12-15-25 vT3IA7iTTES of a meeting (the first) of the Council of the TOWN of
r I ATLANTIC BEACH, FLA., on December 15, 1925, in Jacksonville, Fla.
There were present Ib4esSrS. W.H.Rogers, Francis S. Bacon, George A
Pritchard, and Chalmers D. Horne, and Charles E. Bell.
0i motion duly seconded, and so voted, Francis S. 'Mason was
I1 =elected President of the Council, and George A. Pritchard, Vice
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i.President -both by unanimous votes.
Llr. Harcourt Bull, the Mayor, reported that he had taken the oath
of office before Judge Barrs, on Dec. 14,inst., and had administer
ied the oath of office to each member of the Council, and produced
the said oaths for filing in the archives of the Town.
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The ?Mayor also reported that he had appointed, subject to the
approval of the Council, Vasa E. Stolbrand, as City Clerk, Tax
Assessor, and Registration Officer; and Peter Jensen as I =,arshal,
Tax Collector and Treasurer,- whereupon, by unanimous vote, the
said appointments were approved:
The Council accepted the tender by Councilman Horne of his office
at. Atlantic Beach for use as a City hall, and the Clerk was
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authorized to have the electric current out in.
On motion duly made, seconded and approved, regulat meetings of the
Cbtmcil were fixed for the first and third Mondays of each
calendar month, with the proviso that the meeting for the 21st.
inst be postponed to the 22nd. inst. The regular hour for the
meetings was fixed at 8:00 p.m.
On motion duly made, seconded and approved.,'the office of
Attorney for the Town was created,to be filled by election of the
Council at some subsequent meeting, following the report of
Messrs. Liason and Rogers, as to eligibles.
On motion duly voted, it was made the duly of the przIsiding
officer at each meeting of the Council to give to the Press full
publicity as to any and all action taken thereat.
There being no further business before it, the Council, on motion,
Sd) Vasa E. Stolbrand
City Clerk
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MINUTES of a meeting of the Council of the TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH,
FLA., held on December 22, 1925, at the Town Hall, Atlantic Beach
Present: Councilmen Rogers, Pritchard, Bell and Horne.
In the absence of President 114son, Vice - President Pritchard
The MINUTES of the meeting of the 15th. inst., were read and approved.
Mr. Rogers reported that his Committee had interviewed Mr. Odom as
to acceptance of the position of Town Counsel and that Mr. Odom had
indicated unwillingness to assume any official position which
carried any degree of permanency but that upon call he was entirely
willing to give his services either -for a fee or otherwise, as
might at the time be determined. ` ter some discussion, it was
decided to postpone any action to some future meeting.
Mr. Horne moved, that a meeting of the property owners of the Town
be called for 8:00 o'clock p.m* at the City Hall, Jacksonville, Fla.
on Thursday, January 7, 1926,- said'beeting -to be for the purpose of
discussion looking toward the adoption of a new, uniform and
continuous bulkhead along the ocean front from Neptune to 16th.-
St. Upon being seconded, the motion was duly adopted.
r A letter of Dr. Luella Ivestlake asking for 'action on the refusal
of 11r. W. H. Adams to give her electric lights because of the
comparatively great cost of extending the poles and lines to her
place, was read and the Clerk was directed to inform the Doctor
that as a Town nothing could be done immediately but that a con-
sultation with her lawyer might bring some results.
Upon motion, duly seconded and adopted, the Chair appointed a
Committee of three to go into the matter of the electric lighting
matter and report as soon as practicable.but not later than the
meeting of the Council in regular session of Jan.18,1926. The
Committee were instructed to interview Mr. Adams, 1r. Fowler and
such others a fight have knowledge of the situation. Com: Horne,
Bell and Rogert.
Mr. Smith, Chief Engineer, Jacksonville Beach, who was present as
a visitor, gave quite an extended talk on the electric light
situation and other matters and explained at length the causes of
the trouble so frequently experienced with the lights; and
conoluded by telling that due to the installation of two small
transformers to replace the large one used the summer time, it was
quite likely that most of our trouble would disappear, so far at
I least as the quality in light was concerned.
It was moved, and duly adopted, that Vice President Pritchard, be
appointed a Committee of one to arrange with the City of Jacksonville
Beach for the use of that City's Jail by our Town pending the
completion of other arrangements.
It was moved and carried that -the Idayor, the Vice President of the
Council and the Town Clerk, be authorized to arrange a credit in
the sum of THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS for as long and on such proper
terms as might be possible.
The resolution of Mr. Rogers authorizing the Mayor to make represen-
tations to the U.S.Government through the U.S.Senators from Florida
in the matter of the apparent action of the Jetties upon local and
temporary ocean currents and the destroying effects thereof, was
duly adopted.
There being no further business before it, the Council, upon
motion, adjourned.
Sd) Vasa E. Stolbrand
Attest: City Clerk