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06-13-00 vJUN-22-2000 THU 03' 15 PM ATL, BCH. PUBLIC WORKS FAX C. 904 247 5843 P. 02 L A special meetingof the Recreation AdvisoryBoard was held June 13,P 2000 in the Adele Grage Center, Chairperson DeJean Melancon Called the rneeeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Ray Coleman, Phil Corp, Barbara Hopkins, Kim Greene, Steven Jenkins, Tim Johnson, Susan Gorman and Visitor: J. P. Marchioli. The special meeting was called to discuss budget items and program planning. Tim Johnson provided a letter from Jim Hanson to the Commission that stated his recommendation regarding the Park Preservation Ordinance. Board members questioned the final comments and expressed concern that the letter implied an ordinance would be subject to revision. Ray Coleman requested that Steven Jenkins draft a letter to the City Manager that would clarify the Board's intent to protect parkland in Atlantic Beach. DeJean suggested that the Board might advance their position if they restate their purpose for recommending an ordinance for Park Preservation. Steven agreed to draft a letter expressing the Board's opposition to any land swap that would lead to encroachment upon parklands and affirm their support for an ordinance. DeJean suggested that the Board should contact the Commissioners in order to get the Park Preservation ordinance on the agenda. DeJean recoginzed guest, J.P. Marchioli. J.P. explained his purpose for attending the special meeting was to address the absensce of a skateboard park. Board members asked J.P. for his ideas on where to locate a park designed for older youths. Ray Coleman offered his support for the concept, but advised Board members that it would be a challenge to provide a location suitable for the described activities. BUDGET AND PROGRAMS DeJean asked the Board for information related to the discussion about budget figures from last year. DeJean noted the difference between the budget figures that were approved and the actual budget requsted. DeJean advised the Board of their opportunity to make a priority list in order to set funds aside for programs and projects. JUN-22-2000 THU 03: 15 PI1 ATL, BCH. PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 904 247 5843 P. 03 DeJaan urged the Board to make their priority list, set dollars aside and stand firm with their goals. Several issues were discussed and Board members expressed their concerns and priorities. Ray and Barbara agree that emphasis should go to programs/events for older youths. Tim informed the Board that the summer program for youths is currently in progress. The Board would like to see a community center in addition to the renovation plans for Adele Grage. Board members support the Atlantic Beach Elementary partnership with the City for development and maintenance of a practice area for youth athletics, with everyone agreeing that a partnership would be a quick fix for an immediate problem. Steven suggested that the Board request funds for special improve- ments to park areas rather than request funds for maintenance. The Board discussed the concept of bike paths that would connect the beach communities and agreed to give a recommendation of support. BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS DeJean asked the Board for a motion to approve budget items to present to the City Commission. Steven motioned for the Board to approve the following budgt plan, Kim seconded and the motion carried. Si. Programs Funds to create additional programs aimed at older youths $25,000 With 5,000 set aside for Teen Council) 2. Baseball Field Maintenance 6,750 3. Property Purchase 250,000. 4. Athletic Field Expansion 25,000 Funds for improvements to park areas in need) 5. Park Improvement Aid 25,000 Funds for specific improvements to park areas in need) 1111 JUN-22-2000 THU 03: 16 PM ATL. BCH. PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 904 247 5843 P. 04 RECOMMENDATIONS Along with a budget recommendation, the Board would like to inform the Commission of their support for the following: 1. Renovation of Adele Grage and a larger community center (long term goal) 2. Possible partnership with the City of Jacksonville Beach for a skate park. 3. Support the State of Florida in their quest to establish bike paths. iDeJean motioned to adjourn the special meeting at 8:45 p.m. Ray Coleman seconded and the motion carried. 1110