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f f ~~ ', I. (v {' SP~CI~aT ~,:,~^I,'x ~F ^_O+Pa COUTCIu 1 f ^~^T,n~rTIC ?~1~ic JT?T,Y mil, 1929 8:00 P.Y~i. Present: Chas. E, Pelot P, Tenser B. Stallings 1"r 'uii• ~aT~77ald '_':1iS .eet ink l'JaS 'field 7.'P_ aCCOrda~P.Ce ~r7it}7 t.C:e adV e~"t ised. nOt1Ce to Ta:~ Payers io'r t'r..e -purpose oz he ,r~inz co:~ol , ir~ts, re.~uasts, etc., in con.~ection :-vi`ch the 1929 lssessT~ent Toll. TTotice of advertisint «•as ordered -read. .end the Clerk i~~str:.cted to insert a co-n t? o~ sar;:e in the minutes o:? this n.eeting. ^~^,.n-,, -'. Le!'I©'~ Cr' ~'`lrc ~ I~:!ITTI,.;Y T~~,?' h~: ., JSat; 1sS?1 liV .~.LI SI O~ \.I VY'uLr l Jt.' la JJ~ ;:i~i I~Tj l71 ~. "T~_~ n~': ri. Qs~ iT _C~;'iN `"IC 'i,fiG'ly -. , t'.~74~I1)n x'17 i~. 'SSE 'Y'~LL~R 1929. Tv AI,I, 'i;~OPj IT F:'L~Y C 'J~T,C Euv' Yon a-re hereb;T notiiecl that the 'o'teLirninar;~ 'I~,x '.ssessment :;oil of trte '='o:-m o " !ltl~atic °ieacn, I°lorida, :"o-r t'rye year 1929, has 'oee:a completed_ a,tsd S•abmitted to and approved by the Tovn Couacil. -'ll pe-rsons desiring to 'gave corrections thereof made, v~7hether in the listing, valzzation oP prol~e-rt~J or ,. Other `771Se, are her Cb;T re`!i:1 rCd On Or 1JB~F02"8 t'ti.C :5l.gt dazJ Ol ~?1~1J, ~. ~i.P. ]_929, at eight o'cloc~r i.Tr?., to :°ile ;ith the "!ovm TaY _issessor o:i the ^o,,.~n o:~ :S~tlantic Beach their -petitions to the - ~0'.?71 (`,OnnC 12 O Sa.1d 'Oi'7n, 8ettin=~ "orth thei ~° Ob jeCti OnS t0 the ! Said aSSeSS:leLlt sand t'.n,e COrreCt7.Oi75 trl`^,t the;;; deSl'l2 made. T'^:o TovJn Council vJill meet at the Town L-ia11 in t'_ne ^o,,:rn o~ ~:tlantic 3each, T+'lo-rida, oa the 31st dar oi° J_.ly, ~",.7. !'. 1929, at elgrit OfC10Ci: p.m., i0r th G' ;OL'.rp CSe Of e~~UallZin~ Sa1d. i'. aSS eSSilentS and P.Ti:~in~ pr0-~er COrreCtl OnS t'1le re i.n. .ill"y^.erSOnS 'I vJho sha11 file petitions „s a2o-resid -^rill be ;riven the opportunity to be Heard at said ;ac etin;. S aoxr.~r ~ s~h~, (0£Ticial TC3~r1Pd C ~,E'.'~'_ Qi~ Ttir: TO`"~~ Seat) Or' ATI.