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_. _ _ ~r , h ~~ •I j ~' ;'eetin~; '?'o,~rn CorUneii ..oY i ~itlantic %'each, 1s`lorida '` ~ luesda~, Juitl 1:5, 1929 Prese'rt C:aas. ~. 1'elot '?stet Jensen s '=? ;'ho'rn~oson I:' 's l'. ba'1~i7^1Ci I I~'wY°SU&Ilt t0 the p eC i$1 Cnart e"r '~l eCt ioYl the ~Olncil S"let Or t11e :OL'"l1~O S2 O Z'601.' ~8n1Zii1~ z:i2QE'r tile? ~:rOVi S2.0Y1S O:` S27Ii@. ' ' ;:r. Pelot n07P.lnat ed. I.tr. ';. ;'I. I10:^.lp SOn AE ~, ha 1rT'icl,'1 02 th_e COiTiC21,~. <.~-r. ^~.om-~son re'usin the honor. I:irs. utallin_s noraina ted L~-r. 1'elot as chai:ClSia:n. ls. '_'norlpson seconding, tha r:,otion; carried i~nenimously. ^n I110t i0Il G_zly YIla C:te b4 ilir. ~-P C^;a'~son grid Carried, JO'1n is-. I'e!.l ~r.`a.`". '. appQ~rited SBCTet£?:C,~,T O t'11e ~.=e8tln ~, ','?r0 te77, ' fi I_inntes of the raeetin;s :geld Ju_;r Stn and. 9t'_••t taste -read and approved. On motion made bI~ nar?vald, seconded p?I '?homl)son, :. I. IieCullo~a;h ~,-ras appointed munici,,?al Jndd'e to se:^ve unt:I t'~ie I?e~;zla-r iSleetion in 7.930. i Cn motion made ~b~~ '~'homnson and seconded Ilp I:I-r. Pelot, John L`. "'ells ?eras appointed ,x 0££icio '_'a.~ Oollecto-r and "o-,rl ^' er_, to s~e-rve until t':le '?e~~zzlrs'r P;lectio_n in 14~;>v, ~,21o?°ain~ 2 corlmission o:' 1C j, o:~l aSl monies coLected b~i~ the ~'o',:rn ~^or his services as 'Lze-reto;"ore to be paid out of eo7.lections a; -received n~, the `_'oz~rz '_"reasrz-re'r. Cn rlotior: dal„r ,aide and carried T.' I? ar~a~zld eras appointed T'a~ l~vSeSSOr. l.t". °,::3-r?'7~ald ti~taS rG:"U.@teL•t0 CLO 'Il i.C. bESt t0 P~Ve t'.:10 19?9 ~~SSeBSY`1E3C.t read. ;7 t0 ':1'luSent t0 t'18 COi;,'1C11 at a"G'etlnr~ t0 be held ~'ridan ni~n.t, Jul;,- 1S)th, 1`29, 1~.7.'e ~l'.~;~, '.^.0 l;atTOr,. 'u"IaS a,~.i'r: ('d. t0 A.?~;'JO7.nt a `-G' J"II ':alSP all ].:1 01'd_6"l' th^t Y115 8J?~OiiltTIlent rIll'~ti1t YJB ~~) 1)^0^E'C< It t171S 7^,O C'ti n~~. ~.-rS• c,'.niS OS £BreC-.. t:~(? A?L^_c^ 0" 1'-::'.'. <T. V. ".iU.C'T•_er t;le i0t":: .@T "'OO~rR. :"~a r shrz 11 . C:i i110t1.0i1 ]llade ~;T i.:.r. '3.zI"vern^^.Ld, SBCOi1deC:'. '');V l"ire -`'P.OF."i~1SOn and_ Carr°led L"1e a'~')01AtY.1e",'it triFiO a)1~rOVG'Q'; Z:,1~Gn COi?.~:~:.1. i, 1.On t:tlat i, iiE r,'iarsilall is to devote hls e.~tre tirse to tht Itiztios o_" i ate io~.l~n. ::'r. "ug;'s statin, ~n.,t iI: the '!gars:^a7.1 did :~qt see .=_.t to devote ills silt lre ~iTle .V^at „~^C £i'DI~01i1t1'_8rit zrrO ,xl G. IJe ~ rl tfldra`;','R. ~. ^ile ars':~~all's sllar~~ ~, £i.