01-28-98 vCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 4111 RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING JANUARY 28, 1998 A GEND A I.Call Meeting to Order II. Approval of Minutes from Last Regular Meeting III. Visitor A. Jim Halstead, Sunrise Community Church IV. Old Business A. Dutton Island Discussion B. Howell Park Update V. New Business A. Camp Out Update B. Discussion on Goals for 1998 VI. Adjournment CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING JANUARY 28, 1998 A regular meeting of the Board was held Wednesday, January 28, 1998 in the Adele Grage Community Center Meeting Room at 7:25PM. Present were: Scott Debuty Peter Coalson, Chairperson Barbara Hopson Patricia Goelz Ed Waters Visitor: Jim Halstead, Pastor Sunrise Community Church Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commission Liaison Timmy Johnson, Staff Liaison Patricia made a motion to approve the minutes of the special called meeting of November 19, 1997. Ed seconded and the motion carried. Jim Halstead, Pastor Sunrise Community Church spoke to the Board concerning the Church's goal to construct a Center. The Sunrise Community Center will consist of a full time staff, with programs such as sports, computers, arts& craft, etc. The City could use the gym, two to three nights a week at no cost. The Church is trying to raise $1.25 million for this project, so if the Board knows of any fundraising ideals please call the Church. There was little discussion about an article in Beaches Leader concerning the clean up of Dutton Island. The article spoke about the use of the Inland as a Park. The Howell Park Review Committee met for several weeks and came up with some alternatives. The committee gave the alternatives to the City Commission and requested the Commission that a third party review the alternatives and report back. Talk of using a retired person(Mr. Rice) from DEP. Mr. Rice thinks it will take ninety days to review the material. Pete recommends that the Board members who have not toured Howell Park do so. Below is a list of the Board's goals: Community Garden(see attached) Bike Linkage Programs An ordinance passed by the City Commission that Park land is used strictly for Parks. Keep an eye on Howell Park and become vocal about Park issues. Purchase property next to Donner Park to expand the ball field. Place plants on the fencing at Russell Park. f• Recreation Advisory Board Goals Purchase property next to Jordan Park. Start an art & craft show in Russell or Donner Park. Triathlon Series Parks Directory Board Ed made a recommendation to get the Navy(CB's) involved with the construction of Dutton Island. Patricia is organizing the Earth Day event, which will be held Sunday, April 26 from 1-4PM. She would like to expand the event to get more participation. Patricia recommends having a group of kids paint tiles and place them on the columns of the pavilion at Russell Park. Patricia will attend the next Beautification Committee meeting to get their thoughts. Peter will prioritize the goals mentioned and they will be opened for discussion at the next meeting. Barbara seconded Patricia's recommendation to install tiles on the pavilion at Russell Park and the recommendation passed. 10May96 the Honorable Atlantic Beach City Commissioners 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Dear Honorable Commissioners: A sub-committee of the Parks & Recreation Board has been working on providing the citizens of Atlantic Beach with a Community Garden Program. We have had good response from a note in the Tide Views" seeking participants. The Beautification Committee supports this project. We would like to have the city's support as well. Here is our proposal: Location: We are suggesting the gardens be located on Francis Street, close to Jordan Park. We are recommending the gardens be situated in the open space between the Donner Community Development Corporation building and the block houses south of their office. We feel this open sunny space lends itself to this low key activity which DCDC has expressed as a concern for the Jordan Area. Also, the garden will help to bring citizens into this developing part of the city. Size: We would like to develop a 70' x 100' area. We are suggesting an average plot within the community garden be 10' by 20'. This would allow us to involve about 22 families or groups. Fencing: We think this area needs fencing to deter dogs and bicycles. We would like to recommend a four foot picket fence surrounding the perimeter of the garden. This fence has Seen graciously donated by Duval Fencing. We plan to landscape around the fence and add a sign aver the entrance gate. Water: The section of land we have selected is located where two homes have been demolished. Luckily this has provided us with the availability of water. We would like the city to extend this service to our garden area and provide the participants with two water spigots, one at each end of the garden. Piping to each plot has been donated by W& 0 Supply. Each gardener will then provide the needed hoses etc. Soil Prep: The County Extension Office will provide us with assistance such as tilling the soil and helping us set up a plot system. They will also test the soil for nutrients and provide us with seminars for our participants. Time frame: We would like to start preparing the soil and gardens for use in the fall season. The County Extension Agency is ready to assist us in any way. We look forward to bringing community members together to nurture the soil. We would like to invite you and any other city staff members to join in our fun adventure. Sign up soon as space is limited! With Warmest Regards, Patricia Goelz 247-1702 Patricia's Programs Wish List: Free summer drop-in "daycare"- Each park to have a different age group. see Mill Valley supplement) Afterschool classes; i.e. pottery, music Winter break "camp"/Spring break "camp" Build a fort day- We supply the materials and kids build a fort. Senior's classes Organic gardening classes: Composting, Lawns, Natives Historical lectures (Patricia Pritchard Finley) Music in the Parks Night hikes- beach or ? Marsh or Beach Exploration Teen backpacking or canoe or camping trips Family days: Summer Solice tidepools Harvest Moon Picnics Cheese and Bread making