~I~TIG 3LCi3 ~~TORID~ (~idv. 4012) the follo~~vinq petitions and ve-r'oal requests tvere made in the order named: Lx'r. Ceo A. Pritcr~rd as..ed that the laxids ovr_ned br the Ilanda Comna:a~% consisted of ove-_flo~aed marsh be r:^:aterially -reduced in valzati on from X20.00 Goer ~~cre. iiso; as'~ed %h:°a same reduction be made in the "'aa~esassessed against his home situated on the ocean front, on .';o is 9, 10 in Bloc's al. I:r. .S. G. ~estner made -request to the Cor,ncil tYi~~tr his tares be 'adjasted on the basis of t'le 1923 assessment for they-ea-rs 1926 a-id 1927. ..., ,%` ynnual 'rena-rt vras ~o-resented b*- T,''.r. c~. i. T._cCullough, I:_i:nieipal Judge, reed 2nd ordered spread iz~oa:n the minutes a? this meeting v~itil a vote o! th2i7ks extended to Judge ~,=cCulloug'r. ~o.r t?:~.e ea-rnast slnd business-like manner in v~ahich ne 'slid c ;-cried out pis d_kties and conducted pis of_'ice for the past „qe~;r. io the honorable ~=la~yor and Councilmen of the Torn of z;tlantic Beao:~! , 1'larida T herein submit to your honoraable boB_,r 2 report o"f the eases ' q'_^0?I.~~i1t ~eG"le me O.S ~01iCe t:"_S~i StT=ltB :F:^Cii1 .'a..12;~'l7Et 1St, 19 ~~ to C2ugnst 1st , 1929. 7l2T ina~ t1:e year. t':lere '!lave been '0 ".C Gli~rP_t bef0r@ Y.16 Sint P, ei7 C2SBS bar is"arSball ~~:..Ci: e'r, all C'_^_a rted ~:~?1j: 21 vi0lat iCn 01'. t'°18 $'„'_t0Il10bile tra S1C OCd1T1,nCe . ~:~ tC' 1S nu1:111E3r t`o~et~: e Gi t ale: ale rSanS acre St ed appea"led be]'0 :^.°, me and a:it e'l }7Ba ring t'Y;8 evidence aainst them fines rJere imnosec_, ~z11 of ~a~nieh vaere collected extent one, the exee?~tion being a seventeen ,aea-r 01'0. boy ~~rAOSe 7:10t1").er '~:JY1S In deS`1%~~te Cl:cal".1C.Sta7iaeS and. the boy ~vitnout emnlo~rn.ent. i'ziN claim v-r s i~eriiiecl bar -reputable people. i'r_e-re ~~~e-re fol;r cases in ~rilich ti2e parties a:crested wiled to appear be~_ore r.1e, 'out ~.s,'rlo had mPde e.~zsh bond with tk.e arresting officer, ~,i'nicel bond Money eras cleelared iarfeited `', at the ex-~i'ration of the time "or 2pnearrnea. ^he" Total amo-xat of fines and forieit~.z^es turned over tc file ' ~o~rn ~reasnrer v,as ;,rl?2.CC recei~~t fo-r i~rhich is sho~rro in my ' 11:'le 2nd fG Ti elti7S@ SChe(k.'r-]:e, ~;TRi C±1 ~.CaO?Ilp2"Ales tills re"0 art. i,~y docket is also presen'ced :nor inspection by Tra~~.-r :honorable body. „ ~es~?ectfullg su'nmitted trlis 2nd d.ay ai x"-gust, 19 9. (Signed} ~. L. I'?cCulloug:n b irPanie ir>21 .judge ii ~ ~etian o desnastion o° -request; r"or reduction a2 ^axes to be t2ken up at t;~ie next meeti.