RuSO?~iT"_'TOD; ~'0~ _1OOi?~'IOT." 0:~ 1928 T~?„ na~'~,c,,,,T-",.^ OTT '
BE Ii i?;.S031VrB btT the '"ouzm Council of the 7'o~m oz"
«tlaxitic Tench that 'v9?iE::'.^nA5 certain e-rro-rs appears in the extensio:s
of the amoi~•~ts of the assessments on Wages l to o inclusive of the'
Wax Assessment 'iioll, that t'ne Tov~,m Clerk working in eonunetion ~r?itn
the~issessor procure additional vases of the assessment boob, fi11=
'ina in the amounts in the nro_ner columns and -paste same in said
assessr`^ept book in order tA1at same maV av,~ear i;niQarm and vrovide
''the:p-rover colamn for the extensior_ of the amount of taxes.
BE I`. FU~RiHE' Ei,SOLV?J by the `'oti°r.~ Council of tine 'i'o~nrn
of 5tlantic Beach, i~"`lorida, that the ~:'ax Assessment _'oll of said
"o~,m s~;bmitted b~> the Tax Assessor, havinS bee^. equalized and
corrected, is herebTz ratified and ap»-roved and is adovt~d as a
true and co=sect tax roll o said. ov,rr for the ;3ear 19„'8.
Bi: IT 'U1%?r,R I?~;^OT,V~.D that there is he"rebV levied. as
Vtaxes on all pronert,y an»earinr~ on said tax assessr,~ent roll, ten
mills on each doylar o;;.»roverty as.;essed, as it appears on said
tax roll.
x~. IT FU~T:.:2:-? BESOIV;T~ that the tax Collector is
required to mane all collections on o-r before the first TsiondaS~ in
April, S.?~. 19?9.
B I^~'Ui?~=~~?r~SOJ~TBU that all p.°o;oert;~ on <<Jnich
taxes remain un'°~aid on hnril lst, 19n9, shall be sold, as nearly'
as r^.a;a be, in t:~ze manner 2nd form prescribed for the sale of land
;for the payment of state. and county taxes.
BE I'i' "v'Uii?IiT ,iiSO~.TTLsU that s;ll personal to?tes shall
be collected in the ma:a:~er »rescr;bed bsT lac~t and tine state lezras
'concerning such collection sha11 be follo~.red ~s nearly as
ii - ~ ,,~
?~ Ii i'fJIt1'iSL~'~: :2ESOIs`Ti1D that the:ce is '_nerebzT levied. as
taxes on 211 ~-ro.~ert=; rap-oearin on said ,.ax assessment roll, ten
(iG} mills on each dollar of ~ro~ertTr assessed, as ~ a-~-nears on
'raid tax roll.
B; Il 'L''i.3 21SO~~dSD t'rlrat said taxes are noc~ c'_ae and
~nayable and i~ an~r tax ~a,ier shall ,~aT7 his taxes before ti?e first
da,y o." Janua-rg l9?9 he sY1a11 be sllotwed bT the "ax Collector of
"said "'ov~rn, a discorw~t of t;vo per cent, .there"rom, and ii he sb.~11
(:pay on the ~?irst d.aTj o." ~ar~aary or bet~,;aen t'rat daTT and_ the ?irst
day of <'eb-rua-r?,r 1923, he shall be a1lo:red. a ciisco;~nt tn.ere~ro*~? o
'~or_e oercent, t~nereof.
' Rl 1 ~f'1 °'f l'l ') T i T
3r; I~ ~ ~ .r,. ~. t~;~0- ~T.a,7 that tue 1'ax Collector is
required to make all collections on or before the first i;:oilday
in A»-til, _+.~. 1029.
3E IT '~ ,m_~~~ ?'SOS~Ts'I) that X11 ~ronert~7 on •,'h=ch taxes'
"remain un~~aid on .pril ist, 19'9, shall ~~e sold., as :nea-rl~~ as n..`?,y
~iJe, i.i file n1<.:1i"]6Y' lnd 0rr:"i Ore SCrlbed %Or uf18 Sale 01 lai7d. Or t'.rle i
nayr?ent o=? state and county ta~~es,
'~ I^ J"" 'ice.., '.;;,SOI'1i~~ that all 7ersonal i;a-res s'nall 'e e`
' collected in fife n^naer nroscrib:d by la~rt and the state lips
°'cancsrnin su.cY~ collections slh~ll be ~i'o11oT7,red as nearly as I
i?ractS.CalJle, O~_'ere'~- b~? i~x. r'arcvald and Se00nd.ed i;~7 ;ir. r'' O(n",50:'1
''nnani?ousl;~ carried..
