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05-24-00 vnQ ?n (P1 (T1 Qf'W QIIQI Tf' 1IfQYC Gm bin Mn ?n7 FG 12 Q n?mn A regular mooting of the RocreRtinn Arivicnry RnArfl WM held May 24. 2000 in the Adele (irage Center. Chairperson DeJear[Mcltunuuii culled the meeting to order at '/:D p.m., rresent: reter t,oa1sufu, Ray Culcm ua, Kiat Greene, Stephen Jenkins, DeJean Melancon, Tim Johnson, and Susan Gorman. DeJean requested a[Elution to approve the minutes from the last regular meeting of April 26, 2000. Kim Greene motioned to approve, Steven seconded and the motion carried. OLD BUSINESS An update was provided by Tim Johnson on the three recommendations presented to the Commission. The Commission accepted the Board's plan for Program expansion. The budget figure available for expansion of Programs is actually $10,000 with$2,000 set aside for the Teen Council. The Commission questioned the original figure of$18,000 that was given to City Clerk Maureen King. Tim explained to the Commission that the actual figure is $10,000 with a portion set aside for the Teen Council. The Commission withheld comment on the Parkland Protection ordinance. Tim provided a copy of the Parldand Protection ordinance to the City Manager. Steven offered to draft a letter to Mayor Meserve requesting a response on this issue. The Commission received a recommendation for a partnership between The City of Atlantic Beach and Atlantic Beach Elementary that would provide greater practice area to local athletic leagues Tim Johnson discussed the idea with City Manager Jim Hanson after the Commission meeting. Tim was asked to meet with the Principal of Atlantic Beach Elementary in order to gather more information. The Principal informed Tim that she is interested in a partnership with the City that would be limited to five years with an option TO renew_ A qucstiuu tcu1ain1D a .v wlivllro, tbs. part cr3hip would resolve the problem of inadequate practice space since the Soccer Association is un the school field four afternoons each week . DcJean confirmed his support for the proposed partnership, reminding the Board that the entire field area isn't occupied four nights a week. The cost for improvements have not been determined, but Ray Coleman mentioned that field improvements to Russell Park will provide an estimate for lights and irrigation. Steven Jenkins asked about a master plan for the City of Atlantic JUN-07-2000 WED 08:30 RM RTL. BCH. PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 904 247 5843 P. 03/04 Beach population and how it uiiglit eequire a solution for deficient activity areas. DeJean suggested that the Board make a recommendation. Delcan thinks the partnership would have a greatet ikance of approval once the cost is determined. Peter Coleman offered to provide a graph of the site plan so a visual layout would be available. Peter suggested that it could be argued that city funds for the improvements would simply help city children in the long term. Board members agreed. The Board discussed the topic of Program ideas. Tim Johnson mentioned Katen Sadler's input and how her packages have helped communities develop programs. DeJean stated that the idea behind consulting with Karen was to develop Programs for the community at large rather than just holding special events. Tim Johnson advised the Board that the report for Program Planning is with the City Manager and that there are financial procedures involved. The Board expressed their concern that planning for summer programs should not be delayed any further. The Board discussed available funding for the summer program. Tim advised Karen Sadler that the cost of the summer program should remain affordable. Board members wanted to know how many children should enroll in the summer program in order to meet the budget. Tim expects 4.0 children per sentinn to enroll and that number would work with the funds available. All members present received their letters regarding attendance. Two members were absent at this meeting, Barbara Hopson and Phil Corp. NEW BUSINESS The Board plans to call a special meeting for Tuesday, June 13, at 7:00 p.m. Tim Johnson advised Board members that budget recommendations are due in June. Steven expressed concern because last year's budget was altered despite approval by the Commission. Park development on the west side is needed and Steven suggested that the budget should address the need for the west side community. Peter requested an approved copy of the budget from last year. Tim Johnson provided a table model of the proposed new racquetball courts. The table model displayed details for the renovation plans. Tim went over the expenses involved. An estimated cost of between $40,000 and $50,000 is necessary to achieve the desired results. Private money will renovate the two existing coups and construct a thud. The City will provide insurance. Reservations will be required to hold the improved courts. Steven suggested JUN-07-2000 WED 08:31 AN RTL. BCH. PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO. 904 247 5843 P. 04/04 K ..• that the Board should support the concept of improving the racquetball courts with city funds. Board members expressed concern that the new courts would be less available to the general t urrununiity if private funds arc the primary source for renovations. Peter made a motion for the Board to recommend improvements to the racquetball courts based on the information at hand. The Board would also like the City to consider either direct funding fpr the improvements or the development of a private-public partnership. Kim Greene seconded and the motion carried. DeJean motioned to adjourn the meeting. Steven seconded and the motion carried.