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11-15-95 v t AGENDA MEETING OF NOVEMBER 15, 1995 ADELE GRAGE COMMUNITY CENTER, 7:00pm 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes of last meeting 3. Old Business A. Review contracts of recreational facility users 4. New Business A. Park Improvements recommendation 5. Adjournment • City of Atlantic Beach Park and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting November 15, 1995 The regular meeting was held Wednesday; November 15, 1995, at Adele Grage Community Center. Present: Timmy Johnson, Park and Recreation Director; board members Patricia Goetz, Barbara I-lopson, Jane Tanner, Edward Waters. The meeting was called to order at 7:20 p.m. The minutes of the Oct. 18 meeting were approved as written. Jane 'fanner was secretary for this meeting. The lirst agenda item was discussion of outside contracts. Timmy said he thought the contracts in general were okay, but that under the new contract ABET should provide its own telephone and be required to keep the building clean. Patricia discussed the issue of ABET creeping into additional recreation center space. Further discussion took place about the YMCA trailer at Russell Park and the possibility of moving it to Jordan Park, both to release open space at Russell and to attract more interest in Jordan Park. Barbara pointed out that this seems possible since the city owns the trailer. Overall, the board members said they'd like the issue reviewed. Jane made a motion: The parks and recreation advisory board approves the YMCA contract, stating it can be in our parks, but request a review of its placement. Ed seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously. Patricia pointed out that the Athletic Association may have breached its contract by doing electrical work on a new concession stand. Timmy mentioned that the AA has complained about messy bathrooms, but their contract states that they are responsible for cleaning then. Barbara clarified that the AA doesn't mind cleaning them alter games, but doesn't like to find them messy before games. Timmy mentioned that he has had to clean them himself. The AA said it is paying someone $690 to clean the restrooms. Timmy suggested the AA might consider contracting with the city for that service. Barbara suggested that contract holders be held more closely to the terms and obligations of the contracts. Timmy can remind them of obligations. 'There was discussion about whether groups outside of Habitat were able to use their offices for meetings. Timmy said some groups can, depending on the size. If there are children, it is best not to use the offices because of computer equipment. Ed made a motion that we approve all the contracts with the reservations and stipulations for ABET. Barbara seconded it. It was approved. The second agenda item was the $220.000 allocated to the parks in the budget. Jane presented a list for Donner Park. Timmy enumerated his budget recommendations for each park. (Timmy's budget proposal is attached to the minutes) Barbara made a motion that the park's advisory board approve the park director's recommendations. Patricia seconded it. It was unanimously approved. 1 There was addition discussion about whether there would be enough parking at Dornier. Timmy said no, but the alternative would be to impinge on green space or tear out the sidewalk. '!'here was discussion about the handicapped beach access. There was general agreement that an appropriate place would be near the Sea Turtle/Town Center, near the life guard station. Storage for the beach wheelchairs could be added on to the new life guard station. Patricia mentioned having a coded lock for access. Ed suggested asking Barry Adeb, owner of the Sea Turtle, to provide several spaces for handicapped parking for handicapped residents. Patricia noted that linkage of the parks still needs to be addressed. The group discussed developing a theme, uniform colors for park equipment. We discussed holding a competition to design a new logo for signs to identity the parks. The meeting was adjourned. • Atlantic Beach Recreation and Parks Advisory Board Recommended Budget Items for Park improvements November 15,1995 BULL PARK $ 24,000 New Playground Equipment Gazebo Beautification Picnic tables Trash receptacle Bike rack DUNNER PARK $ 32,000 Water Fountains Two-rail fence Beautification Sprinkler system Benches Grills Volleyball court Concreate floor for shelter Dug outs New Playground Equipment Trash receptacles Exercise trail Bike rack HOWELL PARK $ 110,000 Benches Gazebo Trash receptacles • Picnic tables Plant identification Renovate bridges (as needed) Material for trails Trail border Create parking Sign Raise pathways JORDAN PARK $ 6,800 Lights thoughout park Volleyball court Concreattfloor for shelter Slide for playground Grass seeds . OCEAN $ 12,000 Handicap ramp RUSSELL PARK $ 20,000 Picnic tables Finish two-rail fence Light playground area Light racquetball court Benches • Beautification New playground equipment Water fountains UN-NAMED PARK (Bounded by Sixteenth, Ocean & Seminole) $ 4,500 Clear area (underbrush) MISCELLANEOUS $ 10,700 installation Labor etc. TOTAL: $ 220,000