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06-23-99 vJ , . A regular meeting of the Recreation Advisory Board was held Wednesday, June 23, 1999 in the 0 Adele Grage Center. Chairperson DeJean Melancon called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. Present were: Ray Coleman, Peter Coalson, Steven Jenkins, Tim Johnson, DeJean Melancon, Susan Gorman, and visitors: Joe Crozier Vice President with YMCA, Christine Lester, YMCA Program Director, and Kim Mason, YMCA staff member. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DeJean motioned to approve the minutes from the last meeting held on May 26, 1999. Steve Jenkins seconded and the motion carried. REPRESENTATION FROM THE YMCA DeJean introduced Joe Crozier, Chris Lester, and Kim Mason. Joe Crozier is the Vice-President for the Florida First Coast Chapter of the YMCA. Joe works out of the Winston branch Ponte Vedra. Affirming his interest in the Atlantic Beach YMCA program, Joe expressed concern for locating a new YMCA site in order to continue and expand current programs available at the present trailer site in Russell Park. Joe shared his special insight regarding the plans and outlook of his organization. Expansion of programs could have a positive impact on teens and children in the area. Addressing the goals and the impact of the YMCA, Joe explained that the YMCA exists to meet the needs of the community. Chris Lester shared her enthusiasm for current YMCA programs available to mothers with young children. The Mommy &Me program provides quality care and instruction for young infants up to age three. The drop off program is tailored to instruct and care for three to five year old children. The instructors are all very qualified and the focus is on literature as well as development of motor skills. Lack of space and functional concerns over the trailer site at Russell Park will determine the need for a newer permanent structure to house the YMCA in Atlantic Beach. The present location is a plus for Atlantic Beach residents that wish to take advantage of the programs currently offered. Programs will continue in the trailer through September. Joe Crozier explained that funds for building projects for YMCA sites are available through many sources. Steven Jenkins asked Joe Crozier about the expectations of the YMCA regarding support from the community. Joe Crozier explained that a paid staff is provided for each YMCA location, but volunteers are always welcome and quite necessary. Steven inquired as to how the Board could lend support for YMCA programs. DeJean explained that the Board provides input from the community to the City Commission. A field trip to the Ponte Vedra YMCA site should be considered, suggested DeJean. Ill k- ff Ray Coleman motioned for the Board to support continuance of current Programs Mommy&me as well as the pre-school at Russell Park or at an alternate site. Peter seconded and the motion carried. DeJean asked the Board for a motion to consider expansion of YMCA Programs in Atlantic Beach given the renewed interest by the YMCA. Ray motioned to support the expansion of youth and family programs inacollaboratedeffortwiththeYMCA, given the renewed interest in our community. Steven seconded and the motion carried. BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS DeJean distributed a list of items selected for the proposed budget. The list was approved on May 26, 1999 and submitted to Mayor Shaughnessy and the City Commission. DeJean explained that the only addition to the list provides the cost for the design of Fraser Park. Design plans will cost 3,000.00. A discussion over the cost and site of a proposed soccer l pa BBoara ard members to share their concerns. Steven Jenkins suggested that plans for a soccer field should not be site specific at this time,but the need and allocation of funds should be determined. Recreation Director Tim Johnson proposed a figure of$175,000.00 for Development of a practice field. Steven advised caution before committing to a dollar amount before the study for development is available. DeJean advised the Board that the current site under consideration may be inappropriate, but a study could determine the cost and justify a plan. Ray motioned for the Board to decide that a practice field is needed and then justify the cost for development of up to 175,000.00 for the site that is under consideration. The vote was tied with two members,Peter and Ray voting their support,and DeJean and Steven voting against the motion. DeJean suggested more research and diseilc.cion while Steven questioned the 175,000.00 figure due to lack of research. DeJean suggested that the Board motion to support a need for a practice field,then fix the dollar amount after the research is more complete. Ray Coleman motioned to approve budget recommendations for the$175,000.00 as a whole for the purpose of developing a practice field at an approved site. Peter seconded and the motion carried. PROPOSAL TO PROTECT PARK PROPERTY Steven motioned to delay discussion of this issue until the next meeting. DeJean agreed that more homework is necessary on this subject before action is taken. Tim Johnson advised the Board that the internet provides information on ordinances. UPDATE ON PRORAMS AND EVENTS Recreation Director Tim Johnson distributed a list of programs and events to all present at the meeting. Steven Jenkins noted the range of activities offered, considering the staff size of the Department. NEW BUSINESS Ray Coleman shared his concern that in the interest of appropriate communication, future business correspondence by the Teen Council should be reviewed before going out. REPORTS Bull Park received eight applications and six of the applicants pre-qualified. Bid Opening is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on July 7, 1999 in the Council Chamber. The Racquetball court is currently under renovation at Russell Park. Recreation Director Tim Johnson informed the Board that the City Commission would meet on Wednesday, June 30, 1999 at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chamber to address the design of Dutton Island. Ray motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Steven seconded and the motion carried.