10-01-28 __
~ n~
,ieetin=r To~:-rn Cown.cil o_° ~'.tlan'~ie 3e~c;:, I'lo'rida
October 1,1928
'P„eetin~ called to order by F,.H.'~hom??son TTiee-'2-res,
?oll call 'a-rv:%Ald-~"~ori~son-Stallin~s-Jensen, _'elote ;~bse:~t.
letter :prom S. Y. 'err under date 9~2'ij28, -read pertaining to
his tares _ro-r 1926-19 "r read. ?:`-r.. Osbo-r:oe rags i:structea. to advise "
'him 'c~~zat same could "not be eh«nTed as the tvuo i'orrner assessments
~,~ere correct. .~
Yio oti.e-r matters to Borne up so council au.jo~z-rned toy 7.0~8~28.
r;t~, Olerk
~T?3 o^ ,i O'~~C11
~T-Pres, _,.~I.T