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06-15-94 v MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ADVISORY RECREATION BOARD-JUNE 15, 1994 The regular meeting of the Advisory Recreation Board met on WEDNESDAY, June 15, 1994 after the decision was made to move the regular meeting from Thursdays to Wednesdays for the members' convenience. The meeting was called to order by Patricia Goelz, in the excused absence of Chairman Don Fagan, at 7:49 pm. Present, Patricia Goelz, Henry Batts, Gary Santora, Beth Robertson, Cynthia Corey, Mayor Lyman Fletcher. Guests were: Dorothy Kerber, Carson Merry Baillie, Mike Dunlap, Bill Gulliford and Pete Dowling and Parks & Recreation Director Rose Blanchard. Patricia Goelz moved and Beth Robertson seconded the acceptance of the minutes of the May 25, 1994 meeting. Mrs. Blanchard introduced the ABET contingency for the purpose of apprising the Board members of the presentation they made at the City Commission meeting of June 13, 1994.regarding their request to enlarge the lobby of the Adele Grage Community Center. Mr. Dowling prepared to explain the five main areas of the proposed renovation. Everyone walked through the building so they could better "see" what the big picture was, with the renovation. The following are some points that were questioned and answered. Q Would this renovation then dedicate this portion of the building EXCLUSIVELY to ABET? A NO! by no means. the area could be used for any public need, Weddings, Meetings, performances by other groups, etc. Q How does ABET propose to pay for this? A ABET has funds and Mr. Dowling and Mr. Dunlap are contributing their expertise as are several other supporters. of ABET. The City of Atlantic Beach will not be expected to pay for the renovation. Q This Board feels that it is very important to address the question of, if ABET completes this renovation, what happens to the concept of the Community Center as it was originally intended? A The City Commission is the deciding body that will have to address this problem. Q Tiered seating, restrooms,special purpose rooms (prop room, dressing room and green room) - would they be more expensive than ABET could afford? A No, we have researched costs and can handle it. Q How do you plan tiered seating? A The idea of 3 rows, permanent or removable should be studied. There were diverse opinions of how many rows, permanent or not and the ABET group assured the Board that they are open to suggestions and intend, fully to find the best solution and stay within budget. Bill Gulliford suggested trying one tier, use the chairs we presently use, as an experiment. Q What about storage once ABET moves out of present "prop" room? A The vault would serve well in that capacity, along with the other rooms prop room, dressing room and green room. Q Where would the second exit be for this area? A A door will be constructed at the present site of the window in Mrs. Blanchard' office. At this point of the meeting, everyone walked through the building to ascertain where offices are, where some would be moved, etc. This was done to allow everyone to better understand some of the propsed uses. When the group returned, Mr. Santora left,however, we 4ti11 had a quorum to allow the meeting to continue. The members present felt they wanted to continue with their views of the presentation and only the Board members and Dorothy Kerber and Rose Blanchard remained. We will await the announcement of a special called meeting, if necessary, to vote with a full Board, what the recommendation will be at the City Commission Meeting of June 27th. The Board members polled each other and the final decision was to recommend that ABET put in the risers at this time, and after the Board and City Commission decide what the role of the Community Center will be in the future, then the ABET renovation could be taken up again. There being no further business before this Board at this time, the meeting was n officially adjourned at 9:49 pm _) e _ _-r-i,ply,. 2.4.4_14-7.,Jib it, L 40. , MI d , `�QJ