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05-22-01 vf 7 0 A regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held on May 22, 2001 at the Adele Grage Community Center. DeJean Melancon called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Present were: Phil Corp, Barbara Hopson, DeJean Melancon, and Tom Vogle. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DeJean asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the last regular meeting on April 24, 2001. Phil Corp motioned to approve, Tom Vogle seconded and the motion carried. OLD BUSINESS DeJean advised the Members that the Commission received the Board's recommendations regarding the proposed skate park. The Commission expressed concern over the suggested cost of the park. Mayor Meserve proposed that the skate park issue should be tabled until the budget workshop. Field trips should be considered by the Board to assess the existing skate parks with regard to safety and structure. Several citizens appeared before the Commission to state their concerns over the proposed skate park. The 411 preferred site for the skate park is Russell, Phil Corp explained why Jordan Park isn't considered as an alternate site. Barbara staled that since the Board provided the Commission with a recommendation, that the issue should be left to the Commission to resolve. BUDGET DeJean reminded Board members to discuss budget proposals before the summer budget workshop. DeJean reviewed budget priorities with the Board: 1. Fund improvements to Atlantic Beach Elementary (three year period) for $10,000 each year. 2. Additional funds for program development in Atlantic Beach for $25,000 3. General improvement fund for Parks and land purchase at $100,000. 4. Improvement funds for Adele Grage Community Center, 18,575.00 Phil Corp would like the Board to support the recommendations, but prefers not to recommend a fixed amount for improvements to Adele Grage, he suggested to, that private funds could absorb half the cost. Barbara Hopson noted a safety concern at Bull Park. She advised Board members of a potential problem, the round-about area lacks a gate. Barbara has observed young children straying from their mothers because of the unsecured area.. DeJean suggested that the Board should discuss this safety issue with Parks Director, Timmy Johnson. DeJean suggested that the long range plan for community parks should be studied, if it is available or developed. A community center should be a priority. Phil Corp noted that a very nice Community Center exists at Donner Park, but isn't utitilized to full potential. Barbara Hopson suggested that in an effort to utilize Donner Park and bridge the communities of Atlantic Beach, practice sessions should be held at this location. A large field is available at Donner and would be ideal for older team members. At present, only Flag Football practice is held at Donner Park in the fall of each year. Ray stated that utilization of present facilities should be encouraged by distributing activities among available park space. DeJean asked for a motion to prepare and submit the following budget items: 1. Continue improvements to Atlantic Beach Elementary as previously budgeted. 2. Continue funding of additional programs for $25,000. 3. Provide funds for park property improvements, misc. For $100,000. 4. Explore and identify park facility that can serve primarily the youth groups between ages 12 and 18. 5. Explore possible donation and usage of four Navy fields that are presently inactive 6. Skate Board Park for $100,000 . Barbara motioned to approve the budget items, Tom Vogle seconded and the motion carried. DeJean adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. 1111 City of Atlantic Beach Recreation Advisory Board Meeting June 26, 2001 AGENDA A. Call Meeting to Order B. Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting from May 22, 2001 C. Visitors D. Old Business 1.Update on Skate Park 2.Update on Budget Requests E. New Business 1.Name change for Adele Grage Community Center 2.Ribbon Cutting for Rose Park F. Adjournment