.`OI?Cl, C'=', n,~'_?i;:!i'ICN 0"s' ^i ..i :x.~,'Sr.,,~:_~'`' :OI,L
^o t',.e "ax ~'~ye:rs o-^ ltla^tic ':?each, ?'lo-rid.a,
~ You a-re hereb;? noti°ied tr?.at the fax ~'~ssessment ?ali
f~Of t'"1' '"O ~Ci. 07: tiff-:."~1C '.'; f'ar'`!, r~10r1d.a, '''Or ti^..(' ~je~3'l 19Z~ h€:° '~. E'..;Il ':
~j COm'Olet ed and t;a~'1@C_ OVC; i" v0 t'1e _''flx Collector, 2'P.d all t`?XeS 0i '
Said ~yeaY' aTe nO;d Gtl(' and ^<;TT~3ble. 'int7 t`3x'~ erer ';7'(10 Sf1?1J'_ ')3`T hiS
''taxes bew'o:ce tare Pi rst da; o`r Januax;; , 1929, shal_1 be al3_o;,~,ad a
i~. di SCOU'..'it O~ tG40 't^er C2YLt, t'.12 r0".'rOr1; l s"'_E EXl. 11 pa3 j> On tf18 "=1r6t
..~ d3,'T 0' Tan lla2"?J 1~.3~~, 0'l beti~IL~en t.!l,`-?t d$~% fifld t'1@ 17.':'6..~t da~ 0'1`'
i'ebr?za-ry, 1~J29 , he sha11 be allovaed -a discouct t??erefrom o° one
~~er cent; th_-reoi.
dated; 3;ovem~?er 2G, 7_t"3%r3
?. V. Osborne
^ax Coll.ectc-r o~ the ^o}?rZ of Atlantic
3eac~, -^'lorida
John T:i. well
To ;m C1er1l
business to come be:°ore the ::eetin it r~*as
tha co:~'~cil adjo,zrn until t'!1e next -regular
i Sd} Jr_o . S~.'L. Bell
here bein; no -;'urt%~er
mova~ and seconded tha
s:eeti-r.4 , Deoember 3rd,
~a ' _
~' l:eetin;; o:' ~'arrn Oa~~~.cil, ',tlantic '?e~cn., ''lorida
I7overn2>er 2G, 1°28
'i°:eetin; called to order b7 ~'resi3ent O'ras. E. "3elet,
~iea dln_~ 0:° i; r7.@ T:il.n ~_t E;S 0:[ i, n2 TT~.~.4101',.S :l;n l~.t ii'1~' d1S~ei158° l~r]. ".:'P...
:'resent; ,
:P '0 Y'
,l• <'~.
'~ $.
n ~.
3u ry„~
_, Pe1ot
J 3."1 S 9i'1
ibis e~tln; ~°aas elled .or t;-.e p.rpose of e7urilizin iaxes fo-r
t e ,ye2r 1928 as c2i:Lec1 for bra :published r_~otiee.
''I:etter :from Chalmers '). _'o-rne eras read asl:in~ t'_n€~t ?>loc'~cs 1-?-a- '
except lots 2-4 -,nd S- be assessed as one ite*;i `~- ~75CO.G0. 1_~'ter
due eonsideratio;~ o i fr°-r. Aornes verbal statements it eras ;n2ninouslq
decided that inasmuch as t"nese blocks lave been plotted as lots
fo'f SOme :''lIt 6E3n ;,~earS %l'nd.. thr; i, dire 0011';; ].dE'.r at ion f:a C3. already-
been given to 211o?v nor the streets not bein; g'TP.d'ad, etc., thixt
' the a~SSeSSrP.ent S_7.c`311 Sta,ild 25 Y.1d 0.e bzT t'12 '1 aX ,~iSSf9SSOr. ,
Letter from .."ir. £,. H. Donner re d asking for lo~?rer assessment on
his acre32;e located on and near th.e iaatroort _aad in Section 17. ;
I~;r. Jensen suested that all a^reaye ?pest of L-he I'i~a~oort -road be
redneed to ~20.C?0 der were instead o" >100.00 as nog*r assessed.
