07-06-26i f 21 MINUTES of a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Fla., held at the Town Hall on July 6, 1926. Meeting called to order at 8:45 p.m. Present: Messrs. Mason, Pritchard, Rogers, Horne and`Bell. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The Committee on Publics Works reported as follows: "The Committee met with Mr. Ogram, Engineer of the Coral State Engineering Co. and after carefully examining the profiles and surveys of the proposed paving, to be covered by the !:200,000.00 bond issue and hearing the report and advice of the engineers, the Committee recommends that streets that are to be paved that lie within a sub -division be brought to grade by the sub -division at the expense of the sub -division prior to emmmeneement of Daring covered by bond issue." (signed) Committee of Public Works by Chalmers D. Horne Chairman" It was moved by Mr. Horne and seconded by Iti4r. Pritchard that the report be received and adopted, the Chair ruled it out of order as changing existing law by report and not by regular action. Thereupon Mr. Horne appealed from the ruling. Upon the question: "Shall Mr. Horne's appeal prevail the ruling of the Chair to the contrary notwithstanding, the vote was Mr. Rogers voted No. Mr. Pritc`,iard voted Aye Mr. Horne voted Aye Mr. Bell voted no vote Mr. Eason voted No Not Not having the necessary majority, the appeal was lost. After further informal discussion of the sitaation, there being ,,no further business before it, the Council adjourned. (Sd) Vasa E. Stolbrand Vasa E. olbran { Town Clerk I it t Ij