~g, 1',lere being no iu-rtne:^ business to come before t'r~e rnaetin it bras move, and cirri ed. ',?aat ta^.e Coueil 2d`a;zrn anti 1 the next r.2eeti:hg to be 'held" ~ia,~:~zst 19t~, 19;;9. i `~'o n 'J1erk ~ i r; ; ~. € ~~ ,, ;. 4 ~, .r T°r. Pelot reciuested t~(lE' "ouncil to Rio?~rovo br dis~a'~rrove ~?~arr~itt I'~. 170 pa,y~~1'ole to J. C "rC~:er as "ne 'and.ers~ooc?. ghat eit?~,er ` ?,-r. ^acker -,,=~~s ~2ot Pally- ad~rice ~ as to '.'li S duties .xs ''o~:rn .~a-rshall or eras nct e;rrlTi~2- o;zt t' e a~ree!3nt reac'1ed 'with t?~a r':a~cr bJ t~-c ~ o.ancil rxt Ana r,~~e~in5 aonro:T11 P-.~.'"'t C'tier'e ~. np-oo~in'ament. ~>i~ter s: dls~,._sslon o.;" ~nls a><T~~e~ 1~2on rnotion;'`ctuly T;1?de t-i.'ld l'~.3.:~1:7 iYIl^vL.SI~; CF',1 Ti2d :l.t lI'-,S dECi(~Cd t0 ~t ?7 '~'0?*°. <, ii F3 ',323. V~;~.c :lt 0"i t't18 VS<i:CT~xYlt~ a5 dr 'Nfl -Ji tl t(12 diStiJlCt l,~'1<-..er£.,t ",._kl%1_~ L±_~ ~ .~~.r. i tkC'.c~r TCS1~'n rt I1 ;J Ot^8r t"O,:iY:?1::5 ]. O:tS ~21C'2 '.'1Q ilOVT ',^,.OlCiS F;:1 C~ Cl e*r p'~g '. ''fi.1: G-'S2t 11^8 t1Yt22 <0-ri t0 j: 1 C4 (x11t1eS 0"x ~.E ~Os;l'Il i '_`. ~1::^Si1£311 0- ~1t1?I11iiC '.'. C3 ~.CIl~ ~1~. 0_= d'lli C'1 '~:17~`.S dl `a"C i;_°SE.^:. t1Ad 5;,~"r E'Ed:~. ,I7C1'1 $t t'.3e L"x88t lit" O t;.C0'.lIlC7.,!_ t11~t.3r 4i..-:te Oi. ~.:.1~~ ~. ~~ti:9 ~x~/N9. r~'OC71 T;i0t 101 rl ~^~: ''^.8r made ^nd Ci'1 rr:LB (~. ~ ~ C'Ji=?5 Oidered V'_2 ~2t i:lr. r'~'uC;'6r '(J8 311 p,,J.:iG Ci ~'+l c: 511171 O. '~'l j.~iQ _"'e-:^ PilOn tf: :i.O T' ~T;S Oi l'P_C i 71C. ~" 2'8;0.1 i^S t0 'SliS C%..r~ T01' t'^,.8 T101?t Y1S 0-~ u'13.T1 f'~ ai '~~,?~ ~a'.~QC,t9 <,.^:.Q ',8?!';@7u?J 8r Or Ba Ch/;yTB Y?Z' dt?,x'i. i2~ hi.S 8:ii'):_OST(f: C''nt. ti??oxi motion oizered. b~';~ 5trlliL~;e seeo,acied b~ "r. E~~r~t7ald, ar~~. C,t "r:i 7.ed 0~/ :~Y'. `.:''x'OY.'1"S O:fl~ t`~.'t2f?ii ]f:n 0:~` "; O:T~Si1tt 88 0"i ?ubll.C "C'L'iS '~7~x5 iIlSt r-r:Ct8d.t0 ~'?:17.^C'1.SS8 Oi18 i_~.L,'f:t 8r Z.OtId O OZ'6~`v C"r Shell kO-i' ' 2~~ ,y2rd6 ?t a COSt riot "u0 C"{C 88C'. t'28 la St ~ C'r?ESed~ `'16J .GC, ~,. `,3:'Yd t0 2rr<7'11<<a8 :SOT t','le '.nulln~,~ t)13C='tl;~ SC%3tt8r] _` ?.1C SL'. C'1? Tr~zd7:'1:~ %IS -~iOCPS~",'3 r?7 i3i 0_(iC%^ t'1r1 `4 tP:;4 S1; 1^AF3 tS Y;1~~%1t bE' 13'_02. i:Cc(~, :3S Cj ~:1 C~1./' ~S '10SS7. ')le .