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08-16-95 v S. RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Minutes from the regular Board meeting: August 16, 1995 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Corey at 7:13pm in the Adele Grage Community Center meeting room. Present: Cindy Corey, Chairperson Ed Waters Barbara Hopson Patricia Goelz Patricia Bell Staff: Timmy Johnson There was not a quorum at the July 19th meeting therefore, there was no minutes to approve. Cindy Corey ask that the Recreation Director provide the Board with the minutes form the May 31st meeting. Cindy gave a brief overview of the last two meetings, where the Board discussed the budget. She stated that she has not gotten any feed back from the Commission. Cindy spoke with Commissioner Waters about the budget and he said there's only $15,000 in the budget for Parks and Recreation, which is a decrease from last year. The Recreation Director added that there's money in the 95/96 proposed budget for Howell Park, Tresca Park, Activities and the $15,000 is for playground equipment also he stated that the budget hearings are scheduled for August 22 & 23. Cindy and Patricia Goelz indicated that landscaping should be handled through the Beautification Committee. Barbara Hopson stated that the Beautification Committee is responsible for beautifying the City's right of ways. The Recreation Director informed the Board that if there is no quorum the meeting can't be called to order therefore, there is no meeting. The Board and Recreation Director agreed that the Board members will rotate the duties of minute-taking duties starting with the September 20th meeting (Barbara Hopson will begin.) . The Board heard from a Yoga Group requesting the use of Adele Grage Community Center for Yoga classes. The Recreation Director ask that they give him a call and he would check the schedule to see if the Yoga class will fit in. It's the conscience of the Board that when asked to volunteer the members would assist as long as the event is coordinated by some- one else and the event is of interest. Ed Waters gave a brief report on Donner Park Subcommittee. He stated that the committee has met once, with a total of 7 people showing up and the next meeting is scheduled for August 23, where they will go over the University of Florida's decision making process. There has been no meeting by the Jordan Park Subcommittee, but Patricia Goelz would like to incorporate Public Works Building in with Jordan Park and she stated that Sharette Simpkins has support for incorporating Public Works Building, but has nso support for baseball fields and big lights. Patricia would like to purchase the land North of the Park and that Selva Linkside residents should be involved. According to Patricia Bell nothing has been done as for as linkage is concern. Cindy meet with the Bull Park Subcommittee and after viewing the University of Florida Plans the five member committee is ready to go. Pete Dowling, who's doing some renovations to the Adele Grage auditorium, is not concern about ABET but the entire process. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES FROM THE REGULAR Board meeting: May 31, 1995 '110 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy in the Adele Grage Community Center meeting room. Corey at 7:05pm Present: Cindy Corey, Chairperson Jane Tanner Patricia Bell Barbara Hopson Patricia Goelz Staff: Gail Baker • Guest: Commissioner Waters The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and discussed. Members of the Board agreed that the minute-taking duties should be rotated because the minutes are too short for a meeting that last two hours and members are being misquoted. The Board will discuss this matter with the Recreation Director before taking action. Cindy Corey asked that Board Members come up with their budget recom- mendations, submit/get them to her and she would in turn put the Board's recommendation together. Jane Tanner agreed to type the recommendations on her computer. Cindy mentioned that there are some funds in this year's budget, because the Board has not spent any, that she would like to see allocated to summer activities in Russell Park and Adele Grage Community Center. The Board agreed not to hold a meeting next month because several of the members would be out of town, therefore the meeting scheduled for June 21st has been cancelled. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. •