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05-28-97 v RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA MAY 28, 1997 1. Call to Order 2. Review/Approval of Minutes 3. Old Business A. Update on Bicycle Trail B. Update on the Tresca Property C. Update on Bull Park D. Update on Howell Park E. National Trails Day update and schedule 4. New Business A. Discussion on whether or not to hold a summer meeting 5. Adjournment CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MAY 28, 1997 A regular meeting of the Board was held Wednesday, May 28, 1997 in the Adele Grage Community Center Meeting Room. The meeting was called to order at 7:26PM. Present were: Mary McGee Dezmond Waters, Chairperson Mark Beckenbach Patricia Goelz Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commission Liaison Timmy Johnson, Staff Liaison The Board reviewed minutes of the last regular meeting and Mary made a motion to approve them as written. Patricia seconded and the motion carried. Mark gave a overview of the proposed bike trail route (see below). From Hanna Park (Oceanwalk) * South on Seminole Rd. * West on 20th * South on Selva Marina * East on Country Club * Around the front section of Johansen Park * East on Linkside * North on Francis Ave. * West on Church * West on Stewart * South on Main * West on 1st to Tresca Park Patricia mentioned making a complete loop would be ideal (see below). From Tresca * North on Main * East on West 1st St. * North on Orchid * East on Plaza * Trough Howell Park * East on 6th St. * North on Beach Ave. Back to Hanna Park (Oceanwalk) The Recreation Director informed the Board, that staff is moving forward with the plans for the Tresca Property. JTA has not released any information. The proposed Bull Park plan was reviewed and it was the consensus of the Board to move the Memorial Plaza, south to add room for the play area. Patricia lead discussion on National Trails Day Event, making sure everyone was on top of their responsibilities. Mark suggested riding the fourteen mile proposed bike route instead of having a meeting in June. The Board agreed.