04-05-26 va
hlr. Horne moved and Nor. Rogers seconded that RESOLUTION ~1., ,
be rescinded, upon which the vote was as follows:
A4r. Pritchard - Aye nir.
Rogers - Aye Lrr. Horne -
Aye Iilr. Bell - Aye.
I~r. ?via son -
Ayeand it was so ordered.
i f; ASINUTES o~ a
meeting of the Town Council, o£ the ITown of Atlantic Beach, Fla.,
held on the 5th, day o£ April, 1926.at the Town Hall.Present:
bSessrs. Swlason, Pritchard, Bell,
Horne and Rogers.The m'~nutes of the
previous meeting were read and approved.The Committee on Public ~tlorks
reported the various bids j{received for the surveys,
etc., of the proposed pavements on streets, and recommended that the
bid of the Coral State Engineer-!ing Co. be accepted at
the sum mentioned in their formal. hid.Upon Formal motion made and
seconded, the report was adopted viva 'VOCe.fir. Horne moved and
Rogers seconded that RESOLUTION ~l,as adopted on the 1st.
day of wiarch, 1926, be reconsidered. 'The vote was as follows:
i Mr. Pritchard - Aye Idir.
Rogers - Aye ivSr. Horne - Aye
To.'r. Bell - Aye
Ivir. Mason-Aye and
it was so ordered.lair. Horne moved
and fir. Pritchard seconded. that
RESOLUTION A as read to the Council, and filed
with the Town Clerk, be referred to the Committee on Laws and Rules
for immediate report.The motion being duly put to vote and
adopted, it was so ordered. 'Thereupon after a duly appropriate interval, the said
Committee on Laws and Rules reported through the Chairman thereof,
that the Committee recommended the passage thereof.Thereupon, P+Ir.
Rogers moved and rir. Borne
seconded that the n:les be suspended and the resolution be
passed.The vote follows:S.Ir. Pritchard - Aye Tir.
Rogers - Aye P:'
ir. Horne - Aye I;Ir.
Bell - Aye N[r.
Pdason - Aye and it was
so ordered.ORDINANCE ;~A-3
mrasread and filed with
the Town Clerk.I It
was moved by I»x. Bell and seconded by tir.
Rogers that rules be waived andit be put upon its second reading; and moved and
seconded as before that it be passed on second reading and placed ',
upon third reading and final passage.T~Ir. Pritchard voted Aga F~
Ir. Rogers voted Aye F,4r.
Hamavoted Aye Iolr. Bell
votedAye Ir. +~Iason voted
AyeAnd it Baas declared
by the Chair as
adopted.ORDINANCE ~A-4,
reported back favorably by the Committee on ji Laws €
ind Ru7.es, it vase moved by ter. Rome
and seconded by Islr. Bell;j that said report be adopted, and upon being duly 8o
voted it was i so ordered.Thereupon it was moved by l:?r. Rogers
andsecondedby &
Ir Prit=kcchard,tha~t rules be ~vaiped and it be put upon
its secondreading;1`
and moved and seconded as before, that it be passed on second
reading and placed upon third reading and final passage
I~r. Pritchard voted Aye
fir. Rogers voted Aye
f~: fir. Horne voted Aye ,
P+Sr. Bell voted 9ye
L?r. Iiason voted Aye
and it was so ordered.
d~Ty7r. Bell moved and fir. Pritchard seconded that the lease of Iir.
Horne upon the present temporary quarters of the Town Hall be
taken over by the Town as of April 1st., 1926, and upon note it ,
was so ordered.
The Town Clerk was instructed by vote of the Council to request
the F.E.C.Ry. by proper communication at the proper`.time to
provide proper grade crossings on all east and west streets which
are to be paved under RESOZIITION ~1-
A.ORDINANCE TA-5 ~xas read and passed as to first
xeading; and was thereupon referred to theCommittee on Laws and
Rules for
immediate report.After due and proper interval, the said
Committee recommended that the said ORD Il6ANCE A-5
be duly passed.It was thereupon moved by Lir. Rogers and seconded
by fir. Horne that roles be waived and it be put upon its
second reading; and ~moved and seconded as before that it be passed
on second reading I'and placed upon third reading and final passage
upon which
thevole resulted 4'ir.
Pritchard - Aye Par. Rogers -
Aye ir. Horne - Aye
Tuir. Bell -"_ Aye j ~i.r. Cason - Aye sand it
was so ordered.i It
moved by T,Sr. Pritchardand seconded by T+Qr. Hornethat the lrCommittee on
Public N~orks beempowered to expend not to exceed the sum of
Fifty Dollars 0 50.00) for the purpose of cutting and j'!burning
thistle plants on lots in the Town. Carried by unanimous vote on
roll call.r.Various
referring to electric lighting, garbage, etc.,were read
and referred to the appropriate Committees for report.iThere-being
no further business before it, the Council adjourned.Sd)
Vasa E. Stolbrand Vasa
E. o bran Town
Clerk ,a:
S. +ason ;President,
Town Council.I