03-14-27~. ~~.. !~ j ~ ~,ra ~s Iii I.~IaUTES OF 1g :IEI;~, rm ~, ~ .r, r~ T A ~~ I~~ Ji 1i, ..O:.1T C OJT. L C !,i~;:~T^_IG` ByAr'r? HTTJ~ ii,:'!,'~i T^ 14th Ir327. ,,`' i'; i:eetin~; eras called to order by the -president of the "council at eight P ir_. present: I<ir. H. L. P'ricCullou,~,h, Sr. Earl ;I. Thor_npson and :~x. Cha~mers~. Horne. a.'r. ivonte 13arvvald was unable to be roresent acco::nt o_' si e u~zess, and 1'~r George utallings =rras absent due to t??e fact that 'r_e was out of t;.e cite. It was moved. by j;~r. l;:eCullough, seconded by a;ir. Thompson and carried that the reading of the minutes of the meet in-; held eb-ruary 21 be dispensed vait'_r~ at this meet ins ar~d that the? be read at the next meeting, she Council r_;et at the -regula'r reeting niht Tr'areh 7th' "and there being na quorum present the;.'2eeting was adjourned until 8 P.iti. ,ia-rch 14th. P,•r T:teCullough introduced an ordinance to be iio~=rn as ordinance .,:-lei amending ordi:ance ti-1 which vrould create a committee on 3ealth~and Sanitation. Ordinance teas passed on its [ !;'first ;•2eading. i ~. i ~ communication .ryas received from i~+ir. '?, r. "'unnell 'offerin to wade 2nd St. from Last Coast '7rive to C1d Sherxy :Drive far a width of 16'feet and to -place curbing 3 X 8 pecky ` es7press its entire 1en?th for ,~450.OC, this amount being the 7xalance that :gas anprororated for torn ira-nravements at the I:~eeting of Feb. 21st, ~ 192"~ and vras saved bTr the County constructing run- `. gray at 15th ~t . i^. Iv=cCullot;gh moved that i:s. '_'unnells ofwer be accepted. 1.'otion ores seconded by ~-r. ^hompson and.. un?nimously carried. i:~T. Franc; $renn.8n O:.° J3C'r.`.8 onv i1le 3eaC~"l. 'vr1tY1 a del e?at 10n, frOr^ the Ja CiiSOnv1118 ,'OaCh "soard Of ~!'raG:.e a'7)'neP,red before the ~:aw^.C11 f-2nd "leO~L'.e9t8d t.'tll~~ 012r ~~~OL'..r1C11 lOln 1n.4`Jl. t'tl th@ Cities of St. !~ugu tine, South Jacksonville and Jac'<aonville !',each' in working; far a 'r_ard surfaced road connecting .'tlantic "~oulevard .,Ruth St. augustine, d resolution ~.aas olie-red vy I,ir.={o-rne re~uestin the Co'~r~ty Govunissioners of ~uv21 i ountT~ to tare such action as necessary to com~n7_ete the road connecting with the St. Johns County, tighvra,3 that is not-r bein surveyred 'oetaaeen the ;To-rtn T?fiver sand i'JUVral Gount=~ I;ine, and to tr.~ke suc'z :"u-rther action. as ma,,T be P 'reluired to -dace the 3eaches anon a trunk line hi:.nvaay --corn f, South Jacksonville to Daytona ';each. ~r. T~:icCullough moved that the resolution be adopted, this ores seconded bar ~-:-r. ;'nompsor. and carried. ~' It ~.r~ras duly moved and unruzimousl.V carried t'rat the sum of ~100.G0 be a~Q-nropriated zor »,=ay.~~2ant of extra labar to be used in clearing, cleanini sand irlp~°ovement o_~ streets and e~ztti:a~; of -F weeds an those st-ree~s vahich had no'i, previously be cleaned. ,`r. .,rich t e fire Gnief of ~~acksonville 'Teach re_»_ Qrted 'on tine inade7r.