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05-12-94 v .4- MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ADVISORY RECREATION BOARD OF MAY 12, 1994 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm by Chairman Fagan. Present were: Henry Batts, Gary Santora, Beth Robertson, Cynthia Corey and Patricia Goelz along with Recreation Director, Rose Blanchard. Mayor Fletcher was absent. Cynthia Corey moved and Beth Robertson Seconded that the minutes of the April 14, 1994 meeting be accepted as presented. All members were in favor. The next discussion was in regard to the proposed Concession Stand building at Jack Russell Park. Mr. Santora had provided copies of Specifications and a simple drawing to assist members in the overall, general idea for said building. Patricia Goelz stated that Mayor Fletcher informed her that he expected this Board to make their recommendations and presentation to the City Commission at the next meeting on May 23, 199 (See attached) . Mr. Santora proposes it be a simple building renovation without moving walls, etc. The building will include the following: move trophy case from left window to far right window to view trophies basic counter tops with melamine laminate on top and cabinets underneath for storage pull down stairs for entry into simple press boxes on top of roof. The stairs will pull down and be able to be raised into the ceiling when not in use. the addition of a window on the westside of the building will provide cross ventilation, a pleasure never before available. . interior door attached to the storage area to allow for access into the area from the inside. This leaves the double doors as they are, to facilitate removal of pitching machines and tractor. This provides a better control of what comes in or goes out of storage. the old refrigerator and freezer are inadequate and in that the City has expressed the desire to use the concession stand when Little League is not using it, the League officials request that the City purchase a Commercial Gtade, side by side that we may all use. Mrs. Blanchard suggested that the Board include this item in their presentation. All the plumbing and electrical basics are in the building. We will investigate whether or not both utilities need upgrading, and if so, see to it at the time of renovation. Water and sewer lines are also in place, and basically, nothing will change at the building. At the present time, everything in the Concession Stand, is OWNED BY THE ATLANTIC BEACH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. the Press box could be a 5x5 or 6x6 foot area, very simple with sliding plexi- glass windows and screens. Acess, as mentioned earlier, would be via the pull down stairs. the suggestions of placing ceiling fans and a permanent cooking griddle in the concession stand was discussed, and all agreed that the Fire Marshall would be contacted as well as the Building Inspector, during all the planning. Mrs. Blanchard reminded the Board that when they present this recommendation to the City Commission that they were to be sure to solicit the bulding of a Department storage area, FIRST, as the Maintenance equipment had to have a "new home" before the Concession stand was ready for renovations. Restrooms were discussed at length. The final conclusion, due to the fact that the water, sewer lines, and plumbing needs were in place from restrooms that existed on the back side of the stand, years ago. To buld the restrooms attached to the building was more cost effective and would serve the purpose of providing closer accessibility for the young playground users. The City would maintain them, as they do all other restrooms, and we would lock them at night so we do not have the degree of vandalism there that exists in the other public restrooms. All agreed this would be a better plan. A similar, but brief discussion took place regarding the roof line. Patricia Goelz stated that a new roof line would make the building more aesthetically pleasing. The final decision was, it could be made to look great with the simpler plan. All agreed • ADV. REC. BRD. MINS. Pg. 2 Cynthia Corey moved, and Don Fagan seconded that the Board accept the specifications presented by Gary Santora, and present a detailed set of specifications and drawing to the City Commission with the recommendation that we go ahead with the project, post haste, at the next City Commission meeting on May 23, 1994. The vote was unanimous! Mr. Santora, because of his expertise as a builder,will make the presentation and include the storage building for the Recreation Dept. Maintenance Crew. The next item for discussion was playground equipment. The Board felt they wanted to look at long range plans for equipment, that would effect the 1994-95 budget. Mrs. Blanchard stated that she needed to buy playground equipment for this year. The Board members wanted some input there, but primarily want to meet to plan for the next fiscal year. As a result, a meeting to be held on Thurs. May 19, at 10 am in the Adele Grage Community Center will be attended by Beth Robertson, Patricia Goelz and Cynthia Corey to discuss playground equipment. Cynthia Corey suggested that the night set for Advisory Recreation Board Meetings be changed to Wednesday's, as the present Thursday nights are not convenient. Several of the members agreed and Mrs. Blanchard will research the method of making the change to the Resolution that originally set this date up except the 4th Wed. of mo. Due to the fact that we have so many different things to discuus and a monthly meeting does not give us the time to do so, the Board set up another meeting for May 25, 1994 at 7:30 pm to further discuss plans for budget. Beth Robertson is excused as she is due to deliver Ger baby in and about that time. Patricia Goelz asked that Mrs. Blanchard ask Mr. Leinbach, City Manager, give us a report on his comment that there would be "no problem" to use reclaimed water to irrigate the Parks, particularly Jack Russell Park. She also asked that we check out the use of recycled tires that City of Neptune Beach has used in Jarboe Park. First of all, this was a joint venture between the City of Neptune Beach and the City of Jacksonville. . .which may leave us out, possibily. Beth Robertson, as Camp Administrator for ABET Summer Drama Camp took the opportunity to invite the children from Donner Park Community Center, to come to the Summer Performance of the Camp, during the first week of August, at no cost! Cynthia Corey expressed her problem with trying to set up a meeting place in the Adele Grage Community Center for the LeLeche Group. She feels we do not have the space in this building and asked if ABET could give up their prop room, as it has a restroom and a door to close, to provide privacy for the nursing Mothers. After some discussion, it was decided that she would request of the City Commission that the offices occupied by the Beautification Coordinator and the Fire Marshall be moved to City Hall and those rooms be utilized as meeting rooms. The Board seems to agree that there is too much office space provided for in this building, and as a Community Center it is not available to the citizens as well as it should be. She will bring this problem to the attention of the City Commission at the May 23rd meeting. There being no further business to come before this Board at this time, Mr. Fagan moved and Mr. Santora seconded that the meeting be adjourned. It is so recorded as of 8:29 pm May 12, 1994