JIILY 31st, 1930
C. E. Pelot
s. B. Stallings
E. H. Thomason
I~Ir. Peter Jensen, the other available member o£ the Council,
was notified bf the meeting and advised the Council by messenger
that lie was ill at his home arxt could.:not a ttend the meeting.
i,r. Bar~rosld, the fifth member of theCouncil, was not roresent, due
to extended trio abroad this s~nmer.
The Ir?ayor presented the following resolution which was prepared by
the Town's attorney, irlr. P. H. Odom:
"BESOLTED, by the Town Council of the Town of Atlantic
Beach, that every candidate for the office of,J.ayor or a member.
of the Town Council to be elected at an election to be held
on the 12th, day of Auoast, A.D. 1930, desiring his name to be
printed on the official bal lot, shall notify the Town Clerk,
in writing, on or before the 5tb, daq of August, 1930, at eight.
o'clock .P.I;T: , and each candidate for dlayor filing such notice
shall be required to pay a fee of X10.00 Dollars, and each
candidate fora member of the Town Council, a fee of X5.00 33ollars
at the time of filing .said notice.
3ESO~.,VED, FIIP? i2, tia't fife Town Clerk shall have
prepared for said election a printed ballot with the names of
the candidates complying With the terms of this resolution, and
there shall be printed under each office to be voted for in this
election blank lines equal to the number of persons who may be
elected to fill that office.
The form of ballot to be used at said election shall be
in substantially the following foxm:
- Election August 12th, 1930.
Lake Cross S~~rk (x? before the name of ,your choice.
Tote for one
r or I:ayor
Vote for five
For Town Council
EESO?,~TED, riT~THE3, that the '~syor shall appoint three
inspectors and a clerk to hold said election which shall be
held and conducted as neaxly as may be, the same as State Election
and, it shall be the duty of the Inspectors to certify the result
of said election to the Town Council, who shall meet at eight
o'clock P.Pi. on august 12, 1930, to receive the returns of said
election, and declare the results thereof.
P,ESOLVED, ?+'UET-HE;;, that the person receiving the. highest-:
vote for 3c_ayor shall be declared elected and the five persons
receiving the highest vote for Town Council shall b e declared
elected for the ensuing term.
EESOT.TTED, E~?Tr?ER, that this resolution shall be posted
at the Town '3alT and two other public places in said Town.
Town Clerk."
t~fter some discussion of the fees the candidates should post
to qualify, the above resolution was offered by L.r. Thompson
and sec®nded by i:_r, Stallings and unanimously passed.
The matter of delinquent taxes was discussed at length and on
motion made by P:r. Stallings, seconded. b^ P,Ir. Thompson, it was
decided to further extend the time for the payment of delinquent
taxes to and including October lst; 1930, without interest, which
should be the final date o= extension and on all taxes, repaid at
that time, interest will be charged from the date said taxes
became delinquent, all members of the Council concurring in this
':"ith reference to the emergency order ;riven by ::Pr. Suggs, the
P:'ayor, to 3. B. iricGormick for cuttin; troeeds and cleaning `the
Town of rubbish and also to Chalmers T~. Horne for furnishing..
and hauling oyster shell on Beach avenue and Sixth Street it
was ordered that 'iir, ,c0orinick's bill in the sum. of X50.00
be authorized and paid and ,r. ?iorne's for ;;22.20 be authorized
and paid.
i:r. Suggs' bill for gas and oil for the Town truck from P;_ay 29th,
1930, to July 31st, 1930, in the sum of X33.26 be paid.'.
There being no further business to come before the meeting it
-ras ordered adiourned.
Tovun Clerk