03-12-28i S t ~. ~. i. i. ,.. i. . ~~ ~:: f Meeting of Tou~rn Councih, atlantic Beach, '~'la :~=area 12, 198 President T:'icCullough, T'_~orn»son and Iio-rre Present. I:iinutes reading c~isnersed of. I`:oved and secord_ed that will of ocean Beaeh -Motel Co for lights be referred to finance committee for investigation and re~~~ort. Bill from =i. Sug ~2j.97 ordered raid. ' '' " 17.2 ."or she11 be acid. ;ir• Ti`~,ngle Of _~'t_in.=y and t~'P_g 9.neer 3n~earE'd bei0r0 .council in reference to crossing over f>tn, St. T. B.Bem~ett, Fug St. ~augustine, B'1a c~o I:~odel sand Go. '' loved and carried that 6th, St crossing be deferred until next meeting. Cle-rr GBS Pres. Council