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03-25-98 vCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MARCH 25, 1998 A regular meeting of the Board was held Wednesday, March 25, 1998 in the Adele Grage Community Center Meeting Room at 7:41 PM. Present were: Barbara Hopson Patricia Goelz Peter Coalson, Chairperson Ed Waters Mayor Suzanne Shaughnessy Timmy Johnson, Staff Liaison Patricia made a motion to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting. Barbara seconded and the motion carried. Mayor Shaughnessy discussed her meeting with that she met with Miles Frances of JTA and JTA have decided not to use the property near Tresca. She would like a recommendation from the Board concerning using said property for a soccer field. The Recreation Director indicated that he spoke with a representative from Florida Sports Group and that person stated that it would cost an estimate of$150,000 to construct the soccer field. According to the Mayor the retention ponds will be centralized in the enter area, not near Mayport Road. Landscaping will also take place. The City is trying to get JTA to purchase the Jasemine Street retention pond. Once the bridge is, constructed JTA will have to mitigate. They will get the most credit for mitigation if they mitigate close to the site of disturbance. Some general discussion was concerning the Atlantic Blvd.-Mayport Rd. Flyover and the Wonderwood Bridge. Patricia ask if mitigation funds could be used to purchase park land off Levy Road (Three and half acres for $760,000). The Mayor reported that the closing for Dutton Island is Friday, LOAM at the office of the Attorney for the Estate. His name is Rowe and his office is off Baymeadows Road. She also mentioned that her personal philosophy on Boards and Committees. She stated that she's constantly hearing that you can't have citizens running the City. She does not see it that way she sees it as the Commission as a decision making body, Department Head and Staff making one feed of information to the Commission so they can decide. The Committee is a separate feed and the does not intersect, both are advisory to the Commission. i Ed indicated that he would like to see the Eastern portion of Tresca dredged approximately two feet. Barbara reported that the City hired Col. Rise to look over several recommendations for the City drainage problems. On May 11, he will report to the City Commission, explaining his views and recommendations. He seems to be the perfect solution to this problem and everyone should be satisified with his findings. Col. Rise met with the Friends of Howell Park for five hours. Barbara made a motion that the Board prepare a letter to Mr. Rise stating we desire to have Howell Park stay in its' present condiction without any alterations. Peter would like the Board to take a single goal or two and focus on them. The Board should also have goal ready for the Commission's goal setting section. The Board decided to have meetings twice a month. Peter recommend that the Board drive and looke at the property at Levy and Begonia Street. At the April 8 meeting, the Board will discuss Marvin's Garden, Community Garden, David Thompson will make an appearance and the Board will discuss a second goal.