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_ , f, ~~ f S 5; S ~', v 1 ^'l~ i.~iLl 1?`i '"x ~.~ a'~ :~,,'1~1i (~ ~rJ'P-f? T?~ 1 j~ LiTa;y T+T Tn 'J?~~nS Tit Ta Q2~7/..z ~. a:oo ~.?r. July 19, 19?9 T Present: ' E. iI. T.aorrpson n aallin,-,s __. 4~1. B~.`r•~~fald ~~ 1`i RLSOTw''D bS% ti?e ";,ocrn Council o:i' t'~ze '-bz~rn of i i,°-r. `~hom~son presiding. i,:ir_utes o last ~_eatin„ :-~p~~?^oved ~a xea~d_. ~:n motion duly made, seconded, and carried the -~o1loFrrin r e801Ut10:i 1'IaS erCter ed press ed aec opting tb.e nrel irninar,~ i'ax assessment loll -Co-r the year 19%°: r1T TT!i y ,'~ !` v;? i T ~ i r r'~V n '~ ~i i ~ T ~ ^-~~.';Ai~ i~s,.,~_zo~~ ~yP_aovlzr~x l~.i~ 1,.,.~~11._ l~i:~ a~s~s~_..~w >o~L , o_ ~~L 1929 i ' tiy~;~i8, the 'orrn Tax l.ssessor has conrnleted the prelim= i_nary tax assessment :roll o~ t'ae ~i'o•;zn of '?tlantic >each, e'lorid:i, .. :i0r theTear 1929, dP_d '11€18 El'bL~zltt ed the Same t0 t'f1 G' i'0'«rn i~Oi'.'11C11, €3nd , ''P~I;~:R~tIS, it 8p-0ear> filet all propertT?, real and ~oersonal, in the to:m o:~' I.tl<~ntie 'each subject to taxation has ~' been assessed on said tax assessr.e_~at ro7_l, find. the said, tax assessment roll is in_ clue r".orrL, T~~~'FOP%, litlantiC 'e$C}? th<`7t t''1G' Sa7.d preli_mii^iX1r'; taX aS82SSment x011 be a:nd the sar.~e is rerebq ap~~roved9 Bit T i'J~T`33 i?SCJ.~TIa, `.'hat the Tocr~ Clerk 'shall '',~O St at the TOFPR ~a11 and at t170 Ot'.1 e.-C ;ou'.~lic places in tide ToL~:m, and sha11 also ;nubl:ish for lour successive da,~rs in a nee^rspaper ~lublis',ied_ in file -Cit,y o:~ Jacksonville, 1uv71 Count-;T, :Florida, a nOt 1Ce that BalG'. ~l SSeS8lTlent "toll '13.5 been Submitted to the _o~~n v0AriC 11 and $t~preved, anal .`-:180 re.!l;.lr].rig all ~erS C:nS deSlrlYZg to have corrections there o~ Wade, L~,~hether in the listing, valuation of pro~e-rty or other~.vis©, to file with t11e ^o~~m Tax 1?ssessar on or be_~ore the 31st daze o_' Julir, ~;.D. 1929 at eig'nt o'clock p ~~ ._.. , their petition to the to;-~.*_n Cowncil Y P;'r. %o-rne's letter continued from last _~a;;e T feel that the assessr.,ent on tha unplatted portion l~*ing between 3locks, 1, ~, and 3 and C ld 5'~errT- ` :rive should no t be over .'15QO.C0, and tn~~t the i:nnla tted. etri~a lying; bet-,aeen :',lock 4 anc- Olc Uherr~= -rive should be red~acad to `~uCG.60. Tf ,lou entlemen see fit :a grant the above requests for eor-reetions and enuali.aatons, S .respectfully •re~uest that t%ou make sar~:e apply to tine aea-rs 19?0 197 a.