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02-26-97 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD 1VIEETING FEBRUARY 26, 1997 Recreation Advisory Board held a regular meeting Wednesday, February 26, 1997, at the Adele Grage Community Center meeting room. Chairperson Dezmond Waters called the meeting to order at 7:22PM. Present were: Barbara Hopson Edward Waters Patricia Goelz Mary McGee Dezmond Waters Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commission Liaison Timmy Johnson, Staff Liaison The Recreation Advisory Board reviewed the minutes of the last regular meeting and Patricia Goelz made a motion to approve them as written. Dezmond mentioned the sign ordinance passed and for Timmy to give everyone a copy. Dezmond mentioned the Commission had accepted the name Mandalay. It was mentioned that the Board should start working on developing programs. Timmy is working on a park brochure. Patricia will help with this brochure. It was recommended that the City hire a part-time person to assist with office work and programs, claiming the triangle piece of land South of Mandalay Park as park land and push for the purchase of land near Jordan Park. Tresca Property is on the Commission agenda to have the bid process waived, so that Dames & Moore could purse permits and come up with construction documents. There is an article in the Tide Views to name the park. Genesis Group was chosen to come up with a design for Bull Park. Once a conceptual design is complete, there will be a presentation to the Commission. Barbara reported the water level in Howell Park is low. Timmy reported the Donner Community Development Cooperation will have a clean up in the Jordan Park area and they invite everyone. The camp out will be held Saturday, March 8. Barbara, Mary and Patricia agreed to help with registration.