowin~ ~rra~pert ~ in ~ r cs it~t Pa4t8 ~.s .'3 and 5, t9~ i3loesk ]. 3,ota 7 aaxtd 8, b~' Meek 4* ea `eFJt $ ~~t Y Find From the records there ie ea~as~ider€able beo2c texes due on this rro~+ert;~ ~hit~h I ~azadere~and total8 71.s4~. I~ow it also eeer~e giros the records that during the year 199 you recaxded the taao~ on this atstsve pro~ert~ , gtxite a ,-;sod deal. I would tXzerer~ers like to k~ the i'ollaaaia~ propoeitien ~»» that „you allow me to a~ ell the 'back tease on this ~sro~erty, rich ~C uaaderr~tand included tote ~teare 127, 1g~8 and l"33, at the rats o 4a~e8Bmes~t for the ;dear 19~~* wfthout iaxteree~ on the i>agt due aunts which would anako t'ha't amousat ~61.8C9» his would trying' the roert~ up to date axe ~or~r ~obk~a eyed X18 tre ixa line with the settler~ezet~ that mre' hens msad~ ixa other arnaniei»alitiee ors 'tease i:s arrears: ?Y Gov. will give thi~3 esc-nsidexetion I will be verb glad to fpx~+ard m~ ohecsk Eor ttre stated amsrunt axeson hearizr~ from ~oo~a. ~our~ tx~al~ ~GE~lP tad) ~~~~ c.~sr~ili .lames C. %~earill.*~ the ~vllowing reealutioaa was passed b;r .the down Gorueeils "~~ I2 Fs:.Sf}~"R~~ try the aoa~n aaacl oi' the ~o €a~ ~,tlsntic }3e~oh~ Z`ltsxidA, that die to .the izceistenL demand try t}ae _. ~~ / a ~ r ~i ~i ~ f (; P~"~P®~~' ess~nex~ ~~ sixth ~'~s+~8t„ ~,~csn u~ia'h them are laasted -.: `: ffi't0~A3 hQ~zeB, ~a.J} ~ bot~eeat tale AC3~~1zP ~T1d ~Dld ~`3$~'Y'~' Ih'i'~~i f 'I szsd beiss~ & caox~~idex*ab3e zzex~eher Ftt* h.+®~s €~~`9 ~hez~ lc-e~e~ted i oza sTty athe~x csross etxeet iga ~?3fl 2t2. ths~ said street S~tsa~:"fd hs~e s rsilrnsd earo~sre~, d that the ld~i.ds L~ssL fSa3s.~t ~tailrcaad s2xs7.1 ~ax~d is itereb~ xt4tified to ~st~xblish ~ ~rraper ; ertassin~; v~ its t~sd~s ~ x~i~;ht-4:Cwy st 'phis ~s4ixtt. &e it ~zrther rssEa].vad ~~ the said i2si2rdstt Caszty by advised that i~' in arcisr to rsr~t the erc~~sisx~ reYerre~ to herein, it shz~~.1:~. btu r2etse8~saar~ tea a2ose CJ~~ o~ the at~tr3z tsrdss streets a~ the 'i'E1wx3, ~:s Ctxtlizsed in s letter sd~:ressed tts tae Clem under date ~~ iteo'6ex ~~3th, l'~c~8 (~"ile3 s£~68~ , and tAat said R~ilrosd Cam~3g b9 ~rtd is here"b~r eaathe9r~ed to alase seventh Street. j ddhxt ~~. 33817. ^h8xles ~. Pa~1<st 2~Qlt ~3.er~; a~ tha 43' 'resident Oi` atanai7. ~$lsast;Etl '~est?Aw 1t~ridsa ,~; f. There being xio ~sa.rther ~na$iness to c~~ae 2refc~re the meetisig it w~ss moved sad seracsndad to ed~csuz~x until t~se next re~;ulsr taeetiu~ ateW ;r -n