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07-28-99 vX9/03/1999 88:25 9042475843 Cr- C-A S PUBLrC-WORKS PAGE 02 A regular nesting of the Recreation-Advisory-Board--wa held-Wednesday,July 28, 1999, Co-Chairperson Phil Corp-caged-the meting to-order-at-7:1-5-p.m Present were:Peter Coalson,Phil-Corp, Barbara-Hopson-Steven Jenkins,Tim Johnson, Deka*-Melancon,. and Susan Gorman. APPROVAL OF MINUT,S Peter Coalson-motioned to-approve-the mutesmfr :ihe last-meeting heldonJune 23, 1999. Barbara Hopson seconded and the motion carried. UPDA 1P;ON PROPOSER ORDINANCE TO PROTECT PARKLAND Dekan asked.the Board to-discuss-the proposedordinanceto-protect parkland_ He this issue-should-not$o ignored—Barbara-Hopson spoke with several_of&ials from area-beach-park-hep She-w+as informed thai an official-poky for parkland—preservation-does not exist with-the exception of Neptune Beach..- StcvenJenkihs suggested-that-the-Board-consider-the Parkland preservation ordinance adopted-by-the City of Jacksonville, Tacksonville's phis clear andeasy-to enforcer Steven distributed-the material-on this-subjeet: DeJean asked the-mrd to study the-inZrmation before 4evalepig-an ordinance—for Atlantic Beach_ Jacksonville's COMP plan was mentioned as a guideline as well. BULL PARK-BUDGET MODIFICA N hr60- The Board-was asked to waytoutodify-st for the Bull Park t, DeJeu-mentioned thatthe-Commission-would prefer-that-the plans remain-similar to the odea, with simplicitsage as a-key consideration. DeJean etthe Board to prioritize items for cost effectiveness. The Hoard discussed key areas-that-appear negotiable: Steven-questioned the cost of the concretes or rather the-query-fired in-the-lowest-hid. Peter agreed,suggesting that lssscurbittg could save-dollars- Steven also-questioned-the-replacement ofexisting sidewalks. I he Board agreed-that perhaps Bull Park could do with fewer sidewalks. ussed the castofthrit playground-equipment, AeJean suggested to he Board that donated play sets-he City ofJacksonvilk is an option. The Bgard agreed that-other sources*,r play set cquipmerft-should ba considered. Competitive pricesshoad be reviewed along wit- the possibility-of donated playground-equipu nt. 1--CM" S X4/03/1999 08:25 9042475843 C A B PUBLIC WORKS PAGE 03 The Board discussed ideas on how to decrease the cost of landscaping. Peter suggested that some items thebid-were impo -clue t4-design. The cost iaveIved-i - oving and planting-vegetation is-an`i a ant tor,but the - Bea agreed-that a separtne v arevised plant list would lower the-cost-considerab asked about the cost for the sand surface. The Recreation Director explaained that sandsurrace is one of the required playground surfaces. Several Beard-members questioned-the need for-an-air-to-air-pump for Bull.Park. The teereation Director ei iaed-that--this item-was-requested to eliminate-water puddles The Board agreed-that-an-air eonversiee-phis-ice an essentia tem for the HuffPark project. After-considering significant-chs s-fo -the Su Park-pfoject,the Board--determined that-their idesa would bring-the projected midget-devv}t-to-S250,000.00. DeTeanasked for a motion. Steven Jenkins motioned that Bull Park should-go out km new bids with an amerled package that would: 1. Delete curbing and perimeter sidewalk F a 2.Modification of la set specification_P Y 3.Reduces of plants for-landscaping-by 10%a. 4. W-1tlrfleferegoing redueedrbion cost-due to-the anticipated reduction in demolition and inobiili ati?n. 5.Delete heat pump conversion. Barbara seconded and the motion earrr. DeJean urged the Board to-make attendance a-pfio y-f r the Commission meeting on August 9, I9 9. UPDATE II The Parks and Recreation Director distributed-copies of the minutes from the Dutton Island meeting. Chairperson DeJean Melancon motioned to adjourn the-meeting at 8:30 p.m_ Steven seconded and the motion carried.