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(~ ~ 9 yi =i.,.s~3±,ti~? O~~t ~,i~ ~0'.iT? ~~J~~,.rnTr, d ji ''resant; ~' Chas. ?'. Pe1ot ~' ii4. W. Bariaald Pete Jerson :~?. Thn:r~?son 3. St,~llin;s .ii ~ L."..I''i 1 lv )1' jl~°i?I , 1'Ss:i . , 7_iI`i . :'_'inutes of last meeting `:acre read and a,o~.-coved. "7,1929 i i I;?-r. _?. "~,. u~:;- advised the coia~ncil that he rroald_ accent the proposition to pu.re'aase the b~:ild-l.n situa'ted. on the saeste-rly -cart of `;ots 4-5, `31oe'c 36, rtlantic ":each ~~*ith the modification that the g-roi.nd lease cio-zld. ha~-a to inel::de "70 feet o:t' t'~e above 7_ots instead of 65 feet in order to lean*e a ~:ar;in oz ;zxound. to the _::ast of uaid b;bild.ing end t:aat ni.s n~a»osed. new building i-:rould be located a distance o:~ v3 _"eet Southeaster7.? r:-rom the corner off the cornier of the -porch of the building un~er pure~ase instead o~' a distance of 40 feet ~.s st.3ted in the nroaosal. Tt VJaS rl0ved by :Ir. '~'nOm;DSOn 8nd 2nd by lair. Jensen t~iat tl^ie agreement be modified to eon':'o-rm to fife above. St Qaas agreed to nave the sraee directly to the south of '-:re building for ~;ar;>ing space during the te-r;n of the ground Ic;aSe. a, i:r. SUggS 8150 2~reed t0 COn St'ri..ut a Side t:.rglii Of brick 1e8C.1rig . s"ror the"o`rsn ~+_all to tip ocean :lop,, L'ne :oath boundar7 line of I,ot 4, providing the tor~rn iould. i`larnish tine Tov,m T-rue'_w driver to lay the brick. The above proposition was accented by the Ca.zncil, Ic~o?;ion offered bg iIr. Stallings and seconded by i`-r. lnompson. i _. resolrtion vr~es offered by i:`s. ~~r-raald and seconded by Sir. i _ _, r. 'Stallings t";.at ~~~•r. Chas :. 2elot and l~Ir. Jno. ? ?ell, the T~ocm Clerk be aut'narized to =~re;(>areand drays a pt~~er eonve~anee and lease covering the na.°cchase of the building and tine ground lease in acco rdanc~ ?Tait ~ letter to l,ir. Suggs under date of ''.1eC. 31, 19?F3 ?;with nodiyicatio:ae as arlended at 'i.his meeting; aLL~d to be executed by ,";~r. ??. Y. Suggs, the seller and lessor an d_ btT the ': T0~7P7 Of _:ti8ntlC '.ieac;'1, '1a. bzi lir. CnaSe ~. e~Ot 8S~rCSldent ~" of the Gozmeil and Jno. h_. '3e11 as Toti,~n G'le-rk. ,lotion was offered by ,'r ;r. 4arntald_ and seconded b~~ 1'~r. atallin~s that all warrants lea:,=able to T':i0. tE. I~~LT a.5~ .'oi~rn Clerk "` for Services s11a11 be accomp~ni©d. b-, a memo statement by the Toy^m '~ Treasurer, of the amount of receipts turned over to and_ actually ' reC elV ed 'D?,* the TreB Sl:r el" i7J't1 e;Yl n 2Sent In '~ Saic'.. lfit8rrant5 fOr t'^. P. t.l~n~~.,.'re Oi ~ `1e '.c~re5~~.~°i8nt Ol° .1CE ,_reS ld. c,nt Of t~1e ~ Ol1AC li and 527.d Y112"!:0 S`t`3t eP.7e'nt s'1?all 'Oe en ~:..0rs ed On S81. d.. ?'/?rr~i ilt5 '0 ~7 t}12 TTe85;.'"rer .S`fl0 fill.ng t'11 e, arl0unt 07~ 5:11d wa"''r8nt t0 COri eSp Ond vt"lt:!1 lO~ O"^ t'f:e tOt81 1^^.Cel"]twi tU.tIIG'd OPe^ t0 ?;~!le ~!'1"eaS?,.T '' er o-f she '~ ~~'0'.''31 r?n '',i 1T11t18ied 't1 S' E0, 7.d `_~`T°E$.°.•U.r P,r. i n',18 f0110':'Fing bills ,a.=e-re -~^resezt ed a:'1d ordered pa; d; i ~~• i.:''.. viM1gg, ?2S ~'r, Oil C",^, Supnl7.eS fOr tOF`!n trilCli 0r rnOntb.S Of P?ove~~lber, ";eeesaber and to January 7, 1929 - - - - - - - - 5"r.BS There being r_o fn-rtner business to core before the r.:eeting it °,~*aas moved and seconded t',at the cou,~cil adjourn. i (~dy <Tno h:. dell ~I Rq Pres.~COizncil ,~. ~ 1 1E ~ ': 11 ~._