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09-25-96 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PARKS AIN U RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 25, 1996 A regular meeting was held Wednesday, September 25, 1996, at the Adele Grage Community Center meeting room. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dezmond Waters at 7:20PM. • Present were: Mark Beckenbacl► Dezmond Waters, Chairman Mary McGee Barbara Ilopson Patricia Goelz Timmy Johnson, Staff Liaison Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commission Liaison Guest: Ed Preston, Facilitator The meeting began with an introduction of Ed Preston, Facilitator for the Public Meeting concerning Bull Park improvements. Ed discussed his strategy for the meeting(see attached) once complete he asked for that the Board endorse this process. Barbara Hopson made a motion to accept Ed Preston's notion for the workshop. Mary McGee seconded and the motion carried. Patricia amended the motion by stating that it be suggested to the commission to explore the possibilities of hiring a design firm. Barbara seconded and the amended motion carried. Dezmond discussed the resolution concerning signage (see attached). Mark made a motion to adopt the resolution and take it to the commission. Barbara seconded and the motion carried. Discussion took place on the use of city facilities. The Board took no action. The Recreation Director informed the Board that we scheduled a meeting concerning city contracts for Wednesday, October 9. cd Preston & Associates, Inc. Planning Facililalors DRAFT P.O.Box 47906 (sonville,FL 32247-7906 )396-4139 FAX 396-2182 A Citizen Consensus Process for the City of Atlantic Beach 6:00 - 9,OOPM Monday, September 30, 1996 • Purpose Description Process Design To reach a A public meeting for citizens to 6:00 PM consensus express their ideas and inter- Park Viewing, Statement of Meeting Purpose about Bull Park ests through a participatory Examine existing conditions planning process designed to State desired meeting outcomes improvements develop ideas about the park's 5 Minute fieview of Process To Date puipose, character and func- tion and to explore and priori- tize issues to be resolved to 6:20 PM (Small Groups) guide expenditures for improve- merits. Guiding Principles Examine current & projected park users The process will explore ideas Explore citizen recreational values in response to the following Core values and beliefs of the community questions; Preferred Park Purpose 1.Who is this park for? 7:00 PM Small Group Reports (Whole Group) 2.What is the purpose of the , Identify common ideas park? 5 Minute Presentation of Draft Concept Plan 3.What are the most important issues? 7:20 PM Issue Exploration (Small Groups) 4. What do we do next? Sidewalks, GI eenspace & Landscaping Memorial Monuments Pavillions/SI yellers Parking (Amount, Safety, Location) Community Center Desired Uses & Impacts Kid's Playground Tennis Court 8:00 PM Issue Prioritization (whole claw) Identify Common Ic.;as flank Issues on Importance 8:30 PM Next Steps . Whereas the beautification of the City is best served by attractive and complemetary signage which "catches the eye" and thereby informs, directs, or instructs quickly and accurately; and Whereas the regulation of the City is best achieved by signage which is standardized, predictable and legible; and Whereas the signage for parks and public buildings, unlike traffic and parking signage, has never been carefully regulated and standardized; Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Atlantic Beach City Commission: 1. That the City adopt the signage specifications developed by the Parks and Recreation Committee which themselves are based upon the pioneering efforts of the Beautification Committee; and 2 . That, exclusive of all legal parking and traffic signage, all other official signage for parks and public buildings which is larger than 2 feet by 2 feet shall complement and conform with the existing WELCOME TO ATLANTIC BEACH signs in color, composition, material, sandblasted surface, lettering; and 3 . That all signs whether designating (naming) public buildings and parks or welcoming citizens or visitors shall have all the elements of the City' s logo: cabbage palm, sailboat, surf and shoreline with rocks.