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01-26-00 vA regular meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board was held Wednesday, January 26, 2000 in the Adele Grage Center. Chairperson, DeJean Melancon called the meeting to Order at 7:15 p.m. Present were Ray Coleman, Phil Corp, Steven Jenkins, Tim Johnson, DeJean Melancon, Susan Gorman, and Visitor: Commissioner, Rick Beaver. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DeJean motioned to approve the minutes from the last meeting held on December 8, 1999. The motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Additional information concerning the ordinance to protect park property was unavailable since Barbara Hopson was gathering the material for the Board's consideration, and she was not present at the meeting. BOARD VACANCY DeJean informed the Board members that a letter of resignation from the Recreation Advisory Board was requested from Scott Debuty. The vacancy will need to be filled and the Board should be advised of potential appointees. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Ray Coleman nominated DeJean Melancon as Chairperson. Steven seconded and the motion carried. Phil Corp was nominated as Co-Chairperson by Ray Coleman. Steven seconded and the motion carried. Ray Coleman nominated Steven to serve as Secretary. Phil Corp seconded and the motion carried. RETENTION POND AND BUFFER SPACE DeJean gave the Board an update on JTA plans for two retention ponds as well as the proposed buffer zone associated with the Flyover. The landscape will be heavier than the drawing indicates. Ray Coleman suggested that the green area might serve as a soccer practice field. Ray also expressed concern over plans to place playground equipment near a pond. Other Board members agreed with Ray's objection to the playground arrangement. Rerouting of traffic due to the Flyover was discussed and the Board was asked to consider how this would effect the use of the green space. Ray offered his support for a running track around the Mayport pond, but is opposed to playground equipment in this area. It should be determined if the green space can accommodate a practice field. Aquatic landscaping with additional trees would help the second pond achieve a more natural look. Suggestions from the Board should be presented as soon as possible to Jim Hanson, City Manager. a BALL FIELDS A discussion concerning ball fields belonging to the United States Navy and how Atlantic Beach might request use of those areas for older participants in the baseball league. Older children in the league now go to Jacksonville Beach and it would be beneficial for Atlantic Beach residents to have access to ball fields located in Atlantic Beach. Ray Coleman advised the Board that the Navy was not receptive to the most recent request by the last administration, but might reconsider if approached by the new administration. NAMES FOR DUTTON ISLAND Tim Johnson gave the Board an update on the name search for Dutton Island. Only two names have received consideration to date. Dutton, for the owner of the land, since he worked with the city to make the land available for purchase for public use. Bartolome de Castro y Ferrer is the other name under consideration, for the spanish settler, who left a land grant that is now part of Atlantic Beach. Steven motioned for the Board to defer the name selection until more names are offered for consideration. Ray seconded and the motion carried. The Board decided the park should be officially named by early spring. DEVELOPMENT OF BIKE PATHS A plan to make bike paths available from Guana State Park in Ponte Vedra to the Wonderwood area should receive a recommendation from the Board, advised DeJean. Concerns expressed during this discussion centered around the possible opening of the Hannah Park gate at the end of Seminole Road. Access would be limited to bikes, but might increase activity in and around the residential area. Steven motioned that the Board should approve the concept of a bike path running from Ponte Vedra to Wonderwood and delay discussion of opening Hannah Park gate for bikes. Phil seconded and the motion carried. JOHNSON ISLAND DeJean informed the Board that Johnson Island is still on the market. DOT has proposed payment of half, or up to $700,000. Board members were told that the area in question is zoned open rural. Should the City proceed with discussions? DeJean asked for a motion, Steven motioned for the Board to support efforts to continue discussions regarding the acquisition of Johnson Island. Ray Coleman seconded and the motion carried. Jacksonville might be approached for additonal funds for maintenance, if Atlantic Beach acquires Johnson Island. RENOVATION OF ADELE GRAGE DeJean asked the Board to consider how the community center should be used, the new design and cost involved. Current use of the facility is limited and a renovated community center should serve a variety of interests. Historical preservation might be difficult, but the facade could at least serve as a reminder of the building's past service to the Atlantic Beach community. 6 ti Phil Corp suggested that groups and members of the community should have to schedule events in the new community center, in order to better serve the community. Board members agreed that it would be a challenge to incorporate ABET as well as offer facilities for other functions. Phil motioned to support the redesign of Adele Grage, and that the design must prove functional for administrative office space, provide multi- media needs, a museum for historical value, and possibly an amphitheatre. Ray seconded and the motion carried. Steven suggested that the Board should research more in order to meet the needs of the community at large. UPDATED BUDGET PLAN It was decided that long term goals should factor into budget planning. Park maintenance should be a factor in a long range plan. Ariel photos should be studied along with other resources to determine expences before presenting items to the Commission. AGENDA ITEM FOR NEXT MONTH Steven suggested that a discussion regarding plans for future programs should appear on the agenda for next month. Ray motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Phil seconded and the motion carried.