~;ed It '';'128.CU 'Cer mont'a until Further ordered 'o- ?she ourcil. i l.: -70:1 VO to tali-:en Oil t~.e 0 alroVal 0£ ,:a Ol 1. „','S ail??07.n te.t ert it ~?atas £onnd that the roszlt vans l;.Aan~~i::o,zs in £avoro° sane. Upon notion dull made, seconded -and car-rie~' i;i-r. ?arc;~ald and I. :; Stallingssere ~-lrointecl aG a Ca~vnittae to dra 't E'.u3es.and e~zlations '.'or the Council to °o~.lo r iznd.er the ~,~ovi.':ions o£ the ~'~ n• n~ n-n.~ - ~t T'0.a wRa rt ., . ,:.;. ~' 1i ± ,: ~~ ~~ ;~ ~~ setting; `"orth t'^eir ob~aetion ~o said sssess:;ent and. tie ,. . co-r-ree~~on that the,-r desire radey and also t~.at tb.e ':'o;an Co,~ncil uJill rleet at the orvr! Sall in t?le "'o~rn o.' -+claatic E3e€ach on t':2e 31st da~T o:(' ,Tkl~T, :~..~. 1923, at ei.,;r.t o'cloc~ ?.: ., 'o^ t'1e 77u-rnose o~ e7•ualizin~, said assessr:.en'~s and 1.,a-iz1~ nro~~-;er ecT~°ec- lions t'2e-rein. ~', 1;X1. P10l ion 41,115T ilade SeC OnG'.ed .;riCZ Ca'lri('d it 'iSaS 0'f de Ted t'.+lat t'^6 "o~a;rn Cler'r. publi<<.'rl the ~ollo•r?ink; notice _'on-r i.it,:°> it2 'r;ae Jac'1son~ille ~;ou`!°nai; '01IC /^ y, it ~' ll~iL ~i Ci CI."i~..1L1.I 7.~T ~..~' 1~.~-.iL ~~l.i l~ ';~, 1~•Y ~'1'f .' >i~r~}1u J:'al`an Q1._f~ Q.' .-~Lj~1,°i n~''!a ~1' ~'!'li.ili'1I~% ;~ ilv ~, ':-:0:21.) : , t'Oi`l' ' sr..U YP ~' 19139. iQ !'~+..f ~, a~i~~'1. Iii 7`i1l~~~ V CTVri ~..l:r <,-ou are hereby noti_"ied that i,}ie ^reli.~:i.~~xry 'ay :1SSeSS??lent e~011 O til0 10':7:`1 O:i rill:>u1: t.1C ea C'll, 'i0r l.da y ~i0i thE' gear 1929, hrls been corn!~S.eted and sl~.bmztted. to ~=nd ap~~xored_ b,T :'. the %'Oi;+n v0'„f.Cll. :1111. ~Je-^SO^S dG'S1SiY1 ~ t0 ',2~V E' CO r_eCi, 10i'!S I~ t;16r~0i :::<flde, ;;V118t'rler 111 taf' ~. ].St1:1?~', Vallldti0l 0% ??~^0 "~el"t ,r Or Ol~'1.8T1'T7.Se, aT8 Twillli red. On OT bei OTe the 31St ,day 0'f ?nl1Ts j1,•'~ 19`9, at ei7•il~ o'cl.ac}v ?.- to ;'ile rit;: tie _~0',;:1 `1'ax l c~•essor o£ the '_'o;.n o~ ',tl~antic '3e2en t'r.eir ~etition.s to the ^ocn Col;ncil ' of said =a~rr_i, sett ink; _°oTtn t'Zair objectiol2s to t'r~e said assessment and t'ie car-rectiors t'nat ti?e7 des:~re made. ^c o~,,;: ^o;;acil ~~:rill r.eet ~:t the Tonr.1 r~a7.l i:~ tae iolV~l o~ ~tlaxltie ?',each, ~lo-rida, 01 the 31st dar os ~7a1•;r, A.D. ' 1929y fl.'i, 2i~']t O'ClOC~ -~.1'I. y F0=" the ?')i'±'"'70Se O:L' ec,,Ua1.1.7.irig Said aSSeSSlIl eX1tS 2:101. r.'l.`31'iln;~ nY°O'~^.eT GOrTBCti On.6 t'^:eTe1.:~7. t`,11 i2eTS0i1S ttPP_0 sha!_l :".1.10 ?letltl0il~^'. aS a"OTeSald C=7111 Oe ~1.Ven t;'le 07_~OrtUnlt y' t0 Ge heard al SaiCA. 'i:^,.eet ln„~• " 1O,,;r~ '.i~v"lri Oa- tf?e 1Ol".'n 01 L e3tlantic ~3each, _'lorida ~ There being ,10 _'urtile-r 'an~ine~;s to cone beioTe the meetin; it ji tiaras moved a:2d seconci.ed t'1at t'r.;e rneetln-° ~d..joizrn. ~; ; I', x ;, ~,1err +'