06-13-30^ ~ //Y f
,xJSSUIs`LL%3~a Sidd'.13VA ~tw";4'~ .'WAS u6, YX.~:i.~~G'~~ 51~4.d.4NV i~6i a~
~ ~~ ~
~~ ~
3 .,,
e acao ~. ~,~.
~*®t~~ ae~~~n
emrge sta~.3,ixz~s
~. ~;. ~~a~st ;
~'~ia ~srogm~~3. t~tgetix~ ~ o~al3ed ~~rmn mid®r it9~~md b~ tho u~nr ,
~'mr tla~ piP2"j9m8@ m~' in~rmdsamin~ ~xid Y9~0~~,~8 mP tRxc~ xancc~~s~~x~ ;
dbx'dixs~sn2a®&s ,t,r44~ csmmp2y~4upeyi.th#,th~ ~mrm,~ ~s~,{~,L~a~~y.nev~ "rt~ry, rywl~ti~s~
~m ~~~.L~%t ~tS1~6~ ~~e~i3.l i.Q~ti~~~~} m4 ~e.M: .4m~` 4~~ hi.m~n~y' ~L~~.. Vimn ~.
8 im~.~.Q'dd3.t1.~, Q1°C~:•$Y16$~ Y9CGY`e 2.Y1t8`!9dG't$d9~''. '~3ni s°x~S'« `~'?2C1ffi'~3F3mID. t3Y3d i
ems~n'dmd ~ii~ ~~'• a~#~~.~.~~s f.
~~ ~~Ta~a 3!~ ~L~`i ~a~~Y~ ~:~^J~'~xs.~pLk u~ ~$~0t°i~~~~~~~a 3^~aK 1~.~; ~':.'.".",n Ta~`S"~.°i:eii ~~~ y ".
C~~ '..°~at7*~4~ 2~' '~_'1'is'; ~'C~?'v ~f~' ~3'~.°1~dt::~z~fS s~1,~Q~
t ~~+` ~~ ".3te~'d.~?t ~^aYF ~'Sfi ~~a"u xl~Z Hµ~~~~ f;~'~+:: as p'~FkS tai `~:7ie~d[~~y i'£7i~a*'~
P E:.:
~ a"sc. 1« ~h~ ~m~la~+5.nta m~°~qr~~ ism 2a~ala ~U~intar nn "h~x~rt~in ;
~#xcfvidnd d~ri~s~ tte~ ~~~r ros3Zen a~ ~mnnra3. r~t~z;ri~a2 ela~stii~n ies ,
'~mld, m3I1 R~r~ g7.i.~fi~8; tm vmte ~~ ~ elmct3mn in sz~iel tm« i .
~3) ~~.aa~ ~«ermmn t~resr tie nag €s~ t~eas~~-csna~ Qr~~ax~ cv2~c~
~.8 E3 ~3'~@i3t3g:dA~". OL^ '~2'8~s tGSC~! m .r$tl.~.xlt~.d E~~tikSI2, <1Z` E
~, ~ ~ ,
lw~9 ~~ pax~0xt ~}ao ~.~ ~ gtss2i~'ied nlmmtQr ~a~ t'kse ~t~at~
£ .e7.trrid~t a~td s1~p11 harm rs;.ded .i.~a t~~ amva m~ ~t~.x~tits ~enoRa
inn~t~ d~1;P~3 s~i~m~.~a tae ~mssd~~ ~*~:ar i~ w'~iea3a ~ ~€~nn~'. ~ t
~tanitaitr~l ~3natimn ~3~~,17~ "~~ he~.da
°~"~ts• ~ • '" ~~sd ~~~1~tr~ticaxe #~3Q~# ttf Bid 104 ~1~. b8
~~Sezeed ~t tPac~ Oity i~.l qty t~ra t~~i ~x~idn'iaa .S2s~ and-~hel1
xn a7d~+n a~~rin rr~en~r~sb3e mi'it~~ hmure t~+ €arid inmZex~3.n~ tie
~iz~t ~maade~ ia~ Aag,za~t m~ s~c'~ ~e~r ~ktesa ~ mzaera2 r~naa3c~9.pn1
~7.er3tSmn la k~~3d.
