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11-16-94 v • RECREATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD Minutes of Meeting of November 16, 1994 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cindy Corey at 7:30 PM in the Community Center meeting room. Present were: Cindy Corey, Chairman Edward Waters Patricia Gaelz Gary Santora Jane Tanner Barbara Hopson Guests: City Commissioner Dezmond Waters Staff: Diane St. Laurent, Administrative Assistant The first item of business was a discussion on the language contained in the City contracts with ABET, Beaches Habitat, and A. B. Little League. On the subject of liability insur- ance, there was concern expressed that some of the groups have coverage but that ABET does not. Commissioner Waters explained that the City is responsible for that liability but noted that the $100. 00 per month fee charged to ABET is used for insurance cost. Barbara Hopson expressed that she did not feel that the Com- munity Center was being utilized to the fullest extent and on that topic, Cindy Corey stated that she felt the contracts should include a clause for non-exclusive usage. During further discussion, recommendations were made for ad- ditional usage of the Center and Cindy presented a floor plan of a recommended remodeling of the interior space. Also sug- gested was opening the Center at night, manned by a volunteer and furnished with a couch and TV so visitors could use the facility for relaxation purposes or after school tutoring. A suggestion was also made to add a Community Center area to Jordan Park at some point in the future. Jane Tanner expressed that she felt that the Board should be brought into City discussion more, as, in some cases, they were out of the information cycle. The Board also felt that they should have some input into the selection of the Recrea- tion Director. Cindy suggested that Board members attend City Commission meetings on a regular basis to become better informed on City actions and plans. It was also mentioned that Board members could attend meetings of other Boards or Committees. Commissioner Waters advised that he could keep the Board advised of the Arts & Entertainment Board meetings and those of the newly created Teen Council. I Patricia Goelz moved to add the non-exclusive use clause to the City contracts. Barbara Hopson seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Barbara Hopson also made a motion to approve, as written, the minutes of the last meeting. Jane Tanner seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Cindy reported on the Christmas tree lighting ceremony, ad- vising that most plans had been finalized. Board members were asked to attend the tree lighting activities to help out, if needed. Ideas were discussed for promotion of the event. In other business, Jane Tanner suggested that the fol lowing should be addressed: training for new Board members; infor- mation to new members of park locations and of all City owned property. Patricia Goelz read a letter to the members from Mr. Smith with the University of Florida on the subject of park utilization and needs assessment. Edward Waters brought up the topic of lights for Jordan Park in an effort to reduce vandalism and drugs at that area. Commissioner Waters felt that if the City would put up the light poles, JEA would install the lights- It ight=.It was agreed to move the next meeting date from December 21 to Wednesday, December 14. There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned by Cindy Corey at 9:35 p. m. R pectfully submitted, R [ • ,i • Carl Walker Staff Coordinator - oordinator-- - 2 -