02-16-95 v 4471 RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Minutes from the regular meeting: February 16, 1995 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Corey at 7:15 in the Community Center meeting room. Present: Jane Tanner Edward Waters Patricia Goelz Cindy Corey, Chairperson Patricia Bell Guest: Commissioners Dezmond Waters and Suzanne Shaughnessy, others Pete Dowling, Woody Richardson, Steve Benjamin Staff: Gail Baker, Activities Director Timmy Johnson, Recreation Director The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and a motion made by Jane Tanner to approve them, as written, Edward Waters seconded and the motion carried. PARK WORKSHOP/CHARETTE The park study/charette was held and most everyone agree that it was a success. Cindy Corey stated that the charette gave us an opportunity to be on the same track as for as a vision. Timmy thought the event was some what of a success; that there came a lot of ideas and information from the charette, but that we need to be definitive. The final planning session is set for March 25th. RUSSELL PARK CONCESSION STAND STATUS The construction of the concession stand at Russell Park is under way, with completion is estimated at 90 days. There have been a few changes such as taking out of two trees instead of one. The final cost came to $127,802. T-BALL FIELD PLANS Discussion took place on the proposed T-ball field for Atlantic Beach Athletic Assoc. Woody Richardson and Steve Benjamin past out ABAA's proposal of constructing the T-ball field in Russell Park. ABAA feels that the T-ball field would be more convenient in Russell Park because this would allow them to be near emergency help, there equipment for field preparation is located at Russell Park also ABAA has future use for Donner Park. The Recreation Advisory Board feels that there needs to be more activities in other parks, therefore the T-ball field should be placed in another park or at Atlantic Beach Elem. Patricia Goelz said that she discussed with the Prinicpal the possibilities of using there field and the stated that she sees no problem. Because of the different views a motion was made by Patricia Goelz to construct a T-ball field at Russell Park on a temporary basis (one year) then bring the topic back to the board for a more definite decision. Jane Tanner second and the motion carried. 4 DESIGNS AND USE CHANGES, ADELE GRAGE COMMUNITY CENTER Further discussion took place on the changes of the Community Center. Pete Dowling a licensed contractor was present and offered to donate some of his time as a contractor/consultant, if the board could us it. It was mentioned that this is a short term goal and would allow better access to the front. MEETING DATES, TIMES, FREQUENCY Cindy feels that there is a need to have meetings twice a month for the next three months (through May) because there's so much that needs to be discussed and she feels things are being rushed. Patricia Bell stated that when she was ask to be a member of the board the Mayor said that it wouldn't take up too much of her time, therefore she was against meeting twice a month. Patricia Goelz montioned that the board meet twice a month for the next three months at 7pm. Ed Waters second and the motion carried. There was no further discussion therefore the meeting adjourned at 10:00pm. Timmy Johnson Recreation Director