~~d 198, so that I rkny pa,y these taxes aceo-rdin;ly. , `ihanking you fo-r zrou-r considerati on, S am, 'roars ve-r~r truly, (Chalmers D. Horne) <?fte-r a thorou_h discussion o:~ t:r.e various Convn;;~iieatiozs rand matters coMin~vbefore the meeting the ClerY vans inst-r~zeted mith the fax :'assessor and turn over to him a cop, oc t'ne various regr:ests -for his eonsic~eration and instr:zcted hire. to n:ad.e a re-~c-rt cove-rin his -recorunendation at the n:_xt ?e;ular r~eetin <>aust Stn. ~..*vas moved and seconded that the ?~~eatin adiourn. "'mere beinv no u,°ther business to co^~e before t?~e '%ouncil it Town Clerk ..,, ~ ,. ~ ~ ' To the ~or,,rn `.;otinoi l atlantic leach, '~`la. TO'U.r p8t 1t 1.0:1 (''^, it lint lC °ea C'_r: `BC::Tlt 185 x "''lUBt :`. OlTOlSt lOn the o:~~ner oi" the zollo~r:n.n~ lots in dock 1~, _tlartic ,,each _an, to-grit:- £3, 11, 1:~, 19, rl, 23, 27, 31, 3?, v3, 34, 65, 44, ~~..,.~,-- 50 aid ail; a'-:d tke owner a~ the _"ollo nn lots in 31oc'c 14, 19, 2i, ~~, .~~,J, ~~.~, bl, .3J, WSJ, a6, ;3'7, JF~, h9, ~-~~, 41, X42, 4.j> g~. !t0, ~-~, G'r, ~-9, Jl;, pl, -`>~, ~.J ~J, :~l and OJ COY:1»l<`-11f1° t~_EIt SF',ld 16t5 a-re une7ua11~ find e~eessive]_~7 assesse?'_ in cor2na-rison ti,rith Lots in '3loeks 1, ~, 3, 4, and otile-r ~~r~irts o ~ sAi.d ' o ^m And ~~rays that the assess:_~ent oa said lats in docks 13 and 14 be red°.;ced ~t least 50 per cent. Said_ Ploeks 13 and l~ lie at the e,xtre:~e narj~h end of the platted -^ortion or the ~i'ot;rxz And are at i:he rresert tir:e nractic~Ally 1nACC es S1'Ole. lu8-i th8r ah8 rr~j riVB ii0r 1Gt~i, llt%1?a. i10r 12th, St.x eels have been ~radeJ.. Or IIIA O'.8 (~2.SSable 12:. °;.I ~7 t:;iA tj ~'ar 3IlOt0:t' 7r other vehicles. Vane of said lots in said '~loe_cs 13 And 14 pre €;ssessed ,"ox less than '~300.C0 A:7d some o " them are assessed as ni{;h as .'j~uCC'.CC. T~"one o.' the unimproved 7_ots in ~~IocYs 2, 3, and 4 a-re sssessed Y11~'t18r tflan V;jO['',n0 and & 1~1r~.9 X72:?;?b er O:L t'r161T? $re ASSeSSeC. St '',2OO.C0. 'ihe assessment oP s aid_ lots in said :Blocks 13 and 7.4 for th.e ~~ears 1926, ?927, 192x3 and 1929 is c~ces..ive Gild i;rae~aal and should be nzate-_^iall~T redsaced. iYespeet£ull~;r t~ou~^S, vtlantie '.:-,each ;sec:~rities ~~; .'rust Cor-,garat ian `. ?;,r iarcor;.rt 3u11 president Jul~7 31st, 1929 a~~. 'o~:m Council _,L-lantic 3eAC11, ''la. Centl er.~en : - 'r:quslization oc laxzs -"or Tots wit'rin }',locks :io.s 1, 2, 3, and 4 os ,3tlani,ic °each, .la, videntl~r thron~h ove-rs~ rrt ':ots 7.4 and 16, -;loc"_.