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~~~ G. E« ~e2ot Geo. stslaisa~~ Sete ~ense~n . $. Thomptacaa ~:8eti~t~ »a8 c~alleQ. to order 'tag the ~'zesidexat and the minrttas a the last meetins~ werca xeed.sand appreved. ,. The ordinancae xarovidin~ Poi #kte xe~istratio~a ~a~ eleotprs in the T©wn of ~tlantirs Beaeh waa a~aira mreeex~ted BOA'-its ' thud raadiaa~ alld ~,narti~so~.sl~ }3a63~3edr t 1~ f ^ahe Mote was as fo3lows: Pelot area Thompeoxa yea i ~~8e31 ,qea 6talliatgs rea ',. The ordinance relatiza~ to,_p~ening;`o~ 6ttStx'eet was read bg tkae Cleark zand the ~oll0wik~ ntot3on was q~i*ered. 'bg 3r. 3enseza and seeoxided-tai fix. ~ta2lin~s that no ~Yxrther notion be taken towards the ~is9a1 ps;asage o~ this,rordiaanae until the oitiaens residing on '7th aaxa& 6th 3treet8 are'noti~ied and ;" that ter. E. ~. Cidosaa, the i'on' $ dttor~eg, tse irtetr~Qted tv con-• Y+~r with the o~~i€siale of th$ Florida E,SBt ~oagt Rail.w~e Compaxa~r for the purpose o~ re~;ahiz~~ an a~ree~aezat on a~. +ar8&en~ € for 6th Street without the neaeesitg o~ cslosixa~ 7th Street. ~ poll ~ taken oxs this. `motiaa nand all members off' the Gounail csonaurred. ,.; ; There being ~o i'azrther tnzsrsess the meetixt~ was adjourned, ~lerY. t„ F i j, ~ ~ !i r i ', ~' B f } t