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10-26-99 vA regular meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board was held Tuesday,i October 26, 1999 at the Adele Grage Community Center. Present were: Peter Coalson, Phil Corp, Ray Coleman, Scott Debuty, Barbara Hopson, Tim Johnson, Steven Jenkins, and DeJean Melancon. Visitors: Karen Sadler and Matilda Anderson. Chairperson DeJean Melancon called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Phil Corp motioned to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Ray Coleman seconded and the motion carried. PROGRAMS DeJean lead the discussion on Programs and introduced Karen Sadler to the Board. Karen addressed the Board, explaining her efforts to develop Programs that draw the communities closer and provide opportunities for residents to share ideas and abilities. Exposure to art and better organization within the community are the long-term goals. Karen offered several suggestions: a theme song for Atlantic Beach, holiday and seasonal parades, antique car shows, programs for all age groups, guided nature tours with participation by Junior Rangers, movie series, and art festivals. Age groups should be targeted in order to involve everyone. Ray mentioned the need for a facility where the community could hold events. Steven and Phil expressed concern that the senior residents should be included in program planning. It was decided to consult with the Directors at Vickers Landing and Fleet Landing. TEEN COUNCIL REPORT Matilda Anderson gave an update for the Teen Council calandar. The Board was informed that the Teen Council plans another concert in the park. The scheduled date is December 18, 1999. Teen Council plans a toy drive too. Ray motioned to support the concert event, Steven seconded and the motion carried. NON PROFIT CONTRACT Board members voiced their concerns over the language in the contract. Steven expressed his concern that the Board should not review the language in the conctract. Financial statements prepared by a CPA will be provided to the City if required. There was a motion to approve giving a contract to ABAA, ABET, Sea Turtle Patrol, Habitat, and Acting Up. Ray Coleman motioned to approve, DeJean seconded and the motion carried. The Recreation Advisory Board meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m