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01-11-90 v MINUTES OF THE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING OF JAN. 11, 1990 PRESENT: Donald Fagan, David Turner, Henry Batts, Kim Leinbach, City Manager and Rose Blanchard, Parks & Recreation Director. The meeting was opened at 7:10 pm by Chairman Donald Fagan. Rose introduced Kim Leinbach, City Manager who would attempt to answer the questions the members had in relation to the direction they would be authorized to take, etc. Chairman Fagan took the lead in asking Mr. Leinbach how serious the Commission is regarding Recreation needs and plans and how much authority this Board would have in planning, and "building" a Recreation Dept. ,raising money and providing activiti Mr. Leinbach answered that he could only speak for the Commission in an abstract sense, but the above mentioned issues had yet to be addressed to the Commission but he felt this Commission was very positive in it's attitude toward Parks & Recreation. Actually, stated Mr. Leinbach, nothing has been done to establish this Board. A copy of a drafted Resolution to do so was presented to each member for their perusal and comments. After some discussion, the Board unanimously voted to adopt the Resolution as corrected. It would be presented to the City Commission for approval at it's next meeting on Jan. 22, 1990 at 7:15 pm. All the members were asked to be present at this time so that they would be introduced to the Commission and each other. (a copy of the Resolution is attached hereto) . Due to the fact that Mr. Ron Summers had resigned due to over-extension of his time with other committments, that left the Board with 2 members short of the 7 position; Rose observed that a Senior Citizen and/or Teen would be assessts. We would advert: and try to fill both positions by the time we meet next. If not, we could go with a 5 member Board. Mr. Leinbach explained about the property the City has acquired in the Donner Subdivision, for use to expand the Park. The Board was very excited about the future prospects in the area. The newly acquired property will extend the City property, considerably. There are also some additional lots that could become City property, adjacent to the Park. Mr. Leinbach said he felt that the Board with assistance, should probably involve itself in the planning of •such a project. Another project, in Sec. H, would be to suggest to the Commission that something could be done to put a "Park". Rose asked if the Board would also mention to the Commission that perhaps we should NOT accept, small, useless pieces of property that is sometimes called "Park" - Either they are large enough to develop or they should not be tagged "Park". This is a project that this Board should address and evaluate. Mr. Leinbach advised that we could do some planning now so as to address the projects for the Fiscal Year Budgeting Sessions. Ask the Commission (via Agenda) recommend that they refer the development of the Park (Donner) to the newly formed Advisory Board. The Board concurred that we need a needs assessment involving the citizens bordering this park. In conclusion, Mr. Leinbach suggested that this Board consider Goal Setting Sessions as soon as the Board is Established and comfortable. Several short discussions ensued, including: painting the Park buildings, etc. , replacement of the Lights on the Little League Field, repairs on going (bleachers, etc.) dog obedience classes (the YMCA cancelled this after we met) , security at the Concession stand, confirming our direction for this Dept. All members were invited, strongly, to attend the Commission Meeting on Mon. Jan. 22, 1990. Members were asked to think about the plan they would like to adopt for the next meeting and come prepared to the next meeting Feb. 8, 1990 at 7 pm. There being no further business before this Board, Chairman Fagan, adjourned at 8 pm.