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o, ~ a~ ;~. , _ ~ ~"',." ~' ~ : ~i f :~J ~xLTT, ,'~Z~ j ~~`',~rl 1 T X O ~~' 1: 1 V^^ ~I ~i1T V/, O 1'Y J T i.l OS ~'SnT .^rl,Je ~ ~ry~ ~~J ~J..~1'~~=1 ?;'~Y fl, ? 929 Post honed from ~;onda„~ ni 's.t , `av fi , 19 9 .~ '?resent .1, Pelot 'hoinrson '?eter Jensen ~~i^_8 re?l'.l`r1r iie et lily l"!SS 'l?OEt'~?0:1@(j. 'lOTC~ jflOnCi.£1T7 Yl l.~yYlt, .t"rC i'C %1, ''~ t:'rltil to"l,S tl~l (,' f0"t t~7e "n-.:L".~OSE3 0.~ 'iVii1~ '=r, `~Q'01'1 T?:Ore v1T,ie t0 eom'olete t'lo .in^~l details o.2 the ~ro~?osed. ??e~u~r ~'arte-r. i AiVrltt8;1 "lE 'wGSt v?nS mP.11 ed t0 a nlzmb8r 0~ tL1 e la -rger "^,ro"?erty A7^1G'.erS 2C;4~1'-~~ taeIA t0 ~3tt8Yl ia_ tiilS Y:ie8t lfl i0r t'YI E; "11 :'l ^OS0? Ol: d.i scussin4 tae ne~:az charter. ~'ne charterr v~~;~s re~,3. over in dctai 1 ,0 ~j :~~-T. Jl':OIiI, tRe :0`:~i1 `.°. :~ttOr'P. C'J, ClI': t','. 0<?C'.'1 SPCt10::1 G'_~~?2d 1'1]8'0. ~,^ ~~_0'L'OU~h1~y t~7 aJ_1 ?JreSB:^.t~ a T1 uI!ib er 0:";". T:~O:'~8 ~lttei:fi l:'lv ex-,reSS ad t~ae-~aelves as savo-rable to t'ae n.e•:r c'~larter :end it`s -ola.. o' operation for the best i;:iterests oz ti^.e co~ununitT~ a~~d: :~ut'.:re '!?rOtBCt:LOn 0'_° '0 "i 0'?ertV ilOld BrS` r1fi ?t5. . ,. .r1 CO'7?7 O file it rSt t:n.''. SeCOnG'. G.r37't Of _~he 1J11'1 t0 b8 'O'feSe:at eC._ t0 ta~c^. 18:'1 SZ.At1)~^6 CO-i7 F,a 1'.i." G16 71 eiv Cila'itE'i 'J18 118d ~i~/l' l1 '~~'1P, ":'o_m G`2er_~ in o-rc7~e-r t'~at s:2e ~oa:;lic m=ap have access to san':e, 2'ne fo22o;ia1; bi21s t;:ere nreserted c~nd ordered ?aid: xe ,.~ '~J. ~3. '~re~:a ^onn?any - - - - - - - - - - - ~> x.95 i?.'. Samg oil an:). i ,s _'.or 'o~rriz +z ac' ::nd labor for 1.^z?in; cement 2oor i_~ ':'o~:-:rr. fall ?'.ai7_din~; Tram 4-'~-N9 to date - - - - - - - - 41,41 %e~le ":umber C;or.:pany bal<zn:;e - - _ _ _ _ _ 23.45 67, fl2 sills for nu-rc"_nase o° ~.ste-r she1.1 anc: ~radix~ ,eacYl .yvenue, haulin~• am"". scattering s_iell %le7.d over for I:ore corro2ete in°'"orr.:ation and to b e t.~icen u-~l at the ne-~t r eetl,~~• .> w'Qir-r1 v2 erii "' ""'.. 1T1V e5 t1:T~ti On fiS t0 t71E' ri!?nf'i0r 1n 4':''_r1.1 C~'1 i;:r. 1'L'.c-/_A" L"~r:° C~rr~71Y1~ Oitit 't11H dUtiOS ~1S °_''CVT.'1 :.~"l5'2 ~l J.l, =3 is i~ to SC'.bllit t'_'SiS rE3?~OY'` "t t'~3 newt rfleetill~; o' the ^,olanei7_. lh0 Cleryi `''a laStTti.Ct ed ',0 `1dVl e i~':r 3$r':"<<dld ~),T% lette"r 0 ~ ti?e n, O'wnCil°S 17 Bt:. wCt iOnS ::; 4(, 0'?0 re:f -''eyed t0. '.. ;':8tt°r O:C f._OlO~j%1n -~ F,n aSSi St€; t1V -_~0 ]' t'2e ~=+3rb a-:~0 rnn l~lfdS (lrOhh.~ un anal. upon t'~.e motion ct 1~- Yade bTj i:'s. Jensea ~..ad seconded bt; .. _: r. i~(li?:1)S0.'l it "~<7€7,S 0"ld2TC.. Gil. ~+e`! 1,OOIICC l'd~0 S0 ^Ill'-. ~..i;v RC2d 1/] t%t_.~! Ca7pa Clt~~ '03 enin101m G' _'0 ~~ F3 -?',er10i'l. 0 r titre, Y Oil t'_"_S 'i I'O:i1 'une lE, 199 at s~al.~a-i;t oz .;~:>(~.0~ ,er r':onth. i10 1:.`i ~Or '~7a5 :C O~"!.l 0"~0v. t0 iiSStrl'.Ct i ^B 'L''0':'~rR i`arShall t0 iriVeS~lc>£?te vr•,e ~e;eral Sanitary COnrj"it10n5 0:~ i::(10 i''Ot'In aid t0 COnd:1Ct a ~0 •eral C~+-ean-u~ C L"e"),`"l l~n i'.O:?' t%18 0111;]1. Yi?t1.On 01 r°~os7uitoes ano. rer.,ov==1 of trash ^ind etc., a`:id to ~enexall~; 511""?0r'V1S2 tt10 L'JO :Ci O"i tf?e r~i _'.'i0.:';~e :iY1d StreOt cl e<:. Y).in.?~ :I.O'7tzrt]`]e71t fi:'?d t0 t: SB t;^e G'iIl`~110;~7CeS flS f:1^n,J 1~)l1.rS ~ dati €:S -O rACt1C?=L t0 CLlt c,%eeds ala vacant lots a:ad to cle:-.n :;_') ae side-~•Ja1'_~s. `~ 1'he lo,rr `_rnc'.. driver and 'aelner to be surthe`:r used to c1:Aul ant loose shell horn the~otnty landin; on Pablo reek. end. re?air t'le hole: in tb_e ec?acrete `^avin~, on ':?each avenue bets~ree:^. ?tlantic 3oulevard ~an.d rile :notea_ reservation. `~,'he i~a~70r [:%i15 aISO r0it1G'Sted 'v0 iz?5'tZ'.:.Ct tS1C' `~O%FM '_arSilAll t0 i:~struct each resident to ;p-rocure a suita~le ar''aae recent<.ele v~it:a cover. 'ihere be].n;'~ n0 "'.7,rt~78r VJli~l1n 05S 1;0 COrP.C' '~e:OrG' tfxe ii Ol;:C1Cl~. t'ne reetin_; ,:-;as adjo:~-rned lentil the next meet ins. _'O':R. Clerk .~"r051d0nt Oi ': OU.nC7.1