~te xre n-rotection in ~tlaatie ::each, =and ~kmested 'c'.^.at t%ie 'Worn s%1~u1d ~nrovide itself avi?;h one reel nd 3 to 4G0 Beet o~' hose< i~lso he slid it t<~~as neces:a-r,J ~ or•trater lines to be cleared of mud. '' ~.e-re being no fn-rt?.e-r b,zsi~^.ess to cor:o be_'ore ti.e f-Co.;nei1 the r..2eeting adjourned7. at 10.05 p.ri. i t ~',(Sd} F, C"". Collins (`~d) Ch.:~h~-e-rs :!. "~' o me clerk Tres Co~.ncil E 1 y s. ,r ~~ NO 37/ ~. T':iF.,ETIT•i G C ~.I, ED TO 0~:'3I;~; 8 PT i EY Pi2':S I7 5i! 1 OI' C OUISfC II:. '- i Aia~T:'L~^.t:1BEPS ';')I'+,"iI; PRESETST. S,tIS?IITES 0r' iE:~TIIvTs Or'„FEn 28th and t`:~53 lath °•~;.?.` 33..4~_i .tT?7 OI7 T;iOniIO>rT I~EY 'J";r.I?B .>PP~;OJFi,. ._G~TIt3? :;'_Otir,TD _1TtIJ S:~COfi?3EA T;iAT i3E n1.4X CO'~:I,;:CTO 3E Ii?Sri' a":-C TED ~0 CO'?_;:CT T'.~E _~S`.^a~ir~"d OAI ?SOT ISO 1 '37~OCi: 20 TO E`;ED AS OtIE LOT. 91 ETiDTLEPt^ TO Cr.')ITTIT:CE PvC 1 PaSSed on i3.,,CJTT7 xr~s:Dtr1, :~rs^FULAP 1?0?%:TD i'H!'>T tI? t]D<`1:1a Bi; l~U~.30S?IZii;') TC r1'CiE ';P OI,') AID S~IYdE lIPE SAID PIPE i0 By T'SsD TO 3~ T?SF,'~ .'0 nv'1:.._'i'ttiOni 1 'I~ATi,? .ITE TO I l?-J > '~ T A +'>t Cn, `.{1 .n ? ~ fl r r lT 't ~ 5~3._~_,'4 D_.ITN ~~~hCT',s ~.i3uLla I'i.0? ':3'r. ~S..Er, {SC t.?B ~3Et.C:d. t,:P i30:~iE TSAAE S :i:1PORT 0't ~:-fv I~LTIRrG Gi' T:-TTs' JOINT ~OP.T>1?S O°' ST. ' ?03TT ATeTP :)U"dTi?. CO'JTIny COP<iTTISSIO~i;~E3S ":~ !ii;, O:~:I+_v's Ois i `'.07 ~ r3..T'r,rP;t~ia J1~ BEAC'~ ^iT`a:~ ST :,T'C`JS!nl,iiS. t I r3 ?"SOL'JTIODT .?!S PRt.SESSi'~TD 3Y IrIR T.TCCLrIuOU;FH .~t^a,_;.IId^> JAX BE.9O3 t'Oii T;?~I AID IIT O7,i~7. Pi^:CESJT FI;~u ,5"iIC:d BESTB'JY~'~ i 3~: HOi;"L 0? T`?? ;'OR'PI1Q. f11 1~IS POli~'_ r'i.? 1,'=CCUI,I,OL'~;3 ?i+?vJr: ?~ Vi. Jz3AL ':i: ?0,^ O'`T ~?IS .~'~0^IVIr"IliS ', .~S ~'TTICIP_,I J;ri;;y, m C~ , ' n ~>,~iT1T nr~ +, ~ r •. r-t r .ar - n /} T~ 11 ~:~V~AS ~lil:..a'T1:r11_l 1..V YJ~~ tl :.l fJ,~V J~:: V1i~ 1_T.A'.1 1ju _7l1 _~Yy.L}J ./iQ.tQii nC ~J:J ~2I.Il CS?" IT_L71'')?iI;7 70T`.`SnS QR ";- '; `n'r ' rT3^i BY ~ :Tr, CITY. ''`OnIO.Td C_ ??I~,. r, '~l~t. 1 Tut i_~U.,.~ BOJ. ,,. ~B. RP:GIIBA? ~vSOVi;;D T???T "'HE '3I:LLS 'OP _i: OC:'.9P? B:yaCH :'?OTEL CO C~ X1.50 fo-r I,IGIiTS Iii rT:i~ n0":'dTd ;3^T•L :BF ~;,IJ. T t rei rt -n ~~ a c Tn 1 ~~ n-, > T' r r AuSC _N_d_ 1H~ x3ALa ,,~. Oi _ti,. i~t,Ji1 r03 _.f~ ll. is H:iL.• COI? `3.. VI-:~lE ': l~/2~? Bx'J P2~ID T'~ l;a'~ ~i liii.::~OIT. ~ ~./?JSO i3_T '.1?~ FiI:!;T~ ~'='.OT;i THAT t_'If;_ES ii1TI01d _"0:~ ti'JV~:i`IBI%TC i"YESi'03 TES= T.tOTi~'~ OF ~'~B be ioaid. r~~onmotion fi:nar.ce co^u.:ittee vlras instructed to sir,n a least fo-r the ° ' `a ~ s- ~ LO, t ~ ~ sit TtY~ +~J TJI:'L 1'nr,.sent to~,-rn n.,ll for ~ e ~-ear s~. -rting a-Tl .first 19' 7 . OF T ll .~'.'. .l'T~J rt~.7l`,7 :~QI,Ti'~. t~iS y .~'l7_: i'TL ~i:i.s'x~i. ~. t .;; (Sd} Chalmers ;). iorne (Sd} ~'. C. Collins APPBO TD I'It'ua ^ OTT?C II, C:~E'r'.`r: J