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06-14-90 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1990 7:30 pm AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Immediate and long term recommendations to be presented to the City Commission at their next regular meeting, June 25, 1990 3. Look over the Budget as prepared by Rose Blanchard for Fiscal Year 1990-91 4. Prepare for Christmas Tree Lighting Dec. 6, 1990 5. Recommend a course of action for the Storage Building proposed to be built by and for Atlantic Beach Athletic Association (Little League) . 6. Comments of Members 7. Adjourn g rN:'TES OF THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING - JUNE 14, 1990 After some off the record discussions about people going to the City Commission for permissions and/or requests, before coming to this Board, the meeting was officially called to order at 7:50 pm by Chairman Donald Fagan. The following discussions ensued as recommendations to the City Commission at their June 25th meeting: 1. Any and all plans or related activities for ALL PARKS MUST be presented to this Board for recommendation FIRST,including baseball. If there is a time problem, we can meet in between regular meeting, when necessary. The motion was made by Chairman Fagan and seconded by Jeff Croom. The vote was unanimous. 2. Two more Tennis Courts at Russell Park, justified by the fact that the "A" Team that has been #1 for two years running, would do best with a total of 6 Courts to facilitate Tournament Matches here. he lighting would entail 1 extra pole and a set of lights, westerly on the existing pole, saving some money. Next season begins in the Fall. 3. The Beaches Adult Soccer Association requests 4 weekends in October to play at Russell Park from 9am to Noon on Saturdays and 1 pm to 4pm on Sundays. Since the Board met, Mr. Haesler has indicated that he may not need the fields at Russell or perhaps for over-flow games only. At any rate, this Board recommends reserving the above mentioned time and dates for the Adult Soccer Teams. 4. Considerable discussion ensued relating to Little League, their fees and fund raisers as they relate to the City. The consensus is that they are operating "with no overhead". . .The comparison was made with the manner in which Beaches Soccer Association operates, e.g. Soccer charges $27 per child, with $9 for a uniform, $5 for Insurance and the remaninder for Referees and other expenses. In conclusion, the Board will recommend to the City Commission, that we seriously handle Revenue Generating in order to assist this Department to be self sufficient in the areas of budget expenditures. The Board will set guidlines which will include: a. Children who live within the City Boundaries of Atlantic Beach, will pay less to play ball, BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1991 b. ALL who use lights, pay for lights BEGINNING OCTOBER 1,, 1990 Lights can be: coin box, cards, etc. This includes Tennis Courts, baseball fields, softball fields, Racquetball Cts. , etc. w! • .mrtrss ,. � - • a, Rec. Adv.Board June 14, 1990 101 5. Allow Little League to play Fall Ball from September 1, 1990 through November 15, 1990, providing they play only 2-3 times a week, during weekdays, NO WEEKENDS. 6. Short term Recommendations are to include: a. Clear our lot on Church Road of underbrush, move the existing fences at Donner Park to encompass the additional land we now own. This would make the statement: We intend to increase the use of this Park. . .now! We have installed 2 shelters and picnic tables. A current Site Plan is imperative! b. Possibly provide a mobile concession stand and therefore use it to generate revenue by taking it from place to place as activities warrant. c. Plant Sycamore trees at Donner Parks playgroup-they grow fast and provide excellent shade. 7. Long term Recommendation: Build a Premier Soccer field at Donner Park, to be completed in 1991 with Neighborhood support and develop Baseball fields, shallow well, bleachers 8. In a final study, the Board, after reviewing the plans for a two story storage, pressbox building that the Little League Association was planning to erect at Russell Park, the decision was unanimous that NO ADDITIONAL STRUCTURES, PARTICULARLY PERMANENT ONES, would be allowed until the study is completed as to how these Parks would best serve the citizens of this City. The Board members will meet at 6:30 pm at City Hall prior to the City Commission Meeting on June 25, 1990, to be sure their preparations are complete before appearing before the City Commission. There being no further busineess before this Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10 pm.