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09-09-98 vCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING Minutes of September 9, 1998 The Recreation Advisory Board held a special meeting Wednesday, September 9, 1998 in the Adele Grage Community Center. Chairperson Phil Coalson called the meeting to order at 7:23 PM. Present were: Barbara Hopson Phil Corps Peter Coalson Scott Debuty Ed Waters Patricia Goelz Visitor Ms Gather Mayor Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commission Liaison Timmy Johnson, Staff Liaison Patricia informed the Board that the budget will go before the Commission September 14 and 28. Timmy informed them that an office person, maintenance and park ranger for Dutton Island, new building in Russell Park and funds carried over for Bull Park. Because the Board did not submit any budget betterments, there are no recommendations from the Board. Patricia informed the Board that she submitted betterments to Timmy and Timmy informed the Board that he could not submit them because they were not approved by the Board. The Board discussed the following budget betterments: Parks and Recreation Assistant to help with office and run Adele Grage programs at 5K Aquire Donner and Jordan Park Property at $50K Community Garden Program (fence, water, mailings)$3K Development of Park linkage system and kiosk at Russell $5K Barbara Hopson motioned to approve the betterment list. Seconded and the motion carried. The Board discussed a letter submitted by Andrea Pennell from Aquatic Gardens Association requesting to turn the Aquatic Gardens Pond into a Park. Peter recommend viewing the site before the next meeting and placing it on the agenda for the next meeting. Patricia recommends getting as many people from the community involved as possible. She spoke with Barbara Daniels form the Cooperative Extension Agency, who came out and met with George Worley and Timmy. They viewed three sites to get Barbara's recommendation. She thought the site off Donner Rd. Was too small, the site off Francis is nice, but she was concerned about what is in the ground, she liked Rose Park, but it needed to be graded. Her final recommendation was the site off Francis Ave. before the next meeting and placing it on the agenda for the next meeting. Patricia recommends getting as many people from the community involved as possible. She spoke with Barbara Daniels form the Cooperative Extension Agency, who came out and met with George Worley and Timmy. They viewed three sites to get Barbara's recommendation. She thought the site off Donner Rd. Was too small, the site off Francis is nice, but she was concerned about what is in the ground, she liked Rose Park, but it needed to be graded. Her final recommendation was the site off Francis Ave. The Board reviewed the existing long term rental contract for public facilities. Timmy informed the Board that the contracts are up for renewal and his only concern was shat happens when an organization violate the contract. Peter motioned to recommend approval of contract with the following amendment: Authorize the City Attorney to provide language to address penalties for violation of contract provisions. Patricia informed the Board that she was disappointed that the City Commission did not contact the Board before approving the work at Mandalay Park. Patricia recommend that Mandalay Park remain in its present nature state, i.e. nature ground cover can not be moved from the site. The Board wish to voice its regret that it did not have a voice in the decision making process. We realize that only a minimum amount of work was done to this Park, but since this park has come before the Board, we are expressing our concern. We would like to say again that every Park does not have to be an active park and these areas provide enjoyment to citizens. The Board would like to see an ordinance that states that public Park must go through the Recreation Advisory Board as do plans go through the Tree Board. Timmy informed the Board that several terms are expiring at the end of the Month;therefore, the Board need to think of Board Member recommendations. Patricia motioned to form a Dutton Island Task Force Subcommittee prior to the selection of a firm to develop. Phil seconded and the motion carried.