08-05-30{;, ~L'Te.:1J`Ti .~~.' 1_- eli ' a~ ~ y~ present , 5, 1930. Cis. ~. ~?elot E. ?. Thom?~son ~. ~. utallings ;`inutes last meeting trtrere read and a?~proved. ~'he cleric presented the egstration 'look sho~,<<in~T t:cvat 827 persons has registered to vote in the coming election. "non motion made and seconded tae list oT names sno~..~n on t!?e re istxation book caas unanmousl,r accented and adopted and the ~ler'r. arras ora.ered to eor~l°J- bn t'ie ~~'irst page of said T'e~-istration }oo'_~ gnat the record is t!ie official i'eistration Tist f®t' tine year 1930. '1':~?ere bei-rg furtile-r business, the meetin *raas ordered adjo~wrned ;;sltil next ^uesdaq night at 8-00 ?~.I:_, at t+nich time the res~~lts of the election vronld be received. "leek.