~ Cl f
i:eeting of ^o~.a.~ Cornci.l latlantie 3each, i~'la.
i'ebxuarsT 6, 1923
meeting of Totem Cors:ci_1 called to order by President o
`Counc~i3 at 8 ?m. On ro71 ca11 all members were present.
Letterfrorn Col. Stolbrand reference to his claim
aS•ainst the city for s.alr.xy eahile ss-rvina as clerk was read and on t
"motion it ~.aas ordered -refer-r~'d to the te~TTns attornesT.
.r>'r. Osborne, pax Collector aid. `~'-reasurer ura^ present
and made a reno-rt on taxes nail and condition o" t%ze Toizns lreasu-ri.
?enort ordered. -refe-rred to the ':~inance Committee.
Cn ?. re'.~Ort fTOT,'! I;~aY>"Ox ~.i12 ~~ aS t0 stile ~T O'~reSS Of ~~
Cleaning the Streets and trirm~in avra,r* the ~der'~xush and palms on '~
vac^nt lots, it ~~as moved and seeond_ed that cleri> be ordered, to
d:~a~,v vaar-rants to nab for same.
~ vote of thanks was •iven t~ the '.~a;;ror "or his ~nror:~ in
cleaning; at-reets a:nd ot;.erwise looking after beautifying t:ae tc m,
Cn motion and vote t'a~*or S~s ~aaas av.thorized to spend not
to exceed tvvo hundred dollars to con-nlete the cleaning t'ne streets
trimming ?~a1ms and cutting out u:nd.er'o-rasn., s
I:`r. Clarson ~~resented statement of the toums indebted-
ness to of tares hundred dollars and on motion and vote the clerk
'' was instri_cted to draw a •aaarrant in his z'svor for tvao h~dred doll
'a-rswith the promise from him thaat he ~=~~o`ald pad his taxes out o~
Staterent ~"-rom fall >ros. for thirteen dollars, and on
motion ant vote clerk ordered to ~rairtr a vra-rrant for the sar.~e.
$tHt e;Y18Rt frOmf=r. ~a SCO fOT rep€37.rS t0 u.0`; *P. tr,1C.{ 1n ~ ^
the arro~.nt of X14.25 on motion 8nd.vote ordered' paid. _.~.
Statement from :'at~or S~w,•g fax distributing spell and
"" incidentals t~iereto to the amo~;nt of „~220.1C an motion and vote
ordered raid.':
r' ~Tr. HCrne at this point presented hie •resionation as
<~resident of the Council.
~eular moved. and seconded that council adjourn as
there was no fn:cther business to come before the ~.eeting at t'nat