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11-01-94 v • RECREATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD Minutes of Meeting of November 1, 1994 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cindy Corey at 7:40 PM in the Community Center meeting room. Present were: Cindy Corey, Chairman Beth Robinson Patricia Goelz Gary Santora Jane Tanner Barbara Hopson Guests: Lyman Fletcher, Mayor Woody Richardson, A. B. Little League President Steve Benjamin, A. B. Little League Treasurer Staff: Carl Walker, Coordinator Prior to the regular meeting, a special workshop on the issue of the final recommendation on the Jack Russell Park Concession stand building had taken place and, as a result, that was the first item taken up at this meeting. Gary San- tora moved to advertise the plans for the structure with al- ternate plans to be drawn as a bid alternate. The motion was seconded by Barbara Hopson and passed by a unanimous vote. Steve Benjamin advised the Board that the new fence had been erected at ball field "B" at a cost of approximately $2200, of which $1000 consisted of City funds. He also mentioned that it would cost about $600-$700 for additional repairs on the existing fence. Cindy Corey requested that the League furnish the Board with a "wish list" of improvements and or additions they would like for the fields and also keep the Board informed of any improvements being made or considered. Cindy deferred discussion and action on the Christmas tree lighting until later in the meeting. On the subject of a composting class, Board members expressed the need and desire to hold one, with emphasis or, family par- ticipation. However, it was agreed that this should not be undertaken until after the first of the year. Cindy reported that B. J. Lester, Animal Control Officer, was in favor of the "dog run". It was pointed out, however, that only one dog could use the run at a t irne due to dog-fights, which could be a liability factor. Other events involving animals/pets were mentioned and that possibly a form or sur- vey could be created and distributed at local Veterinarian' s to determine what activities were desired. It was agreed to defer further discussion or, this until a later meeting. Carl Walker brought up that on the subject of surveys, the one which appeared in the most recent issue of "Tide-Views" for the Arts & Entertainment Board had brought about a favor- able response and was proving helpful to that Board. Consi- deration is to be given to utilizing a similar type survey for recreational needs but it was agreed that the holiday issue of "Tide-Views" would not result in many responses. Cindy reported that Michael Dunlap had been retained, by City Commission action, for design of the Donner Park Community Center/Recreational building. Mr. Dunlap will meet with the Board and with Gail Baker for input prior to adoption of any plan. The majority of the remainder of the meeting was spent in planning and discussing details for the forthcoming Holiday tree lighting. The date has been moved from December 1 to Tuesday, December 6, beginning at 6 PM at Jack Russell Park. On Thursday, December 8, a holiday celebration will be held at the Danner Park Community Center but the Board expressed that the impression that two separate tree lightings were being held should not be implied. Details such as programming, entertainment, refreshments, and publicity were discussed and in many cases were assigned to a Board member as a responsibility. It was agreed that Mayor Fletcher would be asked to act as Master of Ceremonies. Diane St. Laurent, Administrative Assistant for the City, is assisting in coordination of the tree lighting and Gail Baker is doing likewise for the function at Donner Park. Some discussion took place on a needs assessment or "ideal city" planning for public lands to be an undertaking of Mr. Smith of the University of Florida. He is preparing a pro- posal to be given to Jim Jarboe at City Hall. Two items shown on the agenda as new business were deferred to a later meeting due to time constraints. Patricia Goelz asked if she could show a video on "playscapes" at the next of November 15. This was agreeable with Cindy and the Board. There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned. at 9:25 PM. rz i CogluZir Carl Walker Staff Coordinator - 2 -