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01-24-01 vR A regular meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board was held on January 24, 2001 at the Adele Grage Community Center. DeJean Melancon called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Present were: Phil Corp, Peter Coleman, Tim Johnson, Kim Greene, DeJean Melancon, and Tom Vogle, Susan Gorman, Secretary, Rick Beaver, Board Liaison. Visitors: City Manager Jim Hanson. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DeJean asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting of December 12, 2000. Phil Corp motioned to approve, Kim Greene seconded and the motion carried. VISITORS DeJean welcomed City Manager Jim Hanson to the regular meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board and introduced the Board members in attendance. PROGRAM UPDATE Tim informed the Board of the Commission s decision to approve the program recommendations at the last Commission meeting. The program ideas were presented by DeJean based on the proposals provided by Karen Sadler at the December special meeting. ROSE PARK UPDATE 410 The Commission approved playground equipment for Rose Park and determined that the cost of the equipment should not exceed $35,000. The feasibility of a skateboard park and ideas for location are still under consideration. Questions about liability related to injuries were answered during a brief discussion by Board members. Russell Park has been mentioned as a possible site for skateboard activities. NEW BUSINESS The Board addressed the purpose of the Recreation Advisory Board in order to better define its relationship to the Commission. Commissioner Beaver and City Manager Hanson expressed some concern that the Commission waived the bidding procedures at the last session of the Commission. Proposals are the responsibility of the City Manager and the Parks Department Director. The described procedures ensure the proper documentation of government spending. City Manager Hanson mentioned that coordination is the key between government and citizen advisory committees. DeJean stated that ideas regarding programs and events were open to public discussion and input from the community was encouraged. Several meetings and discussions were held by the Board prior to presenting a recommendation to the Commission. DeJean stated that negotiations did not come into play during Karen Sadler's presentation of ideas to the Recreation Advisory Board or at any other time when Karen was invited to address the Board. Commissioner Beaver again expressed concern over procedure and asked the Board members to read over Resolution No. 90-2 to clear any confusion regarding the role of the Recreation Advisory Board. DeJean stated that information is always available to the Commission and communication as well as procedure is important for a smoother working relationship. Phil expressed an interest in more specifics from the Commission with regard to i Park and Recreation goals. DeJean noted that he would like to simply provide suggestions for programs and events to the Commission and allow them to fit the ideas into the budget process at L- their discretion. City Manager Jim Hanson suggested that timely staff reports would better serve the Commission and the citizen's advisory committees. Board members agreed that their mission is to advise the Commission of community concerns and to allow broader public discussion regarding specific park and recreation issues. Commissioner Beaver encouraged the Board to review their by-laws and determine if they should have a monthly meeting and advise the Commission if attendance is poor. Kim Greene noted that the Board already follows procedure set forth in the by-laws with regard to attendance. DeJean thanked Commissioner Beaver and City Manager Jim Hanson for attending the meeting. DeJean advised Board members to prepare their ideas about the proposed skateboard park in time for the next regular meeting. The Board agreed that regular meetings would begin at 7:15 p.m. every fourth Tuesday of each month. Kim Greene motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Peter Coleman seconded and the motion carried. i 0 City of Atlantic Beach Recreation Advisory Board Meeting February 27, 2001 AGENDA A. Call Meeting to Order B. Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting C. Visitors D. Old Business E. New Business 1. Recommendation on Skateboard Park 2. Recommendation on Boards duties & responsibilities F. Adjournment