03-20-96 v , AGENDA MEETING OF MARCH 20, 1996 ADELE GRACE COMMUNITY CENTER, 6:00 PM 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes from last meeting 3. Old Business A. Discussion and recommendation relevant to Russell Park Improvements 4. New Business A. Recommendation on types of benches, trash receptacles, and picnic tables to be used throughout the City 5. Reports 6. Adjournment J -; City of Atlantic Beach Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting March 20, 1996 The regular meeting was held Wednesday, March 20, 1996, at Adele Grage Community Center. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dezmond Waters at 6:45 PM. Present were: Dezmond Waters, Chairman Patricia Goelz Scott Debuty Ed Waters Timmy Johnson, Staff The minutes of the lasting meeting were reviewed and a motion made by Scott Debuty to approve them, as written. Ed Waters seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The first order of business were the recommendations relevant to Russell Park improvements. The Recreation Director presented and discussed a chart showing the improvements recommended for Russell Park. The recommendations included: Safety: Upgrade Kiddie Playground A. Jungle Gym (ages 2-7) B. Swing C. Rocking Horses New Playground Equipment (ages 7 and up) A. Jungle Gym B. Swing (8'- 2 seater) Bleachers Dugouts Water Fountains Enhancements: Benches (8) Two-rail fence Picnic Tables (6) Individual Picnic Shelters (3) Lights for Baseball field Dezmond questioned the durablity of the playground equipment. The Recreation Director stated that most equipment is very durable, it depends on what yob get, wood, plastic, steel, etc. Patricia Goelz expressed her concern about the lights for the baseball field. She thinks ABAA should be encouraged to seek other funding, "Beat the Bushes". It was stated that Little League does not have any money, that they were working out of the red. Scott Debuty made a motion to approve the recommended improvements discussed by the Recreation Director. Patricia made an addendum to the motion that ABAA be encouraged to seek other funding. Dezmond seconded the the motion passed unanimously. • The last order of business was the color and type of benches, trash receptacles and picnic tables to be used throughout the City. The Recreation Director presented the Board with pictures and samples of benches, trash receptacles and picnic tables. Patricia recommended using recyclable material in wet areas as well as areas of high use. It was said that everything needs to be uniform. Patricia disagreed with that philosophy, because she would not support all of the Parks looking alike. Therefore, Patricia made a motion to use recyclable material in wet areas as well as areas of high use. Scott seconded and the motion carried. The Board lost quorum therefore the"meeting adjourned.