__. _ __.
I;_eeting of ~o'a:~1 Cnl~~cil o;. latlantic Beae'2, w'la.
LTovember 5, 1928
S ~ .,
. r.>..
-resent; C.i;.Pelot, G.iS.Ctallings, ~.k3.Thom-oson, ia.~';.~ar~T:°a1d,
'and P. :Jensen.
„mutes of the last :,eetin:; •~-rere lead and an;^ro?red.
i;ir., i;ugg suggested that the s;,atter o° s'rellin t~~e
street near ocean front, iAorth of t[~e ~iot~l _or the -o~z~~nose oz
se_^vin~ 2 ne„~ Houses confer,?Mated be dee-~°-red l;ntil later or in t'n_e
~~. 6/].nt 0T.
The 011o'.'.dn tiill_s l~vere presented .iPd_ ordered raid,
:.~~.augg Gas ~ Cal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~24.7~
Bill from ~. E. Su;, a'r labor +~nd -rep«i.rs to i2th, St
~'Bnik'_nead and re?~lacin~ of rock ~°eferred to committee on
';ill from I:~?ertltine "arae for re~~airs to t%^::ek ordered
»aid a~.aC.
Clerk instrret.ad. to se.:~d. a statement for labor and
material furnia':ed to a.'r S~c'?ux'f cover°in~ above bill and re _rt:est
'.him to send cheek. y
T,Tr. i'elot sum=jested t'n:at :~ motion be made 'o-r t're
conunittee on public ~rrorks c`ili on 7:r. ~-r,a~1'_. C;~ren and arcane
an a»pointment for the members of the '<o~~m Co~zncil to call
'~unon~him as a body u~iitn reference to electric li;ht sitnatio:a
motion r.~ade by,+=r. ,~,irl-~ald ~and_ seconded 'o~~ iir. ~homnson, car-r.ied.
s,otion bs, ;~-r. Br;ri°.rald and seconded b;j I-,~-r. ihom_?son
that the committee on :Finance and '~axatian l/ith the Clerk call on
-r.. ?..i.Odor.2 read -recy~west in:orm«tion and re»ort covering
ordinance io-r taxes. TSotion crrrr:ied.
notion r,~ade bs a`~-r. Thomason seconded b~ ,-r. Jensen
authorizing ~'innnee committee to »izrchrise a suitable safe for
the Tozrrn i2ecords. ~.~r. 3ar~-vsld ~~av~r. Stallings as n.em~iers of
that coryiittee to purchase same z~-otion carried.
3:IOtioa made bq i~r.. 3arroald a:ad seconded by i;ir. _ ..
the clerk be instructed to issue a rtai^ra:~it to Job_n 3o'~ins in
t'r_e sum of ~:~0.00 cove-rin salary '~~ith time off :or ¢aca'~ion.
rnnl-i art r~r»i r~A -
~r~r. Pelot suggests t;~at eaen r.;ernbe-r oz tre Council
consider means and ~rravs to acnui-re a buildings for t`ne ~ o.rn Hall.
and -report their findings at the next -regular meetings.
There beirg no further 'o•::si:aess to come before t'ne
meeting it .vas moved and saco.lded treat the L~eetin adiourn.
~_, J?3 : Ti`rB