08-12-301. ~ ~ _ ~_ ADJOUHTdED ~~ETIT`?G OF THE TO old COLTI7CIL OF ATLAS?TI.C BEAC?i, I'?~0'?IDA OPT TUESDAY, AiJGLTST 12.. 1930 9T 8:00 P.Pui. Present: C. E. Pelot G. B. Stallings E. H. Thompson This meeting was ea7.led to order by i:r. Pelot for the purpose of receiving the official returns of the Town Election held this day. the election inspectors and the clerk r:ade the £ollovaing report on the election held t'ais day at the Town Mall: "Atlantic Beach, Florida August 12th, 1930 TO T'~ 1eAY0? ;TsD T03'12d C :`LTTdC IL OF THE TO''ID? OF ATL.3NTIC BEACH, ~'LORIi Gentlemen: ''Te, the undersigned inspectors and clergy do hereby certf~r that we held a general election in the Town or Atlantic Beach, Florida, on the 12th, daT o£ August, ~'~. D. 1930, in accordance with the cha rter and the or dinanc es o£ said Town; that at the close o£ the election we canvassed the votes cast and afte:c completing the canvass the result o° said election was p-zbliclp proclaimed, the res?~lt o:° which is as follows: There ~,vere 184 ballots cast for the office of La4or. 1: There were 72 ballots cast for "7illiam_:FZ. Adams, Jr.for i~_a~r~r There were 112 ballots cast ~Por ?,obert E. Sug? ror ,Is~ror. There were 185 ballots cast for Councilmen,. and the number of votes received b~,y each candidate is as follo~rtrs: Chalmers 'J. T3orne receivec 97 votes. Peter Jensen received 90 votes. J. J. Johnston received 60 votes. C. '•". dosenn received 66 votes. James i1. Palmer received 99 votes. Charles ,. Pelot received 107 votes. George '. Stallings received 117 votes. ti. 's. .Thompson received 135 votes ?~ativrence ?:. fucker received 112 votes. ATTEST: Signed: 0.0.L:cCollum,Jr. Clerk. Signed: E. J. Candee TSaude C. +testbrook 3. L. "1,'hite Ir~pe ct ors" Hobert ~. Sag ~ having received the highest number of votes -For the office of ~'ayor for the swecedding t~*JO tTears, and ?ames D. calmer, Charles i. Pelot, ;~eo-r:e B. Stallings, .~. H. Thompson, and :~awrence ?. Tucker, being the recipients o£ tine highest number o£ votes. for the council (in the order named),.£or the ensuing term o° t~mo years, are declared elected respeetivel~ to the office o° i.ia~,~or and to treat of To;vn ~okncil. There being no further business to come before the meeting it ~~nas moved and seconded that the council adjourn antis next T.kesday nl ght, ~ikgu$t 19., at 4V]17. C?1 tZme t:C2 ne'v8 COZ:nC it i~zoizld Org£in iZ@• Signed: To~;un Clerk.