= 1, ha<.re been assessed a', X750.00, ~rhile the adioinin~; lots are assessed At "~5CC,.00. '~equESt t'^:.at Lots 14 Ancl 7.5 be assessed at ;__",500,OC> each.' iS Slbl?Y~tA B6 meet, ~Gl1TT1u~1~ b.0!:'SS l °]i1d 2),v`'1rSt StreE't, (divic~ing'.;1oc'~~ 2 and 3,} anal seco:~d s~r,reet, (d.ividin ':'docks v and 4,~ F2'r8 strEBtS 7.n nA7t1.E' 0:11 zi, a:^.d ri_'^E ,Oti' 4-~~:n C:'1 t'~'~B or0"J 31d, ' Pe1t'rle:^ d0 'vJAt e1° llnE:S Or elE'C'; Y°lC ll. ~'f?~ li 7l'." trAV el t!! .°.c StrCB tS, really t~~.e on'_Ti "lots" trrhich cn'n rioev bc; used So-r 'c,uildinU o:xr~cses` a'Le '10tS 1, J, '31OC%~ l; .Lots 1, ~,E?, ar~d ~, f''~OC.'~ 2; T-Ots 1, 2, - 3, a:~d 4, -?lOC ~ 5; and lots 1, ~, 3, And 4, ' locl> 4; Girl t7re e~C e'~t10:A 0.'' the ].atS :~'1C 17.1 Sa J.t7',, 7.::1 ilOCi. l A:id O:C" the lOtS above en~.;meratad., I ~ee1 that 120C}.00 a to : Assessment ~~::*ould be : a ~a:ir aSSBr.",:':8i1 ;, ..:'or t'1G' bnla ;lce 0:.. t'.B lots ].Ll ._oc'is, 1, ~, .~j, I And 4; and -re~~oec'a_.~~.11~ re!nest t7.;At t lesE be ~ssessca aceo rdin;i5r. ,~s3,, E ui ; :~:ot 2 oP 3:LOek ~~ is ass~sed as ~:avin, ~, house t;^_erea_~, t'?e I' aSSeSSln2nt b81n~ ~12 ~(')`. ~.'1?8 hau.:;8 1S lOC:It°d On ~laC'_>;. Li, bi:t a , t:Y2iS °sc^^3SStxB3e lot iS G~a,c~~l ~' .~2'?V1s7U no 1TIT rOVB?::Bnt S, -. e;'t T;. ^c St I' ttiAt ?-ot 2, ~?loc':_ !~ be assesse?. at rat over ~c:00.C0, ~. ~i T.O~ 7 in ''`.]OC'; 1 iS aS£I ,^, S.. Ed. at ~,,C_i)(`.CiG,G7i17.7.8 G'18 lOt dlreC tl}T ~, i~:~ ant of xis to :na l.~.cin; ~nutn, rUe:n beater lot is I~ rsse~_ed ~t ,?OO.GC ";ey'est ~ is ec~_~ction. ~~ __ F _;.~.T, ^,i1 d~.% i?tS01_^, rv":t :.e°t eC'L '~A'_at '1 ].S t>iKeS Ike ~6dwRCd c-~ l e.>~,JC111.~1 Oi? 1"+11 d.S ~_Or C1nT 1. /~ ' .;iS. y'001"t ;:°0 "id nd r'.';9,de ~; e116"l?) t31:~ On r00d -T08d8, BtC. . 1:".f. ?OS6'7R 0'C t'.~2.^-. ~an dal~;y ~0.^1n`?L'.?7 C~1.12Q~i.I10 fti Ol7.T1 C:ilrS St ~e1!L {:i O:Q ..: 't0 & n~7.m fJ ei' O 6Ti OTS 111 aSS6S"'1n}, tine -`'~0t5 i11 ',:"::and ali j7 :;'Oi . l'~. ~Tc~Vi0',1S ~?e t;"LS €3;^^i0. 2'6':y;:8 °'. l'.1;~ ~11,`-it ad 1.15'.".;6:11,.°. '06 i1~90'.e ?%1 v~6 aSS6~~:..~;.C1T. ~0;.' 1':' Ci -1d. .~. `:~:/ O:^~ -t''~.:10 '0~1S1S G^ tiiC G1~'r~_nal i'll',.L i~ei .. o,~ lots in erleh bloc':--c~11~r;,,~`:e:ntio~i~ to t'~e 1'~~ct that t:a6 neca j71~t Oi^ n1`3 ,. 0"_ ~i,?'1.'T_ala.d _i1CY'ea Se!L t1^ IlAri:''0e`l O: 1GtJ '~2'l'C:10CiC ~~. , S:i.r: Jl;j rer3 t 1'~ 1n t'.1f; Si7,:O ;:nd ,_;3C'-.na 0'.~ OaCh '.Ot. =,150 '. 18:.;, v-6S~t6d. 50:6y Ped12CtJ.07: in t.'~' a7^.0;'.'lt 01: ~~t?:KOS ]'OT' 1Jt;'7-~~ lY1 C0P..S ^8rat1011 :`"Ot t%16 6tt 6:1S iV E. ",^.".7lOV @f.1 e'P.tS 1:1<.d6 :)~C% {?%i c? (i ^v7~'7 ~i f1 ,T ~': at 1GS Gc+:=7. 6i0e_'lSe. 4 T'1?6 01.10'~:S111F; ~~%IG i.'