~, ,
ec. 3. _R°laa s^mwxc "1~~^k n~a31 z~t~t na ?:ai~tr~tim~ ~3~"i'ic~r ;
s~len~ et¢ne rst~ae~ rxe~~a~n i~ d,~s~~:~za~~er1 b~ t:m ~mmn Ccsxasao~:l, d
~~ ~~aall ~^emmiv® sue~ta csasaen~atittza ~c ~~~ bm d~~i.r.'str~d dip tie
~a+~c. 4, ~~ ~per~ ~^~intexin~, ~n~].~ b~ r~gc~ixed tm -
~axb~Qri~ae t~s nn myth as tm 3i2.~ gtaa~3i#fcs~atfoz~e-nB s~a~ai~ted in '
~~ai~ mrdi~tnnmm. t~ ~3~aita~at9.mn t3~14ex` in r~xith~ri~~d Gm
~1dt~5.sa~~C~ar C~a~3'i~. '.
;~ ~,, j
~F4a. Vii. ~-n mmm~~.etit~n mPthe ri~txystimn ~smm3~~ t~.m
_ ? .
ttim~a J~'i'icer ~fz~a~l tx~t3t ~e~ 'thm ~m ~mazremil ttzs
trntissn 3aoo~~a, thm ~mllm~n~ dn~ si'ter ~sn rs~~st~~timn
~x~(~e beemt c3lm~ed• it ~3R€53,1 $e flee daz,g' ~f tkse ~o ''~, '
i1.tc+ chew the nas~e~s m~' X11 tae~'~mn~ amnrxa~ cwxe than
trntimz~ lsom3c~ ~~ad i~' an~mnm mr~pmars tm "s~c~ ~°e~'L~stered c+~hm l
t ~,nali~Pi~d, s nmt~aa~ ~kZ~11 be aila~ttl. ~m s~es~s: x~~~~mr m~~d ~
0tsn+bi2 '°sl~~a3~, ak ems~o d~~i~nnt~d winia :pmt 7.s~ than ," '
s ;:..
t~ ,
~~t® dag~s be$are th® elecstieni give snoh pex'ean art oppartt~,t~
~a be heard«
~' SeR• 6. ~o ~sersen shah be ~serr~~isted to v®te art ~ !
ideation unless hey has re~ietered ae ~Sravid~d b7 this ordinsnoe.
Sic. 7. any perean attempting to ille~ral].~ register Ar
s3ao shall made isle a~'-tid~vit as to his ar her c#ezalitiosatian~,
~~shall, on aanvietian in .the municsipal oanrt, be pusaished b~ ,
. ~ tine not eXaseedin~ Qn~r 33~.ndred 13blla#rs car impria~onmealt not ;
;eaceadinR thirty days.
~e8. 8. '3rr3.t3 t#rdinraxaae shall take attest imxtsediately
rtapon its peassage oaad approval, szad d~xe p~zblio~atian as provided '
'tJa the tirstreading t'he vote stood as Follows:- ~
is38n88'dt ye&
;~tallin~s ~e~
;`"'hos7spsen yea
slat lea
upon the second reading a poll was ter®n and the. vats stood thy:
same ~s upon its first read~ax~.
-ea~een yes '
Stdllin$s yea
ehosm~'sgon :Tea
?slot yea.
pith regard to an agreesne~xat to bt entered into by t'he '~owaa ~ri.th
;he Florida East Gseast ~~„ ter a new street aroesin~ at Sixth '
>treet, the i'a22owin$ €3rdixxantse was intradnesed 8~ ~~r. t$llfn~a {
and seoonded ts~7 fir. aen~~a
"'A~ AR'SfAC~ $?,~"'12d3 "St3 T'Ei~ A2SCt3~TI~7Cf:C~'Gi,
4fiA'i'2~CF, ,4BA$13Ci2iI~d'x A79 G'7~~tH~ t}~` 'I'~3A7.` ~'~ I
~p 7th S~REFT fl "~~~ ~~~ ~F AxT,d~~Z~ Bi'.~C~T, i
QP' EXi?~"«31t32+~ bs~ ~ T'.Lv?$~}.' ~£+' "~A'X, 7!Iu~ ~D "
AAMSL y~+a~ ~ ,F€?RZ~A ~~' ~J,PRS~' Rai T~~A'~' i ''.
4i ax~ii~YiFS d e
'a~`'+~~:.~.{'.~` y t~SB ~lorida~a$t Gaa.Bt :Zdilway Ctlsapang+ i~ t3ae •:
TWner in tee s3.rasple OF that part Oi its rigtat ai ~$~ lying tfet~PB®n
:he @aSt line ai a8t Zi`Oaait br~.ve end ~'e8t. ling ai GlOE3$ l7 and
slatz~ 17 axtended and the extension aF propesrty tines Ai 7th, strae~
si the down t9i AG].antia BeeC'h and ss the Railway Cosnpaz~y has.
