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05-17-95 v iV AGENDA Meeting of May 17, 1995 Adele Grage Community Center, 7:00pm 1. Call to Order 2. Review/approval of minutes of last meeting 3. New Business A. New Park off 16th Street/ _. B. 1994-95 BudgetT)` 4. Old Business A. Park Charette>4( 5. Reports gla6. Adjournment • Ph' RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD • Minutes from the regular Board meeting: May 17, 1995 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Corey at 7:05pm in the Community Center meeting room. Present were: Cindy Corey, Chairperson Barbara Hopson Patricia Goelz Patricia Bell Jane Tanner Scott Deputy Ed waters The minutes of the last regular meeting were reviewed and a motion made by Barbara Hopson to approve them, as written. Jane Tanner seconded and the motion carried. NEW PARK OFF 16th STREET Barbara Hopson made a motion that the Board recommend to the Commission the potential development of 16th Street Park be considered according to the University of Florida decision making process as agreed upon at the May 6th, Park Charette. Further, the Board request that they have the opportunity to formerly participate in the decision making process early on. Patricia Bell seconded and the motion carried. PARK CHARETTE 1010 Re-cap • There being no further business the meeting adjourned.