!After considerable discussion.
Tile follo~rL~.ng -resolution ~~ias off6red;
~'' ,
BP'. IT 3~SOiV?D BY T`iE iQ'"PT COIIS?C IL of the io?.am of Atlantic
I3escI1 sitting as 2n piralization Doard, t"-,at i,ot 3 in section 17
:,assessed or. the basis o' 100.00 ;der acre for that Hart bordering
~on the P,iaynort road and 20.00 Her acre .~'o-r the bnla.nes of said
section-- in other too.^ds it is the ~~'ar~~ose o;" t?~.is resol~wtion to
i e7ualize t%?.i assess:"ient on a pro~>ortionate basis of 1`5 of said
acreage ::100.00 per acre and ~~~~ ~. 2C.OG -,>er acre.
BE Ii „"~-~T'd~'. 3_`SOI~TisD that all lands l;jing vrest of Lot 3 in
:'~eCt10Ll 17, :tinge ?9 .",i~3 St 2nd. Ie Or t11 0f th6 ~~'Errer Grant a:"ld
~° ''%Test o.' t'ne iardn lii;e and 'orth of tile -stl~antic '~onlevard to the
~r~estern limits o:f: the to~,v~R be assessed a t 20.00 per acre. O:ife'red
b;3 irr. ^homnson a-r~d seconded b~" iir. Larf7aald-=unanimouslg ca rried..
`6~fter a'further discussion of the 1928 assessment and due eonaid-
exation given to all persons pr6sentin~ or.~al ~ '~vrit'ten claims ~'or
& reducti OY1 In t2X6S, t116 ~a011a~?~.n; reS0111ti On !F72S Offered;
I3~ IT I?IS~`:~'Ti1`D oy the "'o?~sn CJauncil of the 1'o~m o" _t1~,ntic ~eac%
that `;I ~ ~~ iS certain ergo ~'s :ro~o6ar in 'one 6:,tension o:' t'c~e
afi OUntS ~J' thB a.SSeSSII1 e:C1tS On ~flg6S 1 tC i5 1nC l'J.S 146 Of ~1'1e ~_"2.Y
4..c.SeSS71Cnt ':'.oil, that 'G'.G' iOF.R7 v ~ 0r'i 1~~01'.ln~ in COn ,IUlCt iondiri tSt
ti:16 aSS6SSOr jJrO C'u.T'e 2dd1ti0nzil 'o.,geS Of the aSSeSSY"ien'~ ba:a i>, 1111
ing In t'C16 2.7iio Ui7tS 1.i1 the p1'O"per COl1;.L~li1S fln('.i ~OaSte Sa7!iE3 1.n E'aid ~
assessment book in order that; same n,a,g 2p?~,e2r nnifo::~m and_ provide
the nron6r ;,ol~snn for the extension o~ the amount of taxes.
3r: Ii ~'U.'.T r~ i2 80 .~T~D b;T the -'o~rm ~9ou:~c17 of t'~2 Do~mn
~"of .itlantic ~eac:~z, Florid?, that the ia~ assessment ~?oll of said
~1 io~rrn submitted, by the iax ~=asesso-r, having been equalized and. co-r-
;erected, is hereby ratified and 2~o,q-roved and is ado~oted as a true
('and correct tr-~x roll of s :id o5~rt for t'ze ~7ear 19N£i.
.w '~,.
h r...:..-_.
'... ~,
the ollo,rin~; bills ~:rere gone over ~^nd ordered n%:id . ':lotion
r.~ade b? ':~-r. , '~ar~Jald anal seconded bzr i::r. St~.llin„s;
Jacksonville Journal - - - - - - - - - - 1~g,7t5
'each T.~i~e Pt:blishin~_ Co - - - - - - - - 5a.G0
Zr. ,e~ P~. ]3. ~re,ht ~o - - - - - - - - - - &1.27
I'loridr~ `Dimes IInion - - - - - - - - - - 12.8
e bein" no ~t.rther 'ousiness to come
be"ore t'?e i
n.eatins it
vras moved rad seconded to adjour~~,
(Sd_) Jno. Y,~. Nell
"? o';'rn G 1 erk
t Presid.e~7t