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07-11-91 v -y1, ,y r vip CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING JULY 11, 1991 7:30 pm - COMMUNITY CENTER AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of minutes of June meeting 3. Final decision/recommendation for placement of two new Tennis Courts at Jack Russell Park. 4. Update and discussions relative to Donner Park projects. The involvement of C&S Bank, the City's committment and a report regarding the meeting with the Architectural Firm of ACHTECH, ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS, held earlier this day. 5. Status of the Board regarding membership. 6. Comments by Members 7. Adjourn tREPORT OF MEETING OF PARKS &RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD HELD__ ON,:_ JULY 11, 1991 Mr.Donald Fagan and Mr. Richard Riley called the Parks Director days before the scheduled meeting to :,ay they would not be able to attend the meeting, due to prior committments. At the scheduled time of 7:30 pm, only Mr. Jeff Croom and Mr. Henry Batts were present for the meeting. . . .This did not constitute a quorum so the meeting was not officially conducted. The two members and Mrs. Blanchard discussed several thoughts, some of which concerned the use of the Community Center , unofficially. There being no further business that could be conducted, officially, the group dispersed. This action and this notice constitutes the official notice and minutes of the meeting scheduled for July 11, 1991. Member David Turner was absent and no word was received from him, explaining his absence. Res tfully submitted: :' / - -4 7" -1/ Rose H. Blanchard Parks & Recreation Director