.i:: l:Cati0nS 'a'~~'6"tee r6C C1V6d nCl O:CdeT ed TJ1aC e:1. 1ra t'.ng tY 1.11 cwt 6S 01 'j;'.n 1S t366t1n t0 i0e to K6.2 'D V t'.^_e ~01;'.'f_Cil *;,*]. GP. t'_r_0 G;X tiSSES.'v.O t' 7t ~''.lE <7.G_~^t 'G'?Ultl Y' Z~:eB t:i f1 ~`, O~ ':~6 't1 El C1 i:.0.idr?r~? _",i~~7t, Stz"'St 5~.%1 r3t e;.~''.:~ 'n.r^, . .':-r, ,Te11Se'-1 JJ:~°S@T.1.~i`, 8C7. ^ VE3 "i ~aa). iEl,'..E St :~2"0'1 ;.':i'. .;'~. i. _?013i78r COV e r•i:n.~ ~"t0~-02"tt,r O'virIl6d. ~ y .i1ri1. 1~71ri a --'l;S'J 01 t'11c': Old. d01 CO'1TSE3 and ~, i1C i,:8 Tr0 G2^t c:0 ~,d 0(',~.V1S1"'1;?~ to 31; :;-~.. .~OP.n6]P 1,« 't 6cy;7eSt 2d 0 +, ^eduCtl0n Oi t''le ''SS0SS8C~ ?r21":?1t10:n 0- A:J~1_r "OxO'~v'lty' :"07,^. i,1C~(;.~17 ' '76r aCTe t0 ~2~.L0 ??Ei ?Ci"e fly,... 7"?<<11-~ e3 'i7 C'-0S1•o 7. 0Y'i t~E?t'li ~i1P I ~'0'u':C 1~. ~:70i:id. r3 C'i,~t'.S i~ ijYi° V2:a;^S, 1~:,~, iJ -."%, "/'-Ni`3 O;n t%12S ll:?57. ,`~; 0;1;a '~~ 0 ' 'aonld 71 y x311 t,aries due b7 Mini icm: ediatelT. setter to T'o%n ~o~~rcil Ju-iT 3'_st, 192° '_~'.on1 of atlaltie R6ae;1, ''1^ Gentle,i?en: - P1a j ~ptznd I hav6 caused to 02 Quilt q:n _;ots 19-29-21 azld the uraplatteu st:ci-p' -~ '06t',.'Ie 611 lOt ul ?i10'. ~~1d. ~i',n 6ri ~7 7r1v6, 7.Y1 ',1 OC.':i 1, `l~^~11V1C :~6^C~"!, ,~ a ~1ay~round, rdiliCh at ;>r6~ent consists os a3 concret6 terms '. n012rt, 2. SP.lcill C)_t?U '_nOl.1S0, r^a )O,Q;1in~ ;^,OGrd., a~'1C'+. c`1 S6e-~"3'"?. x'',115 ;313 ~~rOi;.71 ('L ''^..flS ~J66%1 iT: ~,.~16 ^OS a^:t'p ~. P. 'rJ ~r fl ti's.,".~i +J@?^ O~ ;~~z>>11C rrJ'J. -^1'~@i7. ' C1i;1Ze12S0,' OUT COT:L'i11'<<^,1~ i, ~and_ l:n GO-d,.at6i~JC.~i~ ClaB 0e en 6 ~~~ended t're-reon . This o1;7,;:cow~d. 9.s ooen oc rner:ibe:rs_,io to a7.1 0." ;,'r.2 citizens 1d r':.. :, ViS1tCiS 0~ +`. 215 ,., Oi:'r1'.Y7 ].tr, 1;17 C'6:P ~.?:^006r 1"0St'S1Ct102S. ;i E?~i.~.l iee i:' e?1ar~;ed :'or the ;fir.:°r.ose o:~' rnainte:c:~rco and im,~rover:~ent. ' The COi111 `u~ is 0::?M7.SS 10:C16:°S haV6 had a °1'°n =)i.`-'C6d OYl t G <",.~i:`111~1C ' "" BOt~16Vard Cal11n~ a`,'t Ontl0n t0 ',~iS ,71`3 ~j ?1'G%',:n d, Znd Cal:t 10i1111? t_^a'S~:'1C aCCOa'dl:cl 'J ~r, ' ZS ;j07z ,x'671 v). c;16X1 ye61 th<2t th6 z?la 5j -':L'OUn(Z 1S a n00d. t'.rl1n°' 'i:07° t'16; COi:!1;:'J.Y11ttr, and t'i1~t l.t 1S CO11S].S tentyt0 dpr>p, 1 r'JOUId_ aS'_~: that t10 a.70V6 d6 SCr1'`J ed 1an L''. L;.S 6d :~02' tf!iS l7'i.:i?10.°,@ ~e 6z:6:'.!I~?t ed 2r0Y.'! t OY.TP_ L<`3X6S, ':7:(1116 ~E)1'l.J." S~ 11SE3 Ci, l%I'li iC7"~. ',':?111 3,'.114 0i1.Ct 6dly 'p6 IOr 3 :061104 0"~ a nl::3i'q 6'" O% ; e`t rfi. _ o the To?m ~awncil Atlantic 36ach, ~Ia. iaetter. o ' .ir, I~3z11's on next :oa-6. J "~~ -;