`-1Y2U'. Sfl~ 2 -LL'itT'i;'.r1G-'I' 8::i,~(',lSC. .;'011 iilOt i 0'1 ~1'1;C7 I]lade ^]d C2Cr18d~ fr. h X7:1"OS011~ 3Tld ~,.. . ~'tril3_i,1~S, :v'8r8 ?a']i:~0'.;..,C~B'0. t0 'Ot,rC[76350 a S;;it<1~ ~ @ S<^z: 8 'i,0 s:°e7 t''1 v' '0`I'i~ri `.eCOT`dS 1'fl. a rid" __f. ;ar d,=lld '::'r fll rT:k321 O? t11 E' J'.''O11C0 v0~::u"111t t@E' ~.~~aS C',i170 38:Ced t0 ''.. ;12.V8 t`,ree '~Tl't: ~.-:'.1C 1.:^.S T.'!c1 C1.8 f:Tl~. p~8C8C', fi i; S'u'. 3. 'G°rl@'t.GCF3tJ.0-C'..5 ' '-,' `, Ori 1e e`2 CI3 Fx120_ O'. ,ler Plr7CG~S ~ 0772:.7. t'f18 Q3Je8d 1?r;1tS 01 t"''?e r.'O~id:2 ~o Cn Y:iO tI. O:Q Q.i:ly iR.i d.B i3Ti C'l Cfl r:i 18d it „<^- ° OrdBred that tY]..°, ' ~:i O'OOS 1t10Y1 ?°OT' i'n_e ;;'lOrl,p.a "'~lY"1eS' 'J;21.On t0 2CC8'Ot ti"~e S12T"1 0'P `iiCC.CO 111 "1'lzll S4'tt18I`.10~'1t 0,. '.;'_^:eiT Cl<r 1.111 3T'10 ~X'G1'1~ t0 2~~.CiG i8",r8Se71t 111 ~. ~'~a,`-il F; dti>O'rt=SCZ."r eL2 LS OT(`:0i^0d 7. '1S 8lt BQ 1),J ,I tI1.8 OT']. Fa ].i7-31 QO'!:TiC it 0::''. ;'nC ~'O"e III l:'1 J'1'.l t,' l~GU ";;.'O O:Q `;7b1C''1. tlErF; ~. is do~r,b~ aS ~o t'a~ le_;~alitl7 0^: their ~c'cion. ~'?8 Cler'_; ,';aS is^_S$r1iC t2d t0 nrCCL'; Te it OfIl ~'1° ~~172i °v TIi^:LCY1 d..6"v Ft11 ~'d: i StatB?e;^at O~ tQe it8l'1S and d.€2' 8S :,;:r 1`u 17. '~~82''v1 F2Cat8 0"" '1111J17. C?1t1.0Yi t~ sand tznon reee~~t o^ sa,:le to 1SSne a arirra:~Yt '_or ~'100.OG in Pul l ;?a ,Toren t . -^ he _'ollo<<rir~ bills. T;,~erE =a ?proved rand. order Wald: u''~`3.R. JOi:.rnal POr sal.?b11C2't 1.0'G. R ry'<^x't't8l ill (3C G1011. - - - - r1C .08 ?. t': a~.o`~ saS and Oll ~Or `_'0':*_1 ~P -ll..C'r~ _ - ?_',~~'.,3.~1 ';saS Or ~0 S.1 1-:?rS'n<`ll Z. - - - - 1.2~ _. - - - - 26.91 ,; Coby or letter ;nvxittA;Z by t'.e 'i'o77n Tre,SSUrer to tb.e ':'ovsn Council ' 'r v,;d '017 t''1.8 ~0~;',Tfi Ql8"rte "rePvrrlri;~ t0 CBrtaifl C''!(: CI'S IO:C~r7F;1d80'. i;0 t'_2.2 ''LBASUTer ''0'r de'!;CSlt ci.rnSrn 0'1 t n8 ~~Firii'> O1 ~'2 bl0 ~,x.!RIC'.^, ClOSed itS d00rS 0"1 ?ul,?T 19~tI?., t':/'J 0-F 5"?2iC h t''J@re it L"at~T:2 p" i:Y'.-. "~ Tei16 eX2 l.'%1 2; < }Tf18S"lt O ° 'l.1:ieS A7f,Ol:ii tl.ri„ i 0 ~;l 6 ,a0 s On8 b>.° ~P_O. 1:`.. Bell _ "'"Or 'S10.CG COV Bi"i 71,[:' CY38'^ 1`.3id iOT ~.~.:1Cei1 .~',e EE;S ~. l:~r. ~7 P.i1S2R adviS in;~ th3t he ihlOU.ld ta'ze care of 'nis cnec'_,s aa2Yd :!r. 'dell advi Si_2~ that 'r_e inrould t ,Ice up the one riven b~? 'Cllr"?. Lette;^ I crde_^ed ii? ed. ,~ ~, ~` I;