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03-06-91 v RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING WITH THE CITY MANAGER: ON Wednesday, March 6, 1991 at 7:10 pm, Chairman Fagan called to order the meeting scheduled for the Board and the City Manager to go over DONNER PARK MASTER PLAN. This would take the place of the regularly scheduled meeting of the month as their would be several other meetings to prepare to present to the City Commission, the final Master Plan. The advice of the City Manager was sought to assist us in the preparations. The main problem seen by the City Manager would be the availability of the funds in that some areas were designated to other projects, also. The Board was shown the letter from C & S Bank, stating that they would like to assist us in the development of Donner Park. The tentative figure available to Mr. Leinbach at this time as monies alloted to us for this project began at $176,000 bed tax. A resolution was adopted that we would use this money for recreation. In addition, we have approximately $25,000 annually, thus a net of $201,000. Budgeted expenses are $160,00. After expenditures, there will be a BUDGETED BALANCE OF $33,000. Options include: create a reserve,defer certain imporovements this year. In going from member to member for their input, we come up with the following: After much discussion on the finances available and the possiblities of using other budgeted monies (e.g. Tennis Courts for $40,000) and extend the services for the Donner Park plan, each member was asked to express his/her opinion of the priority order of the plan. EVERYONE AGREED A PUBLIC MEETING IS A NECESSITY ! ! DON FAGAN: Put in the fields to offer many activities and Hold the Parking Lots and buildings (Community Center & On site housing) until next FY HENRY BATTS: Suggest strongly the Community Center in that the people have waited for this for a long time and seem to want it more than anything else. Will go with what the majority wants. GERARD VERMEY: If the people express a definite need higher than anything else, be it the Community Center or the other activities. We will not do another needs assessment but rather set a public meeting at City Hall where they all may express their need. (The later was on the advice of Mrs. Blanchard) . DAVID TURNER: We have several Parks and should NOT put all our money in one Park. If we are going to go ONLY with Donner, we must remain committed to all the other Parks. We, the Tennis Players of this City, were under the impression that we WOULD get 2 additional Tennis Courts, THIS YEAR. JEFF CROOM: What is the concern of the citizens of the Park area, is it for their children or for the convenience of the adults. If the $33,000 is all we plan to expand, then the Public Meeting for Donner Park is a necessity. We are hoping for the assistance we can get for the development of the Park, grant monies from the State. ROSE BLANCHARD: If we are going to use the monies we received from the Recreation Committee for the "development of a REGIONAL PARK" then we MUST do just that. The best way to do that is to decide how we will use the monies we have FROM THE INPUT OF THE RESIDENTS OF THE AREA WE ARE TRYING TO DEVELOP! RICHARD RILEY: Something is better than nothing and I feel we should get the fields in order and seek ways of getting the monies we need for the community center and on site housing, for next year. As a result of all the discussions and sharing of thoughts, the Board decided to set a Public Meeting for Monday, March 18, 1991, after advertising in the Sun Times, Beaches Leader and Times Union, and by request of Henry Batts, letters to the Pastors and Congregations of the Churches in the concerned area from Section H to Church Rd. After this meeting, we will gather again, evalutate the needs expressed by the people, and present our findings, in total to the City Commission at a later date. There being no further business before this group, Mr. Fagan adjourned the meeting at 8 PM.