;eretatare pgr~sitt$d tl7e apdratien, YISA1t1t021atfQ4b.:8Xld n8¢s eF ~; etraet ~ I.
srssssfn~ oFer iti~ said right aF way ~C9 teat wide "being }.f3 feet om
sash ei:de of a point 11372 teat northerly irar~ ~dayFort ~x~aneh ~3le
.'ast ~o• &f3 of said _~*iailway aoi~pany, and j
?~S~AS, the 'S'u9ers of Atlantis k3eaa~s raatinA; by $aYd thrau~h
its Tama Co~xncil }ass theretoxe eppli9d to said :zailway Company tar
;he epening, ao>xstntixestan and ssaintenanae ai a ax'ossim~ over the
irAQs sand right-af-may of saZd Rail~a9' Cesa~asn~ of 6th, ~9treet ai
said dos of A43.a.^stlc Beach, azsd the :~tsily Co~speny and the T'aarn 1
sF ~tlantcti Besets htave entered into an reesisexst tar the opexaiaa~
sF sash ~--rtsssin~ at Sth` Straat csond,itioned_ ttpoa, aasson~ Esther
sonditiq>~s, the closing ai t3~e herein. described oross~,n~ at 7th
Street, and
A5, it is to lshe hes#at interests of tb:e owxsi of ~#tlaintia
38aeh Yox' said areasixs~-et'6th, Street to be so omeded, head €snd
maintained and the said az~aesi~ gat 'nth ,~re~+~t na! lazaer neees~sr~r, i
~ _ _ i
~+ / ;
~~~ d ~ 1
y ~.
j Lae9th ~t1`eet ~Sa~.t~$in~~shtrald11~ 9AAt5at ~~~$ba?34~A71ed anti i
iedontintaed nom tei~e~'cfre,
f' P1~ I~" k~t9'7'~D~ #s~r the pet~isle oP th,~ toevn a~ ,itlsz~tia ~3es13hR
`' ~etsticu~ .411 Chet All d~ tit ~aert gf .7th Street aat the
f~ 0$ Atlantf;cs E#eacskt ~~ tPae same n eataxtsl. Aver then right ~P
!~ a~sd the trans o4' ti2e Flprida Est t3saaet ily+ Cez~7dan~, I9taid ;.
part a# said 9th street beisa~ desarik~ed a8 ~'allawers
A ~tri~ +af land ECI Peet in width tall direetieans ma~netic~l
nartherl~ and so~stherl~ and lAQ Peet in length esetsrl
snd st~srl*~ aasrses tta~ right s~~ ~a~ and t~kin trsc~ r~S the ;_
Flt~rida ~e~st Coast ilwe~ ~man~'s :a~port ~sraxsah at .9th
Street in the ~t-vr~t oi' ~tla~tti4 Bee~sh, Fl®rida, .the cteaa~er ~
~' line c-i' ~hieh said &tr~+ off' land Se lpraated at a pbixtt 1b78 ",
i'eet nt3a'tlz87t~1.3r from laid :iai . y G*rsmpexs~' g iTs.+ox't x~xLAh i
L9ile Fret ~e« 24 from ~'ae~7~&azi~lle, Florida, j
be and Bald. 9th Street hereby is, I
~bandCned, 'V41Oatttdr diate~ozstinaed ~k?.d cl+~sed+
Section f21 '.fit azl erd~iaaaraaes and ~ea~.ntione and ell
ante off` all c+rdinanoes sand reeolxztic~ns itti aoni"3.iet hereawith sre
ereb~ repealed.
~eotioa f?1 ~'tsis ordizsanee shall beeor~e e~~eotirs
~ediatel3~ uFon its ~spproQal b;~ the ifca~?or~ or be~so~ain~ a lam ax
p~rdinazaoe ~ithacxt Much a~Frgv€~I'~
//~~aaR~ y y~q .yeA b,] j y A ~F}~ y~ q .y q~ q ry /~~y
~JV4 i'i#¢t 1YYRitin~ t~'ie 9Vte 4tQVd 7iE$ i~R~y.Mq}~i4
{'~'en8en ~'eA
Stallings yea °
~'24131#~+Atdn ~e8
helot lea
~t~zor~ seoa~sd rer~d3n~ the emote stood gas ~~sZioar~z« ~ E
Jensen ~+ea
~Ga12in~s yea
aesp~on lea
lot lea .'
there being no ~i.rther ~sinass the a~eetizs~ was ad~ouraa.ed until
eds~ess3.a,~, Jrne l$th, 19, at S:QQ o'alacsl~ ~'~^