ii 54
_eeting of Tov~m Council, :atlantic Beach, -'lam.
I~.aY 5, 1928
2vieeting called to order b~ ivir. r;icCullough.
';.oll call; is"eCullough, Thompson, Bar~Jald and
.Stallings present. Thorne absent.
T~ia~~or St,gg calls attention to dangerous app-roacYx to
'beaches as put in by Count~~. Council goes on -record as disanp-rov-
i ing the -resent runw~a5> as built b,y colmty as same is ~raeticall~~
la death trap and :no n-rovisi on made _°o-r loot passengers, isotion~
bar Ba-r;~~ald, sec on;?_ by 'hosnpson unanimous.
i.r. 'I. Z,. i,cCullough appointed ;egstz°ation ~Lsice:r°or
the year 192^0. i:_otion by Thomason second by Bar~r~ald, unanimous.
Sggg bill zor gas and oil current month. apro-roved .'35.58
,~ " ditchin~^ and roads " "80.62
Two tiros and tubPS bill 73.60
701. Stolbrand letter offering to take tax recein_ts in '
nayir:ent sor his claim •re~'e-rred to ~"inance Cor~msittee.
1?o fu-rther business to cor.~e up Council adjourned to
mext regular meetins night.
xB S
`?res. Council